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Chelsea POV:

The Sunlight manged to reach me through the window, making me open my eyes rubbing them "uhh I H-hate you Sun..." I mumbled I looked at the alarm clock and it's 7:15 I guess it's time to wake up I thought And got up heading to the bathroom.

Finishing my morning routine and changing my clothes I walked to my room window and opened it so the room would get fresh air
"Hmm I forgot to buy curtains ..." I said looking out the window, I can see the HOLE neighborhood from here!! Awesome!
I heard a horn coming from the other side of the street, I think it's a school bus horn?
And it was I saw few kids walking to the big yellow car and from their looks I think it's an elementary school bus, my attention went to the blue beautiful sky and I got lost in it .....

I snapped out of my thoughts, remembering that I have THINGS to do, I ran downstairs to the kitchen and opened the fridge to make breakfast only to remember that the curtains isn't the only thing I forgot to buy......
Then an idea popped into my head! I went to the living room and grabbed my bag and went outside.

I opened my phone maps searching for the closest restaurant, and I found one~
Ok then I opened my schedule for today
"Okay let's see...first eat breakfast, second go shopping, third finish last week work, forth call my boss" I mumbled reading it, i noticed that I arrived to the restaurant I searched for, I entered and walked to the cashier, I ordered some food then walked and sat down on the table besides the window and waited for my order.
minutes later my order was finally finished, and the waiter brought it to me.
I finished eating then payed and walked out,
I searched for a grocery store near by and for my luck I found one ~
It took me 22 minutes to arrive to the grocery store and I feel my legs could break any minute! Opening the store door and Because I'm A clumsy girl I didn't notice the man that was on the other side of it and I just hit him almost falling down but for my surprise he grabbed me before i fall
"ahh Sorry!!" I said getting hold of my self and backing away from his personal space then I noticed his look ....he's wearing a white doctor Coat and a white mask, and have a black hair the he spoke "It's alright" and with that he walked away, huh..he's weird I thought.
Getting a Cart I grabbed the things I need, I headed to cashier to pay for them, there's a woman behind it and she gave me a smile, I smiled back and "hello" I said handing here groceries after she finished she packed them in bags for my and I took them ready to leave until she asked "are you new here? I didn't saw you around town before?" I nodded
"Yeah I moved here yesterday" I answered
Before walking away I noticed through the window behind the woman that far away there were some kind of a road that for some reason I didn't notice while entering the store....
"Ahh excuse me, but where does that road leads to ?" I asked the woman who turned around to see where was I pointing the turned back to me with a ......terrified look on Her face? "Are you alright?" I asked her then she spoke "Actually No, you don't know? "
"Know what?" I asked, the woman looked worried, she let out a sigh then spoked again "That road leads to an abandoned playground and people say that behind that playground there's an forset, the forset is hunted and who took  that road didn't came back, take my advice and stay away from that road"
Wait what? abandoned playground? Hunted forset? "Are you serious? " I asked confused
"Yes I am, and since you're new here I think that at least I should warn you about it..."
"Ok I'm getting really confused what are talking about?!" I asked
"I'm Talking about The things that happen here, in this town! People disappear, people got killed,people go-" I cut her off
"Woh okay wait a MINUTE what are you taking about?! People missing? Got killed? Really?!! This isn't some horror movie? Sorry but I have to go" I turned around to walk out and I heard her say "just keep your windows closed and be careful!" She warned me but I just ignored her and kept walking tell I got out of the store.
Walking back I just looked around the town and it's a REALLY quite town... Although there's more people in the streets today, it's true that I'm the kind of a person that really don't care about this stuff, but I'm still thinking about what the woman said.....
My thoughts were cut off when I heard a scream coming from behind a building that was in front of me
"Okay what the hell is going on?!" Ok so here's the thing ~
My heart and my mind are kinda of into a fight right now and I have to be the judge.....
The heart is saying that I should go and see what's wrong, but my mind says that I should mind my OWN business and keep walking.
But because I'm a CURIOUS girl I decided to be on my Heart team, so I start walking slowly to the direction of the voice, I turned and hide myself in the back of the wall taking a look
I immediately wished I didn't....
There's a girl pushed into a wall By A Man who I can't see well because he's kinda of covering his Face and the woman are covered with A Lot of red Liquid that I somehow assume that it's BLOOD!??! And THERE'S A BIG HUGE KNIFE HE'S HOLDING AT HER THROAT!!?
I bite my lip thinking of what I Should do in this situation, I mean I don't really know that girl or that man?!! But the only thing I know is that this GIRL needs HELP and there's no one else in here beside ME , for a moment I forgot about everything because of the pain I'm having carring those bags, Suddenly an idea popped into my head and I remembered the Glass bottle of PEPSI I bought earlier! Putting the bags down I grabbed the Pepsi Bottle and SMASHED IT into the wall making the liquid fall on the ground, now I have a weapon I can use!
But I need a fighting strategy?
Oh yeah wait I DONT NEED THAT!!
"HAAAAAAAAAA" that's rights I just started running towards them with an sharp broken PEPSI! Bottle Yeah I'm awesome.....
"What the fu-" the man who I couldn't see his face was surprised, and i looked at the girl's to see her eyes filled with hope and begging like she was saying please help me?.....
"STAY AWAY FROM HER!!" I said rising the bottle to hit him with it but to my surprised he dodged it?!! Ok that's isn't good....
"I SEE YOU WANT TO DIE HUH?" The man say with a creepy voice, and I thought the situation won't get any worse! Actually it did remember The BIG HUGE KNIFE? Well know it's heading my direction because the mysterious man is trying to STAB ME WITH IT!! Ok plan number two! i Looked around for something else to use and the only thing I can find is the Big garbage baskets, then I thought hey why not? I grabbed it and throw it at the man ignoring his THREATS "no I can't die today! I have things to do! Maybe next time!" I said then grabbing the girl's hand i start running like there's NO TOMORROW!
"Oh my gosh! What are you doing?!! I can barely run!! And he's gonna get US!" The girl yelled and I just ignored her because I was thinking of something more important....
"You FUCKING- IM GOING TO KILL!!" I heard the man yelling behind us but I really didn't care, I stopped at where I left my grocery bags and picked them up
"HEY?!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! we are being chased by a psycho KILLER and you are worried about your BAGS?!"
"Well he seems like a maniac? And yeah I don't want to go shopping twice?!" She looked stunned by my answer but oh well~
I started running to the Main Street with the girl following behind me, as soon as our foots steps on the Main Street we saw a police car!!
And I thought yay!! That's may be my Lucky day!! "Omg! It's a police car! We are saved!" The girl said running towards them
"Hey wait!" I said running behind her
Then officers seemed shocked a little bet because hey? Who wouldn't if a girl with blood all over her running towards you with a woman with groceries looking like an elephant are chasing them?
"Miss! What's Wrong?!! Why are you covered in BLOOD?" One of the officers asked
"Omg! I was walking home from school then some INSANE guy! Pulled me into an ally and said Then THEN THEN he TRIED to CUT my throat! I tried to run away but it was USELESS!
I was going to lose hope! Until this WOMAN came AND SHE SAVED ME" the girl said to the officers and she pointed to me
"Is that true Miss?" One of the officers asked me "
"Agh yeah, but I really didn't do anything?"
"Yes You did! You saved my life!! From that KILLER!" The girl said then she approached me and gave me a hug, I smiled a bit feeling happy, she then pulled away and said
"I don't really know how to thank you..."
"Oh please no like I said I didn't do anything" I said smiling then one of the officers talked
"Okay miss we need to take you to the station and call your parents, then to the hospital to check on you"
"Yeah sure, they must be worried..."
He then turned to me and said
"And you miss can we have your phone number to contact? We may need you in the case" oh great now I'm involved with the police...."ok .." I said writing down my number on his note, The police officers took the girl and left and I start walking back home, like nothing has happened.

End of the chapter

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