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Chelsea's POV:
I rushed to the door but before opening i asked "who is it?!"
"it's me" a voice said and i knew who it was but just to make sure i asked again "Me who?!" the the voice said "Its Emily, open up chelsea"
and the immediately opened the door, when i did i saw Emily's surprised face and of course she was surprised because of my face expressions "hey what's wrong?!" she asked entering the house and i pointed at Saju
and she immediately saw the scar on his side and she start to panic "OMG!? why is he injured did something happen?! where's max?!" i looked at her then i became serious
"everything was normal, i just putted max in his bed and when i came back i saw Saju growling at not i thought it was normal but then he got injured and i don't what or who did it.." i said then she looked at the lamp i was holding tightly "Why are you holding a lamp!?" she asked "protection...i guess.." then something popped into my mind "OMG MAX IS ALONE!!" i shouted then i rushed upstairs
"Emily stay with saju!!" but she didn't listen to me and she followed me upstairs but then she went into a room in the end of the hallway, i didn't stop i just rushed to max's room and when i got there i saw something.....unpleasant
i stood by the doorway and stared at the little boy who was setting in one of the room corners and he was talking to....himself?!
"but why?" he said and kept talking
"No i actually like her she's nice to me..."
"yeah bu-"
"okay..." then he seemed to notice me and i was just speechless because i don't know what to say...."Max...who are you talking to?" i asked
"My F-friend..." he said ok i don't know how emily bare with this but i had it with this FRIEND!! "MAX-" i was cutted off by Emily rushing in holding something in her hand and when i looked better i saw that it was a GUN!??
"WHERE IS HE?!" she shouted
"EMILY WHY ARE YOU HOLDING A GUN?!" i shouted back then she replied "Better than a lamp.." the all of sudden max got up and rushed to his mother and hugged her
"mom you're back!"
"yes honey, Max did you see anyone in the house?!" she said and max shocked his head with a No 'What in earth is going on her?!' i thought then i went downstairs to Saju to check on his scars, The poor thing i don't think it's deep but it may leave a mark!? I need to sterilize the wound, moments later Emily came downstairs and check out Saju's Wound too
"where's max?" i asked "i told him to go back to sleep" she answered "who do you think did that?!" she asked seriously "What" i said putting the lamp down "huh?" he asked confused and i let out a sight
"Not who but what? because there wasn't anyone in the house beside me, Saju and max and i made sure of that and if there was anyone to break in i would've known..." i told her
"wait?! how would you know that? maybe it was a thief and when he saw the dog he ran away?..." and i thought there's no way this is what happened?! "No i don't think that..Miss Emily Saju is a Military Dog, He in any chance can't get injured with a scar like that by just a random thief" i said but then i remembered "That maniac!" i whispered and now i'm angry
"wha-? omg don't tell it have to do with him?!"
emily asked seriously worried, i looked at her
"Maybe it was that maniac that attacked me, the one i told you about?!" i said and by the look at her face i can see that she got scared
"Damn it!! it can't be him?! if it is!! then we're
screwed!!" "why?! he's not that dangerous or scary i kicked his ass twice and i'm a girl?!"
"No you don't understand!!? he's one of them?! i didn't tell you this when you told me what happened with you but now knowing that my son is in danger i'll have to tell!" i looked at her confused and serious, she went over to the couch and sat down and i did too, she took a deep breath and let it all out then looked at me
"i don't really know how to tell you that but... chelsea this town is known for people disappearing, murdered and strange things happens all the time and of course you nothing of what happened in here because you moved in, the thing is the people here and the governments say that this town is the home of the MOST wanted deadly criminals...." she said
looking at the gun she was holding "what do you mean by deadly CRIMINALS?" i asked
"i mean DANGEROUS KILLERS, this town is full of dangerous killers!! i mean wow you must be lucky to move into a town like this..."
"Yeah and if it is?! then why won't anyone do something about it?!!" i asked and she let out a small laugh "Who you mean the police? the FBI?! the government?! the President?! don't you think the tried?! hell they have even tried to Burn the WHOLE town?!" she said
"How come?" i asked confused
"You see chelsea the problem is....they can't find them..." "what do you mean?"
"i mean those killers don't have identities, no one can recognize them?! and they can't be found!? it's like they just came out killer then disappear!!?" "what? this is unbelievable?"
"yeah i know..." she said
"NO? i mean this is bullshit?! are you serious?!" i asked her angrily
"Chelsea i'm telling you!! it's true?! there's something paranormal happening here?!"
"oh great now paranormal stuff too?! what should we call the ghostbusters?! or sam and dean winchester?!" i asked
"Chelsea i'm serious?!" she said
"yeah ok whatever" i said
"No chelsea if you still don't believe then go ask the people who was living in YOUR house before you moved in!!? oh wait you can't because they're DEAD" she kinda of shout at me "What do you mean they're dead?!"
"i mean dead DEAD they've been killed" she said " WHAT?! no way the man who sold me the house said they moved to florida?!!" i said
"no they didn't chelsea they were my neighbors...and they were find dead, the police tried to make it look like a robber did it but it was something else because some of their body parts were missing.....even little andrew..." and with that her eyes started to tear up..i couldn't help but to ask "andrew?..." i said
"H-he W-as their baby son he was only a few months.....they were just married ..." she said
and i felt my heart burn in the inside as i looked down sad "chelsea..." she said and i looked up at her to see a worried look on her face "what am i going to do?! i can't just leave town?! but i want to protect max i don't care if anything happened to me but i want to protect my son..." she said holding tightly to the gun
"Emily where did you get this gun?"
"it was my husband...he was a soldier..."
"oh...Emily" i said and i putted my hand on her shoulder and said "don't worry everything will be alright! max will be save and you too!.."
she looked at me and smiled for a moment but her smile faded as she got more serious
"Chelsea..i know that we just met and we don't really know each oth but i feel like trusting you...i trust you with my and my son's life...please if anything EVER Happened to me..don't let max alone..please" she said
and i replied immediately "I promise" because it's true i just met them but i know i can trust them as well and i already considered her as my friend and as my father said NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND, i stood up and emily did too
"Ok emily ~ if we're doing this we are doing in my way!" i said smiling then she gave me a confused look "Do what?!" she asked
"Survive!" i said getting all fired up!
"whoh ok.." she said still confused, you can say the two of us had make some PLANS and we talked and planned for at least a hour and now it was 11:7pm and it was time for me to go home, i repeated to emily what we had discussed and she understood everything so i think she and max will be ok for the a while ~
after i left the tomson's house i head to mine with saju following me 'i already sterilize his wound with emily's help and we both ate a while ago so i guess i'll go straight to bed..' i thought as walked to my front door a thought popped at my mind it wasn't really a big deal but i remembered that i almost saw son in the back yard but i just think it's my imagination because i was sleepy....BUT IM GOING TO CHECK IT ANYWAY! and i did, i walked to the back yard and told saju to wait in the front door but before i go i opened the front door a little bit, i was standing in the back door
shocked...because there's someone in my house....

End Of The Chapter

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