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Chelsea's POV:
I'm standing in front of the back door Shocked!
Because I was Wrong?! there's someone in my house, so what i thought i saw in the camera was true? 'Damn it?! did he came back?! i'm NOT in the mood for this!' i thought as i looked at the Footprints printed on the ground, you see before i left the house to Babysit max i Putted Powder All around the corners of the house On Windows and Doors, So i can know if someone did Enter the house, How would i know that would work? well of course it would! because this is a part of my job! I grabbed my phone and texted Detective James, Then i opened the Cameras app and watched as i Walked to the Side of house where the basement windows Was, i checked the windows and it seems no one tried entering through them, I went over the window that i consider a Way out from the house through the basement in case i needed it and i looked around the window frame For the crack i made to open the window from Outside, I found it and Entered the basement  Slowly trying to be Quiet as much as i can and watching Every movement i make, After i was in the basement i walked to the door and checked if it was opened but it wasn't, I looked around for anything i can use as a weapon against the intruder and my eyes landed on something 'Oh boy i don't know who you're but you choose the wrong girl to mess with!' i thought as i walked to table and picked up The Chainsaw that was on it, then i headed toward the door and Slowly SLOWLY opened it looking if there was anyone there and there wasn't So i walked in and closed the door behind me, now i was standing in the hallway In my left a way that led to the kitchen and the living room, in my right a way led the upstairs ' i guess i'll check upstairs first' i thought and headed to the upstairs, My Eyes are on the phone screen looking for the intruder, I checked All the rooms and i found nothing But my room, I was now in front of my room and i was checking the Room from the camera and i couldn't find anything but i decided to check for myself, I entered The room and looked around to see if there's msomething or something but there wasn't, i was standing In front of my bed, The closet was behind " there's no one in here..." i whispered and boy i was AGAIN wrong! i was about to turn to check downstairs But the moment i did My Closet Door Opened and Something OR someone jumped out of it landing on me!
"Aaaahhh?!!!" i screamed as i fall on the ground and i dropped the chainsaw and my phone, The room was dark because the lights was off and at first i couldn't see who or what is the thing that jumped on me but when i looked i saw that it's a man! he was wearing a dark hoodie and a Blue mask? and it's REALLY weird! "HEY GET OFF ME!??" i yelled
he didn't respond but he instead reached fir he pocket and he took a small shining thing out?
"WHAT IS THAT?!" i yelled again but this time i was not waiting for a response I tried pushing him off but no use he was heavy So i looked around as fast as i could for anything and i saw it! I saw my Big heels that was under my bed and i tried reaching for it with my left hand but the man grabbed it the i punched him with my right arm and it worked! he let go of my left hand and i managed to grab the heel and i smashed him with it on his mask, That all happened So fast so i had an the opportunity to push him off and i did, Now i was standing up and he was going to stand too but before he did i grabbed the chainsaw as fast as i could "WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!" i said turning on the Chainsaw and putting it his way then He kinda of panicked and that when spoke "Wow..Hold on" he said backing off but i just kept coming at him waving the chainsaw around "I WONT REPEAT MYSELF!! WHO ARE YOU?!!" i yelled at him then he jumped back falling on my bed dropping what he was holding and it looked like a small knife "get that away from me!" he said in a angry voice
"ARE GOING TO ANSWER MY QUESTIONS OR SHOULD CUT YOU TO TWO PIECES?!" i said and Nah i'm not going to cut him into two ~ at least not when he's laying on my bed!
"i'm not here to kill you i'll just take your kidneys.." he said 'huh? i don't think i heard him right? what did he say again?' i thought
"Excuse M-me...?" i asked
"I'm not going to kill you i'll just take your kidneys" he said again
"You're kidding Right?" i said
"No" he said 'W-whaaaaaaaat......wow it's either i'm high and imagining things or this is just a weird dream..' i thought and he said
"you know its impressive that you managed to defeat him twice Really impressive~"
"huh? excuse me? who are you taking about?"
"Jeff ~" he said
"and who's that?" i asked
"oh you already forgot about him? haha if he knew that he'll be the one cutting you in two.." he said and i was about to speak again when i heard A loud noise out side it was the police!!
"Oh finally!" i said and i relaxed a little bet letting my guard down which was big BIG mistake!! the intruder immediately took advantage of that and he jumped back and pushed me away running towards the window 'oh hell NO!! you're not escaping!!' i thought as i stood back up and chased him to the window he was about to open the window to Jump when i jumped on his back trying to hold him back "YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!! EXPECT FOR JAIL!" i yelled he was trying to push me off 'ha! nice try but i'm not letting go!' i thought when he stopped and said
"OK THEN! you asked for this" then herushed to the bed and jumped on his back Actually not his back but ON ME! "HEY OUCH!" i yelled letting go and he immediately turned around and sat on me and he took out another thing from his pocket and this time it was A BIG KNIFE and then i heard barking and a lot of footsteps downstairs and i know that it's the police and Saju "AAAHHHHH HELP THE INTRUDER IS HERE!!" i yelled for them
"FUCK!" the man yelled he was get off when i all of sudden grabbed his Mask pulling it off and God i wish i didn't......
"W-what THE?!" i said shocked to what i saw he didn't have EYES?!! it was all JUST BLACK!
"What are you?..." i whispered then he smiled and bowed to my face and whispered

"I'm Eyeless Jack The Cannibal~" and with that he grabbed his mask and the door of my room opened with two cops on the door "STAY STILL!! DONT MOVE!" they shouted but it was late because he was already gone..he jumped off the window while i was still laying on my bed shocked.....

End Of The Chapter

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