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Chelsea POV:

I already arrived home from the police station
But I wasn't going to stay long, I just went back to check on Saju and to get some stuff, after that i was going out to get Some important things I'm going to need later, I went over to my office so I can use the laptop to do some researchs, the moment I opened my office the cold air immediately hit my face then for my surprise I saw that the window was open? What the heck is wrong with the windows?!
"What? Why is this window opened?" I said walking to it and looking at it and all around it
Then I looked through it, I saw nothing suspicious but before I was going to close it I noticed something on the frame there was a few red dirty spots covering it ' is this blood? Omg it can be from last night?!' Then it hit me
I remember the what the detective James said
Maybe it is the 'maniac' but what the hell does he want from me?! All what I did is saving a girl from him! I looked down through the window to see that it's too high for someone to climb in? So how did he or anyone else get in?
Then remembering opened window from last night, my head start working and I thought
'He couldn't get in by this window? Then maybe he did could with the other one?! But if he did why didn't he took off by the same window he came through? Why bother getting into another room and opening another window?' I kept putting theories and I eventually came up with the perfect theory!
I left the office room heading to the painting room to try my theory, I entered the room and opened the window looking down through it
"So it's true! The height might be the same as the other window But! This part of the house are covered with a espalier tree! So that what made it easy to climb up!" I said then I closed the window and went to my bedroom, when I entered I started looking for what was not in his place, yes I start looking for evidences that might prove that there was someone in my bedroom last night because that lake of blood did not just appear in my room!

After searching for a while, I admit I couldn't find anything "wow he might be a maniac but he's good.." I said but then a single question popped into my head ....who's blood was that?
The lake of blood who did it belong to? All this blood where did it came from? I know that the person who broke in last night was responsible for it but it could belong to a child, a woman, a man or even....Olivia.

I sighed and walked out of the room, headed to the office room but when I was walking in the hallway something or someone tackled me to the ground and I knew who it was "HEY! BOY!
You're okay! I knew you'd be! You're a strong dog!" It was Saju, he was okay and I was really happy, wow that doctor did a good job!
"Come on boy" I stood up and start walking to the office still thinking about why would the intruder left from the office room? I mean the painting room is closer to the bedroom and in the end of the hallway there's the office and the small closet and I don't think he went downstairs, but the important thing is I need to solve the missing puzzle.....
When I entered the office again, my thoughts where cut by Saju parking and running all around the room like a crazy dog?!
"Saju what is it?! What's wrong?!" I yelled
He then stopped at the window then  start growling and parking, then i found it! The missing puzzle! It was Saju! Of course ~
'Saju must have fought the intruder last night! Or else he wouldn't got injured and he must've chased him around the house, so the intruder left from the office room because he didn't have a choice, and me founding Saju in the closet this morning, this only mean that the intruder must've locked him there to buy some Time and that because Saju must've injured him too ~' I thought and here it is! This must be what happened last night! But the problem is.....did I slept when all of this happened?......
'Yeah my sleeping is deep...but since I know what happened last night, I can't let it happen again and I won't!' I thought
"Okay Saju time to go shopping~" I said and with that I locked all the rooms in the house including the windows and doors, then I grabbed my bag and left the house taking Saju with me because if that Intruder came back I don't want to leave Saju to deal with him again, you know normal people in my situation would just call the cops and let them handle it but me? No I'm not involving the police because I got involved to much, beside I think that now i have a clear idea about the intruder and the reason he broke into my house,he wanted revenge, yes he want to teach me a lesson for missing with him 'that maniac', he might have got Olivia but He won't get me and that's a promise.

Time Skip ~

After walking for a while I finally arrived to the store but not any store, A store where I can find what I need, I entered the shop leaving Saju outside because there was a sign said that animals aren't allowed, when I walked in an old man came up to me and said
"Hello young lady, how can I help you?"
"Hello, I'm looking for a security system for windows and doors" I said
"we have a lot kinds, which one do you need?" He asked
"Oh actually, I don't know a lot about this stuff but I need something to alert me if the any of the windows or doors have been opened without" I said
"I see, well I have a system that takes off immediately if it wasn't closed by the password and other that takes off and alert NOT the owners but the nearest police station, and these two are the best you can have witch one do you want?" The man said
Ok I already know the answer, I'm not involving myself with the police anymore
"Ahh I'll take the first option" I told him
"Ok, anything else you need?"
"Yes, actually I need security cameras you know the ones that can be used through phones or laptops?" I said
"Oh yes, we have one of those~ I'll give you the best " he then left to get the things I ordered
And I sat in the chair waiting 'yup that's right, I'm going to set up cameras and security systems all around my house because I don't want strangers getting their way into my house plus if that maniac came back I'm going to make him pay for breaking into my house, hurting my dog and killing an innocent person
I promise.

End of the chapter

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