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Chelsea POV:

I'm setting in the living room on the couch with my injured dog sleeping beside me And I'm still covered on blood from this morning, because I didn't want to go back to the bloody sea I had in my bedroom and I'm  guess it might be around 9 and I don't know the time because I don't have my phone with me, I took a deep breath and looked at Saju
"You're gonna be ok ....gwaenchanh-a" I sigh and start staring at the roof just thinking about the past two days....
'Chelsea what are going to do? I'm covered in blood that I don't know where did it came from and my dog was about to die, I don't know what happened last night in my house and the worst part is I DIDNT EAT ANYTHING FROM LAST NIGHT!' I thought, after a lot of thinking I thought that there's no way out of this ...
I stood up, went to the kitchen grabbed the cleaning supplies and went upstairs to clean up the miss, opening the door of my bedroom I couldn't stand a second of that terrible smell
Yeah the smell of blood, BLOOD SMELLS TERRIBLE!
After I finished cleaning the blood I decided to go down stairs to eat but honestly I don't really want too after all of this ....but I have to stay strong, Before I could exist the room  I heard a phone ringing and it was my phone, I grabbed it from the nightstand and answered it
"hello?" I said
"Hello, is this Chelsea hyun?" A man on the oth side of the phone asked
"Who is speaking?" I asked
"This is the police and I'm detective James Carter" hold on a second.....Police! Detective!
Did he just said? Oh great! I knew I was going to be involved with the police....
"Y-yes this is Chelsea hyun" I answered nervously but what do they want?
"Miss can you please come over to the station we need to ask you a few questions" he said
Questions? About what?
"Okay I'll come immediately" yes I had to accept, it's not like I had another choice.....
I detective hunged up and I putted the phone away and headed to the bathroom to take a shower because I'm not going to a police station full of Cops with blood all over me.

Time Skip ~

I'm setting in a weird looking room in front of two cops and I'm guessing that I'm looking like an idiot right know because I have no idea what's going on...Suddenly the door of the room opened and a man that looked like he was in his 30s came in, he sat on the chair in front of me and then start speaking
"You must be miss Chelsea Hyun right? I'm detective James, James Carter we spoke on the phone" he said
"Yeah that's me, nice meeting you" I said
"Ok then miss hyun let's get to the point" he said and placed a photo of someone that I happened to recognize immediately...
"Do you know theirs girl?" He asked and I nodded andsaid "Yeah-h I met her 2 days ago.."
"this girl is named Olivia Carson, she's in high school and she's 16 years old" he said
know I was really confused, why is he telling me this? "Ok but why are you telling me this?"
I asked him, he sighs and said
"Miss Hyun, Olivia Carson is dead"
Mwo? Wait did he just said dead?! How come?! I met her 2 days ago!
"What?! How come? She's did? How? And why?" I asked the detective
"Well,  that's what are we trying to know" he answered, wait they don't know? Why don't they know?! They're the POLICE they're supposed to know!!
"Olivia Carson was murdered in her room, her parents found her body in the morning when they got suspicious when she didn't come down to go to school, our lab says that she was killed around midnight but we're still not sure"
This is horrible...and her parents how do they feel? They must be broken...I'm feeling sad...
"Do you know who..who murdered her?" I asked "Actually we might have a clue" he answered, So they CAN CATCH THE THE MURDERER AND BRING JUSTICE TO OLIVIAS PARENTS!
"Really?" I asked
"Yes but if our suspicions where right and if he's our murderer then the case is hopeless"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you said that you met Olivia two days ago right?"
"That day when you met you saved her from someone who was going to kill her" I cut him off "but I didn't do anything I just helped her get away from that maniac?" I said
"Well miss hyun, that 'maniac' came back to finish he's job" he said ........WHAT...........
Then It hit me, the maniac? What if that maniac was the one who was in my house?
I mean I don't Know ANYONE here?
"Whoh hold on, so you're saying that the 'maniac' that attacked Olivia that day is the One who killed her?" I asked
"Yes, that's what we think and if it's true then you're an eye witness" he said
"An eye witness? Wait then why don't you just Go.Search.Catch him?"
"Here comes the problem, we can't he can't be catched" Whaaat
"And why not?"
"Well the only thing I can tell you is that he's in a high criminal rank"
This is nonsense! What do I have to do with this?!
"And detective may I know what do I have to do with this?" I asked him
"Okay her comes your part, you see If this man
Turned out to be the killer then you're in a big trouble because this guy is a serial killer and one of the things that we one about him is that he never ever leave his victims until he finish them off" he said
Okay I had it with this nonsense!
I stood up and walked over to the door stopped and "Detective Carter, I know that you're only doing your job but I don't need help from anyone and  if that maniac came after me I can handle him be myself " I said
I Opened  the door and was about to go but
The detective Spoke "wait! Listen miss hyun you don't know the danger you're in!"
"I Don't Care" with that I left .

Walking back to my house, I was thinking about what detective James has said, I mean it's true I'm new here and I don't know what's the future have for me but here's what I know!
I'm Chelsea Hyun a 19 girl graduated from  Seoul National University! I know How to speak 5 languages! I have a BLUE belt in taekwondo! And A certificate of appreciation from ART SCHOOL!! I know that I'm a clumsy girl and that I can be an idiot sometimes time but that doesn't mean that I'll give up because
I'm not going down without a fight !

End of the chapter

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