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Chelsea POV:

My head hurts A LOT opening my eyes because of the annoying sunlight I looked around the room and there's no sight of Saju?
I had no choice but to wake up eventually....
I pushed the sheets away and was about to get down off the bed but the moment my feet touch the ground wait did I said the ground? Because I felt something else and it definitely wasn't the GROUND!
I felt something like a liquid? Cold liquid for some reason I didn't want to look down I didn't want to know what is it, then I noticed that I was holding my breath, I suddenly let it out and took a deep breath and oh boy I WISH I Didn't "hahh OMG! WHAT IS THIS?!" I started yelling because of what I smelled and because of my shocked I suddenly looked down to my feet to see them covered with.....
"OMG BLOOD BLOOD BLOOOOOOOD" I jumped out of the bed running towards the bathroom immediately without thinking and locking it with me inside sitting in the bathroom ground staring at my legs which is covered with blood!!
"Omg Chelsea, you're covered in blood! You're bedroom ground are covered in blood! And it's definitely NOT MY PERIOD BLOOD SO WHY IS IT COVERED IN BLOOD?!" i said
Then I remember SAJU where's saju?!!!
"NONONO" I started to get nervous and worried, I stood up and was about to go out back But the moment I turned my face to the door there it was again written with blood ...
"I'm coming for you" then it did it, i felt my self becoming angry I DONT KNOW WHY BUT
I WAS ANGRY ignoring the blood that's covering me I opened the door and rushed out searching for my dog, leaving my bedroom I noticed that the door was ALREADY opened
It could be Saju but I remember the opened window from yesterday, I stopped for a second
And thought 'Saju can open doors but he can't open windows?' So that only means ....
"Someone was in my house last night" I said angrily punching the wall, yeah I really get angry easily sometimes, and that there was someone in the house it's the only explanation for this situation? I mean there blood all over my bedroom for gods sake!!
"Saju Saju ~ SAJU" I shouted out all around the house but no response , I was about to lose hope what...
What if he followed the intruder? Or the intruder kidnapped him? Or he got hurt?!!
But I then heard a voice, a voice that I could recognize anywhere "SAJU!" It was my dog
The voice came from the closet in the hallway
I rushed there opened only to see my dog
Injured and covered with blood and laying down on the cold ground...
"Nonono! Saju!" What should I do? I start thinking but there's nothing I can do!!
I can't take him to a vet because I don't have a car! And calling them or the police isn't an option too!! Because they will see the bloody mess that me my dog my house are in!! And then I might be in a big trouble because having a lake of blood on your house that was something the police will definitely not let it go
"Chelsea what are you going to DO!" I guess I don't really have a choice....I picked up The big injured dog, start running downstairs, towards the door TO THE VET while still in my pajamas, it's true that my dog is big and heavy but don't let my appearance fools you in the inside I'm A REALLY STRONG GIRL!
You know I'm grateful that I looked up the important places in this town like the hospital, the vet, the police station and the important shops before coming, other thing THAT IM REALLY GRATEFUL FOR In this time is that it's morning time! So everyone is either in there houses or in schools or work! So the streets is kinda of empty because you know a girl running caring an injured dog and wearing pajamas isn't something you see everyday....beside this town Dosen't have a lot of people anyway.

I was getting tired and I don't think that the vet is that close, but my dog is dying in my hands and I don't want to lose him....I was praying that a miracle ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN
but it didn't, I was about to cross the street when a car stopped in front of almost giving me a heart attack! The window of the car opened and a guy start speaking
"Wait a second miss! Why are you in a hurry?"
"WHY IM IN A HURRY CANT YOU SEE THAT MY DOG IS DYING IN MY HANDS?!" I yelled at him but he didn't respond instead he looked at Saju then he spoke "I can help him I'm a doctor" he's a doctor? Wait then when I took a better look I saw that he was wearing a doctor mask and a coat suddenly I recognize him!
I saw him before! The guy from the grocery store! "Do you want me to help him or not?" He then spoke cutting my thoughts
"Huh? YEAH PLEASE!" I said to him
"Okay then why don't you put him in the car and we can Go t-" I cut him off "NO" that's right, I'm not riding in a car with someone I don't know! That's what my father told me ~
I putted Saju on the sidewalk and walked to his car opened his door and said
"If you're a doctor, then help right here" he stared at my with his dark black eyes, but then I thought why is he even wearing a mask? He's not making a surgery right know? And I don't think he's sick, he's really suspicious .....
Our staring contest ended up with him talking
"You know i might not have the equipment to help him here.." Then I pointed to the bag that was beside him
"then what's this bag for?" I asked "
"What's make you think that this bag have my equipments?" He asked
"I don't, I'm just asking and if you're not going to help my dog then don't waste my time" I said and with that I closed his car door and walked back to my dog I was about to pick him up again, only to hear the car door open again
I turned to see the Man standing there with the bag in his hands, he then let out a sigh
"I'm going to help your dog, but only if you tell me how did he got injured" he said
Why does he want to know?
"To be honest I don't know" it is the truth I looked at him waiting for a response but
"I see....Ok then, let's get to work" he said and start checking on Saju , wait I thought he would get suspicious or would start asking me questions? But he didn't and thank goodness.


The Man who said that he's a doctor seemed to know what to do, because honestly I was getting really worried because Saju is one of my family members that I'm not ready to lose,
While the strange doctor is working on Saju I just stared at him and I got to admit that was rude....but it's not my fault that he looks strange! Then my thoughts were cut by him talking "are you new here?" He asked
"huh? oh yeah, I just moved here" I answered
"Do you like the place?"
"Kinda ..."
"Anything strange happened lately?" Wait what why did he asked that? STRANGE THINGS DID HAPPEN "ahh no! Not really~" I said giving a fake smile, he then start putting he's equipment back in he's bag
"Wait are you finished?! Is he's going to be alright?" I asked he stood up caring he's bag and walking back to his car, before entering the car he turned around and said "what's your name miss?" He asked for my name? Why?
"C-Chelsea! My name is Chelsea" I answered
"Well miss Chelsea, nice meeting ~" he said entering the car and closing the door but before Leaving he turned to me and
"Do you want a ride to your house?" He asked
"No, thank you" I answered, I'm still not getting in a car with someone I don't know!
Even if he fixed my dog.......
"As you wish, oh by the way my name is dr Smiley remember it you'll need it~" with that he left, hold on a second dr.Smiley?
What kind of name is that? And why would I need it?

Someone' s POV:

I met this woman twice, I wonder if I would meet her again?
Maybe she'll be my next patient ~
But what I'm thinking of is that those wounds and scars that was on the dog WAS defiantly his work but why didn't finish the job ?

End of the chapter

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