Chapter 3

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(One week after the battle)
I had been in the dark for so long, I had started to lose hope. But I had held on for who knows how long for one reason, my friends, and most of all my biggums. I sit and wait for something, anything to happen, but my guess is that nothing is going to happen, like always, but then out of the pitch black abyss a light shown through. This light either meant life or death, and I didn't feel like waiting any longer, so I reached out for it. Then the light engulfed me.

Everything was white and blurry, soon light blue and dark green, colors I thought I would never see again, dyed the white and slowly came into focus. I began to see fuzzy trees swaying in the cool breeze, and puffy clouds raced across the sky. I could feel the steady rise and fall of my chest as the fresh air filled my lungs. I blinked a few times letting everything become less fuzzy. Once the world around me became focused, I slowly sat up and looked around, trying figure out where I was. Even though I was still sitting on the soft grass, I could tell I was in an oak forest no where near the village that the battle took place. I didn't know how I got here, or how long I was out for, but I couldn't stay focused on that. I needed to figure out how to back.

I pushed down on the ground to stand up, but I fell back when a sharp stinging started in my right wrist and made its way through the rest of my arm. Realization gave me a good slap across the face that I hadn't looked at myself since waking up. I started with my wrist to find out what caused my pain, holding my arm up to eye level, I was shocked by the white bandages wrapped around my wrist and part of my hand. Then I noticed that I was no longer wearing my armor, not only that my hoodie was missing too, just leaving my tan long-sleeved shirt. I carefully stood up using my good arm, and pondered around the clearing I was in.

During my pondering, I came upon my checkered hoodie which was conveniently hung up on a branch, along with my dog tags which didn't even notice I wasn't wearing them. After putting them back on, I knew it was finally time to deal with the problem at hand and get back to the others. How to get back was the real problem. I thought by climbing to the top of a tree I could get a better view of the area, but before I began to climb I remembered the issue with my arm. I started to have a mini debate with myself, to decide if it was okay to take the bandage off and assess the damage. But the debate was pulled to a halt when I felt the presence of someone or something behind me.
"Thank goodness you're up, how are you feeling." The voice was calm and sounded like it was coming from a middle aged man. I slowly turned around hoping I was right, but instead I came face to face with a tall, skinny, black figure, with bright purple eyes. I instantly fell back, shielded my eyes and prayed to Notch that I didn't look at the enderman long enough for it to attack.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you... I was actually the one who got you out of that battlefield." He said, and bringing me to tears.
"Jerome, sacrificed himself for nothing?!" I asked sobbing and enraged.
"No, your furry friend is fine. He's recovering just fine, and if i hadn't have gotten you out when i did then you would have died, and your friend may have killed himself in grief." I sighed with relief, I didn't know what had happened after Jerome jumped in front of me. So I was overjoyed to hear he was recovering.
"I haven't properly introduced myself yet, my name is Mitch and thank you for saving me." I said lowering my arm.
"My name is Ermus, and it was really no problem." He said holding out his long, black arm for me to take. I cautiously took it and he helped me to my feet. 'You know you're first person I've met who's taller than Lachlan,' I thought, but then I realized something.
"If it was no problem, then out of every one why did you save me and no one else?" I could see the guilt in his eyes, and he sighed looking away.
"Because, you were the only one who could survive me saving them... And it has to with the bandages on your wrist, you can also take them off." With that, I hesitantly took them off slowly, revealing what looked like a tiny ender pearl on my wrist.
"What do you mean I was the only one who could survive?" I asked, while examining my arm.
"When I saved you, I had to teleport us out, and by teleporting you, it caused some of my teleportation powers to transfer into you... That's why you out for so long, a whole week to be exact, it was the powers settling in." Ermus said that cause my eyes to widen.
"Well thank you for saving me, but I need to get back to the village. If could point me in the right direction, that would be great."

"About that, it would take over a week to walk back, and you can't teleport because you can only teleport to places you've seen since gaining your powers. Also if you try teleporting now without training first, your powers will go out of control and can be very dangerous. And to fully train them will take another week." I still needed to get back, but I was willingly to go through this training if it meant I could get back faster.
"Okay, when can we get started?" I asked eager to begin.
"I would suggest you rested before we begin, but if you insist, then we can start now." He said sounding like a dad.


The week had pasted, and I had mastered my teleportation. To be honest... Having a power like this is so fudging awesome! I can go anywhere in less than a second! The only down side, until I'm "fully adjusted" to them, it takes quite a bit of my energy to go long distances or teleport to multiple places in a short time frame. So I'm stuck walking back, luckily the village is directly west from the training area/ camp/ where I woke up. Ermus set me up with a weeks supply of food, an iron sword, and one golden apple to use only for an emergency. Before I leave, I gave my thanks for all the help he has been, then begin my long journey to the village. I didn't get very far before he stopped my for one last thing.

"Take this to remember me by, and one day it might come of use." Ermus said handing me a thin black necklace, made from just a simple string, and dangling from in was an ender pearl, about half the size of a normal one. I thanked, then began my long walk to the battlefield.

Hey guys! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, and had a happy Thanksgiving. So, this chapter is actually part one on what happened to Mitch. If you prefer to have longer chapters than this one, then let me know in the comments.
Till next time my cookie squad.

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