Chapter 5

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Not many know this. Most humans believe that us dragons are nothing more than greedy, selfish, vicious creatures, just the same as any other hostile mob. We only wish they all knew the truth. At least 10 years ago all the dragons lived together in peace as one mighty kingdom. We may have three subconsciouses, but we have one memory, so we know how it all happened.

Cracking, then light. It's the first thing we remember. We're a Ceterum, is what our mind told us.

(Ceterum is Latin for hydra)

We look around as the light comes into focus. It seemed like we were in a pile of leaves, they were leave, just a nest made out of very soft and comforting leaves. Around us were small white egg shells from which we hatched, another small Ceterum that we could tell was out brother, because we looked exactly alike, and a small light blue egg that we knew contained our future sister. We felt the need to say hello, but all that came out of our mouths were small squeaks.

(I'm going to start dodging between single person perspective and multi person perspective)

My new brother looked us with two smiles and one curious expression, but the lone face seemed to be focused on the blue egg. Blue glanced then was glued to the sight of our soon to be sister, Red was facing the sky and hearing something faint in the distance, while Black continued to to take in the sights. It didn't take long before all six of us caught on to what Red had heard. The now loud sound of beating wings came closer and closer. Within seconds a huge white dragon flew over out nest, with such force that we almost fell out. Biting down on the sturdy leaves below us we managed to stay in place as the mighty dragon landed on the edge of the nest.

"Noctis, I see that your brother has finally hatched." He said through the mind link all dragons share. So Noctis is the name of our brother and I wondered what ours was.

"Yes father, but where is mother?" Noctis asked.

"She is outside the carven, and she would would like to show you something." Our father answered with a nod of his middle head.

"B-but father, I'm no good at flying yet." The younger dragon replied with a worried expression written on each face.

"Well it's best you learn." Father chuckled. Noctis began to shake as he slowly expanded his three sets of wings.

Curiosity took us over and we look behind us to see the same wings only folded. While folded its hard to tell that there's three on each side. The extremely thin crystal skin that made up the lining glistening in the sunlight, as did the gold band that fastened itself to the front of their respected wings in order to protect them during flight.

Blue pulled our attention back to Noctis who was slowly making his way up in the clear blue sky, almost half the height of father. He must have noticed our interest because the right head with the same crimson eyes as Red chuckled at us.

'Do not fret Dies. You'll join your family in the sky soon enough. In the meantime, I need you to watch over Caelum while we're out.' Father requested, and Black gave a nod of agreement.

(His name is pronounced: Dee-es, please do not say it means dies)

So Dies is our name, dragons are known for their Latin rooted names, but I never got to chance to learn Latin, so we'll never know the translation.

We leave our thoughts at the same time that Father and Noctis fly out of nest, leaving us alone with future Caelum.

~~~~~~ Time Skip the boring stuff ~~~~~~

A couple of days pasted and Mother, a regal yet elegant blue Ceterum, returned with Father, a powerful and royal white Ceterum, Noctis, and.... one other unfamiliar face.

They were a small boy, but a bit taller than Noctis and I. He was a strange creature, absolutely nothing compared to the other dragons I see roaming outside the nest. And apparently there's a difference between hair and fur, because there are a few dragons that are covered in fur and some just have spots, but this boy has fur on this rather puffy tail and animal like ears, and I thought he just had more fur on his head only black, but Father said it was called hair for some reason.

He also said that the boy was a creature gone by the name Gale. It's sounds kind of boring, but we're not ones to judge, saying how the name of each head on myself is just the eye color. And if that worked for everyone then his name would be Hazel, or Green, honestly I can't tell. He has a pretty mix of both.

Father said that the boy was a wolf blood, closely related to the humans that lived far beyond the kingdom's borders. But they found him just outside the Grove, apparently farther than any non dragon had made it before. Another apparently, he's going to be a new healer when he get older. Didn't even know we had one in the first place.

Also I'd always wanted to see the humans, luckily Mother said I could once I was strong enough to make the journey. I guess I have a lot to learn about from my parents and this Gale character in the meantime.

As time went on, we got to witness the miracle of Caelum's hatching. It was rather cute, how each small head poked out of the shell. She was just as beautiful and graceful as Mother. Noctis and Gale grew closer and closer by the day, as I finally learned how to fly.

Now here's where the humans get wrong about us dragons. They think we're greedy, selfish, savage beast that hunt their prey, and wreak havoc for sport. Well, that's why basically no any non-dragon knows about our kingdom. They never gave us a chance to prove ourselves before making the assumption that we're nothing more than monsters.

If the humans could see our lands they'd see cliff like mountains that circled around a large valley where a large variety of berries and flowers grow, a small lake that provides us with the water that we need and to keep the valley lush and beautiful. There are a few cave streams that flow in and out of the lake where the water dragons go fishing for everyone. And the only thing we kill for anything are the hostile mobs that invade our territory. Well, all but the Endermen, they obey the command of the Enderdragon. He is one of the kingdoms strongest warriors, him alongside Mother and Father and seemingly unstoppable.

~~~~~~ Another flipping time skip ~~~~~~

From then a year has passed. Mother has begun training Noctis, Caelum, and I so we can protect ourselves, and sometimes she takes Gale down to the valley. We don't know what she does with him, but on the occasion Noctis will follow them and he once reported that Mother was teaching him how to use a separate ability other than healing that's yet to be explained to us. All this occurs while Father and Bellator the Enderdragon, scout the borders of the grove a lot more often.

Nowadays, we've had began to feel rather lonely. Father is busy with Bellator, Caelum rather spend time with Mother and the other female dragons, Noctis spends 98% of his time with Gale, and because we're the Prince of the kingdom all the other kids would rather treat us as royalty than being friends.

On my birthday, our lonely birthday, all we wished for was to have a friend, on a star the night before. The reason our birthday was as lonely as any day, the ones closest to me would say "Happy Birthday," and move on with their day. At least Father said he'd take us the to council that takes place every few months, but I had to stay hidden and my siblings including Gale had to come. I guess I've started to find Gale as a sibling, he does treat us as family and the same Mother treats him as her own son, and I do my best to not let this get to us.

Mother and Father fly off to the council meeting, Mother takes Gale there since it's kind of obvious he can't get there on his own, while Noctis, Caelum, and I follow close behind. The council takes place in an isolated area of the Grove, where twelve stone pillars stand, and twelve of the highest dragons meet upon them.

The four of us were told to watch from the cliff side that doesn't stand too far from the council. And we arrived just in time as the other council members took their place on the pillars.

"I propose that we get this meeting underway immediately." Seniorem the Elder dragon stated out loud. The council doesn't communicate through the mind link so no one can listen to them. And to humans, our speech sounds like odd growls and roars, so it made me question if Gale would be able to hear them, but he said that he can understand all animals. That made a lot more sense.

"Agreed. We don't have much time to waist with this new threat on the rise." Custos the Guardian of elements announce-- Wait, what threat? Neither Mother or Father had mentioned this.

"I'm aware that you've begun training your hatchlings, but do you believe they'll be ready for when He arrives?" Bellator asked Mother with his grey claws digging into the stone pillar.

"I believe in their abilities, but if the attack is to come sooner than we expect then Regem and I have a contingency plan in order to protect them." She answered with her right head looking at Father, her left seeming to be on high alert and her center bowing with her response.

"What I'm more concerned about is if the Wolf Blood cub will be ready." Mater the Mother dragon pointed out with the extra head that was mounted on the end of her tail stared directly in Gale's direction as if she knew we were here.

Father was about to make a response when when a light grey scaled dragon by the name of Speculator flew into the council circle, his attention going straight to Mother and Father.

"My apologizes your majesties for interrupting, but this extremely urgent." The scouting dragon belted out.

"Go ahead." Father answered, surprisingly calm for just being cut off like that.

"A human boy has been found unconscious just outside the cavern." He announced.

Hey guys, I am so sorry my content coming out so late, but I have devised a system. Anyways, if you couldn't tell this is Little Lachy backstory chapter, and I really wanted to make this one part but when I was approaching 2k words I didn't want to keep going and bore all of you. Lastly I'm going to be away for a few weeks in a place where I'm aloud limited time on the internet so I won't get much done until August. Well until next time.

-Bye 🍪

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