Ch.5:Unexpected twists

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The group was putting together another plan to finally get The Cooper Gang.

Tarantula:You sure they're going to fall for the same trick twice?

Wolf:It's our best bet. But we better use somebody else.

Their second fake thief was Hyena.

Hyena:So, I have to be the fake thief, why?

Wolf:You look different from Shark, so they may fall for it.

Tarantula was looking through the cameras, and to her surprise, she saw somebody sneaking around.

Tarantula:Hey guys, we got a first guest to the party.

Julie was waiting around the corner to grab the intruder, and she did so.


However, when they shined the light on them, the intruder turned out to be Ethan!

Carmelita:Ethan, what are you doing here?!

Ethan:Well...I was worried and...

Carmelita just sighed.

Carmelita:We will discuss this later. For now, just stay out of sight.

Ethan understood and hid behind a wall. As they returned to the room, they were surprised to see The Cooper Gang attempting to steal the valuables, who dropped them as soon as they saw The Bad Guys.

Murray:Not again.

Piranha:WHAT'S UP PAPA?!

He rushed in and tackled Murray.

Penelope:Give you guys this, you are persistent.

Wolf:We get that a lot.

The groups began to fight. Ethan began peaking out from behind a wall, and was amazed by how his mother fought. However, things took a turn when Murray was flung and he landed on Ethan's foot. Ethan let out a small yelp and immediately covered his mouth. Everyone stopped when they heard it. Ethan tried to run, but Murray grabbed him by his hood and lifted him up.

Murray:A kid?

Ethan covered his face. Carmelita went into protective mother mode.

Carmelita:Put my son down, RIGHT NOW!

Carmelita realized what she just blurted out. The Cooper gang was surprised.

Sly:You...have a son?

Dimitri:Well is something I wasn't expecting when I woke up this morning.

Carmelita:Cooper, tell your friend to put him down, or so help me-

She was cut off by loud screeching echo. Everyone was surprised and a few were a little frightened.

Piranha:Wait, what's that?

Everyone  turned to see what looked like a bird flying towards the room.

Murry:Do you have a bird on your team?

Hyena:No. You guys?


Sly:No couldn't be...

The bird seemed to be coming right for the window.


Everyone ducked as the window was completely shattered by the bird. When everyone looked, they were in shock to see an enormous mechanical owl!

???:Hello Cooper...


Carmelita protected Ethan. Everyone was in shock of what they were seeing.

Panda King:How are you alive? Last I recall, you were blown up!

Clockwerk:True. While my body was destroyed, my mind remained intact. Some new...acquaintances found me and rebuilt me.

Bently:I see they gave you some upgrades.

Clockwerk:Indeed. Now, back to why I'm here.

Sly:If you think you may have a better shot at me now, that isn't going to happen.

Clockwerk:Sly, it is not you I am after, for now at least. It's your son.

Everyone was confused.

Bentley:What are you talking about? Sly doesn't have a son.

Clockwerk:Bentley Bentley. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one. Think about it. Sly dated Ms.Fox did he not?

Sly:A while back, yeah,

Clockwerk:And when was this?

Sly:Around nine years ago.

Clockwerk:And Ms.Fox's son is nine. Is he not?

Carmelita did not respond. Everyone began putting the pieces together.

Sly:No no no. There must be a mistake.

Penelope:He can't be serious...can he?

Wolf:No way, he's gotta be messing with us.

Clockwerk:They really don't know?

Carmelita knew there was no way she could hide it anymore.

Carmelita:Yes...Sly, Ethan is your son...

Everyone in the room was in complete shock, Sly and Ethan especially.


Clockwerk:With that said, I will enjoy seeing your faces when I cut his life short.

Carmelita:Ethan, run!

Ethan listened to his mother, with Clockwerk flying after him. Hyena tackled him to the ground.

Clockwerk:Oh, so you want to play the hero? Very well then.

He flung her off, but Shark thankfully caught her.

Piranha:What's up papa!

However, Clockwerk grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the floor!

Julie:This is bad...this is bad...

Clockwerk laughed.  Ethan continued to cower behind one of the walls, until Clockwerk found him.

Clockwerk:Pathetic, just like the rest of your blood line.

He then grabbed Ethan by his throat.


She tried to intervene, but Clockwerk swatted her away. However, by a miracle, police sirens were then heard. Clockwerk dropped Ethan.

Clockwerk:You all got lucky. Next time our paths cross, luck will not be on your side.

He then flew off into the night. Later, both groups were giving statements to the police as to what happened. After that they were all discussing what happened

Tarantula:Okay. If nobody else is gonna say it, then I think I should. Who or what the heck was that thing?!

Panda King:Clockwerk.

Wolf:An old "friend" I take?

Bentley:You have no idea...

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