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The Bad Guys had asked the police to let The Cooper Gang hid out at their house.

Bentley:We appreciate you guys letting us stay here.

Wolf:Least we could do. While we're still not exactly fond of you guys, you do not deserve to be ripped to shreds by a hug mechanical owl.

Diane:So who was this Clockwerk guy anyway?

Sly:He's had it out for my family for hundreds of years.

Snake:Wait, hundreds of years? Man he must have serious anti aging cream.

Sly:He replaced most of his body with mechanical components to basically make himself immortal...and it looks like I'm not the only Cooper he'll be after anymore.

Julie:You mentioned that he was blown up a while back. What happened?

Panda King:Twice when Cooper faced him. We didn't think anybody would be insane enough to resurrect him ever again.

Ethan was huddled against the wall, with Carmelita comforting him. Sly began pacing around, processing the fact that not only was his worst enemy back from the grave, but that he has a son who he didn't even know existed.

Bentley:Sly, maybe you should talk to him.

Sly:Oh yeah, that's gonna be a fun conversation. "Oh hi, I'm your dad, one of the most infamous thieves ever known. I didn't know you existed until recently, but why don't we talk?"

Wolf:He's got a point. How do you talk to something about stuff like that?

Meanwhile, Carmelita continued to comfort her son.

Carmelita:I did want to tell you about this. I only wish you didn't find out in such an...unpleasant way.

Ethan was continued to shiver from the shock of the situation. Just then Sly came over to them. Carmelita put Ethan in a protective hug. She gave Sly a look that said "Don't you dare come near him". However, she eventually relented. She then got up and gave Sly a look that said "Eyes on you" look. Sly then sat next to his son. Ethan nervously looked at him.


Sly:That's gonna take some time to get used to.

Sly:I...*Sigh* This is just as much a shock for me as it is for you.

Ethan:I...I've actually been a little curious as to who you are. Though I wasn't expecting to meet you like this.

Sly smirked. Carmelita growled. However, when she went over to him, Ethan stood up. He had a very angry look, with tears of anger in his eyes.

Ethan:How could you hide this from me?!

Carmelita:I...I just wanted to protect you. I didn't-

Ethan cut her off.

Ethan:Thanks to you, an evil owl wants to kill me!

When Carmelita tried to come closer, Ethan slapped her! He then ran off to one of the spare rooms and slammed the door. Everyone was in shock. Carmelita wanted to check on him, but Guru blocked her with his staff.

Guru:Ms.Fox. Give the boy time to himself. He's been through a lot tonight.

Wolf:We all have.

Diane sat next to Carmelita, who was in complete shock at her son's outburst. Diane comforted her.

Diane:He's just a little upset. I'm sure he'll be fine.

Murry:Back to the task at hand, what are we going to do about Clockwerk

Hyena:Yeah, he literally wiped the floor with our faces. Who knows what else he could do to us.

Snake:Not to mention we don't know who's working with him.

King Panda:For now, we better rest up. Who knows what else is going to be thrown at us.

Unfortunately, quite a few more unpleasant things would be thrown at the two groups...

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