Games People Play (2moons)

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I'm sitting on the beach under an umbrella watching Pha and Beam play in the water.  Why am I under an umbrella instead of playing happily in the water? Well that would be because stupid Beam said I was pinking up, as if his fair skin doesn't burn.  That doesn't matter though, as soon as Pha heard that I was banished out here.

Every now and then they look my way and wave.  I usually wave back with a single finger.  The middle one to be precise.  They simply laugh then go back to frolicking.  I don't miss the looks they get from the girls.  I can't help that I scan the beach and take in every lust filled expression pointed towards my boyfriends.

As I'm watching a volleyball rolls over and hits me on the foot.  I grab it and am about to throw it when the owner runs over.  He's obviously been playing because he's slightly out of breath when he reaches me.

"Sorry man." He says as he grabs the ball.

"No problem." I answer with a smile.

"Wanna play? We could use another player." He offers pointing towards the net.

I look around him at the volleyball game that's going on.  It looks fun.  I notice they are a man down so I feel like I can help even that out.

"Sure.  I'll join you." I say pulling my shirt over my head.

"No need for that.  We're playing shirts and skins and you'll be on my team." He says and that's when I notice that he doesn't have a shirt on.

Now I have a dilemma.  Going to play will probably  get me into trouble, but playing shirtless will definitely get me into trouble.  I look into the water and notice the group of girls that has formed around Pha and Beam.  I'm not jealous.  I'm NOT jealous. Then I decide screw it, I'm gonna play.

"I burn easily." I say, keeping my shirt on.

"No problem, we'll just switch you out with another player." He says easily.

"I'm Tee by the way." He says as we walk towards the group.

"Kit." I reply.

I follow him to the group and one of the players happily switches with me.  I can see it in their eyes, they think I'll be an easy mark because I'm small, but they don't know that I'm a fantastic volleyball player.  Not boasting but I'm pretty great at all sports.  I have to be since I've been playing with Pha and Beam most of our lives and they can be a tad bit competitive.  I'm not going to be the weakest link in our group, so I play hard all of the time.

They quickly learn that I am not the person to aim at and soon they're playing keep away from Kit.  My team, which was losing, is now winning and I think the other team is regretting asking me to play.  Two more shots and the game is ours.  I'm surrounded by strangers all hugging me and truthfully I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable but I accept the gratitude.

I start to separate myself from the group when I come face to face Tee.  He hasn't bothered to put his shirt back on yet and he's glistening from sweat.  I have to admit, he is not bad to look at.  He's tall, good looking, and well built.  He's Pha just not as gorgeous.  He smiles widely at me and I smile back.

"Hey thanks man for playing." He says a bit out of breath.

"No problem it was fun. Thanks for asking." I say.

"Hey if you're not busy..."

"KIT!" Pha calls out.

I turn and see Beam and Pha making their way towards us.  They look less then pleased right now as they all but bang on their chests to display dominance.

"Your friends?" He asks watching them walk over.

"Something like that." I say.

"They're welcome to come too." He say still smiling.

That's not going to happen.  I can see it in their eyes, they want me as far away from him as possible which is silly since he's not really my type.  I had better make an excuse.

"We have a long drive home so we'll probably pass." I tell him.

"Kitty." Beam says possessively as he wraps his arm around my waist.

Pha stands on the other side with his arms crossed over his chest.  The guy looks at the three of us then steps back.  I give a shy smile knowing that he has read the situation.

"Maybe next time." He says but we both know there won't be a next time.

"That's not gonna happen." Pha answers which is answered by a nod from Tee.

"Nice meeting you." I say with a smile earning a slap on my butt.

I turn and look at Beam who gives me a challenging look.  I simply give him an annoyed one back.

"I guess it's time to go." I say.

"You think?" Beam asks.

"Great timing because I'm pretty tired.  I played hard.  I made some great sets and I aced my serves? Did you see? Probably not with all of those girls crowding around you." I say with a scowl and head to the car.

"Wait Kit, we're the angry ones here." Pha says following behind me.

"Really?" I ask whirling around to face them.

"Were you the one sent to be all alone? Did you have to watch as hordes of girls converged upon your boyfriends trying to get their attention?" I ask looking between the two.

"No you were not.  That was me." I spit out then head back to the car.

"But Kit, you were starting to burn." Pha whines.

"Ever heard of sunblock?" I call over my shoulder.

"But then you would have been all glisteny in the water for everyone to see." Beam counters and I stop.

"And you weren't?" I say not turning around.

"Whatever, I had fun without you anyway." I say knowing that would hurt their feelings.

I'm stopped by two sets of arms wrapping around me.

"Please don't ever say something like that again." Pha says with his mouth buried in my hair.

"That was really mean Kitty." Beam says sounding sad with his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm not trying to mean but you need to know if you keep leaving me out then I'll find somewhere else to fit in." I warn and pull away from them.

I get into the back seat of the car and make it quite clear that neither of them is to sit with me.  I actually fall asleep on the ride home.  I wake up sometime in the evening laying on the bed already dressed in comfy clothes.

I go to look for my missing boyfriends.  I find them in the game room playing something.  They don't seem to be having that great of a time, they're not even talking to each other.  I knock lightly before entering.

"Oh, you're awake.  You were really tired." Beams says.

"Yeah." I mumble climbing into Pha's lap.

He adjusts himself so that I can lean against him properly.  I watch them play for a few minutes before I get bored.  I don't particularly care for this game so when they go into their fourth round I decide it's time for me to go.  I try to get up by Pha holds onto me.

"Where are you going?" He asks causing Beam to look at me.

I actually feel a little bad about what I said earlier, I can see he's hesitant to let me go.  As if I would ever leave them.  Idiots.

"I'm bored.  I think I'm going to find something to eat." I say as I head to the kitchen.

Of course they follow, like puppy dogs: one dopey one and one hyper one.  I rummage around the kitchen to see if anything piques my interest.  Then I find it.  Frozen yumminess.

Beam stands at the counter with Pha behind him resting his chin on his head.

"What are you making Kitty?" Beam asks as he fiddles with Pha's fingers.

"I'm just getting ice cream. Why? Do you want some?" I ask looking at the two of them.

"Depends, what do we get to eat it off of?" Beam says licking his lips.

I scoff at those horn dogs and furrow my eyebrows.

"A bowl." I say as I slide bowls in front of them.

"Nah. No fun that way." Pha says.

"Suit yourself." I say as I scoop out my ice cream.

I start eating it pushing the spoon into my mouth then slowly pulling it out sucking on the spoon the entire time.  I see Pha take a big gulp and I know what he's thinking about.  I offer them a bite from my spoon but they refuse.  I shrug and stick out my tongue running it along the surface of the spoon collecting my sweet prize then make sure to lick the spoon clean.

I continue to eat while they simply lick their lips.  Finally Pha shakes his head and looks at Beam.

"What you guys want to do?" Pha asks.

I eye him suspiciously because all thoughts lead to sex with Pha.

"Let's watch a movie." Beam says.

"Nah I'm not in the mood." Pha counters.

"Then what do you want to do Pha?" Beam asks slightly irritated.

"I don't know that's why I asked you!" Pha complains.

"Hmmm." I say sucking on the last spoonful of ice cream.  By the time I'm done Pha and Beam are staring at me like I'm the next bowl of ice cream.

"OK I'm done. Let's go upstairs." I taunt.

They practically fall over themselves getting out of the kitchen and up the stairs.  They are waiting for me at the top of the staircase and literally drag me to Pha's room. What am I going to do with them?  Love them for as long as they'll have me I guess.

"Kitty you did that on purpose." Beam says circling me.

"Did what Sunshine?" I answer playing dumb.

"You were being tempting knowing we couldn't take it." Pha replies causing me to smirk.

"I was eating ice cream. I don't know what you're talking about." I say innocently.

Beam comes and wraps his arms around my waist and tugs my body closer. He rubs himself against me as a form of explanation. The friction makes my little man come to life.  Of course just thinking about these two idiots does that too.  Pha comes from behind and does the same thing. I moan softly.

"Kit you are playing a dangerous game and you know it." Pha growls out.

I lean my head back slowly extending the visible neck line.

"Oh yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?" I say as seductively as possible.

Pha attacks my lips at the same time Beam attacks my neck. Pha reaches into my sweats and grabs my junior. He starts fondling it causing me to moan into his mouth. At the same time Beam reaches into the back of my pants and starts fingering me.

It's a double attack!

I pull away only to have Pha start sucking on my ear.  I can't think straight.  I love having my ears sucked.  I love having quite a few things sucked.  Then I have an idea that will stop this assault.

"Let's play a game!" I shout or maybe moan out.

"I like the game I'm playing now" Pha says as he goes back to nibbling my ear.

"Play my game or no sex with me for two days." I say quickly and they both stop immediately.

They're panting and extremely horny, then again so am I.  I just want to control the pace for a little while.

"It's a sex game so it'll be OK." They both look at me but concede.

"Alright, here's how it works: we'll each take turns commanding the others on what to do. For example for five minutes I will tell you two what to do, after that Beam gets five minutes to tell Pha and I what to do, then Pha get five minutes to control Beam and I. What do you think?"

"What happens after the game?" Beam asks.

"You can fuck me." I say simply.

"Deal." they say together.

Five minutes of of not being molested. I must spend it well.

"You two should kiss to warm up. This doesn't go against my time." I start.

"Do we all get a two minute kissing time?" Pha asks.

"That sounds fair." I answer.

With that they start making out. They're both so aggressive so when they make out there's biting and pulling of hair. It's kind of arousing. The two minute timer goes off and they pull away panting.  I have to admit I have to adjust myself after that too.

"I'm surprised you're still dressed." I say.

"KIT!!!" Pha yells.

"KITTY!!!" Beam echoes.

"Sorry that's my fault go ahead and strip." They peel off their clothes.

I lick my lips because I get to fuck them. Well I get fucked by them. But still those beautiful bodies belong to me. Beam with his milky white skin.  His well-defined muscles and his beautiful dick that I've both tasted and had inside of me.  Then there's Pha with his sun kissed skin, his perfect body and that cock that makes me salivate thinking about it.

"Beam suck Pha's nipples for thirty seconds." I say when I gain control of my thoughts.

Pha narrows his eyes at me. He hates his nipples being touched. I'm not sure if he actually hates it or hates the fact that he really likes it.  Either way he doesn't generally let us play with them.

"You're playing with fire babe." I let the name go because I'm already teasing him.

Beam starts kissing down Pha's chest then latches onto one of his nipples. Pha throws his head back yelling Beam's name. Haha, I knew he liked it.

"Pha for thirty seconds lick Beam's tip." They both look at me.

"Just lick?" Beam asks.

"Like a kitty-cat." I say with a smirk.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Beam asks and I simply nod.

Pha drops to his knees and licks Beam's mushroom top. Beam is trying to push his dick into Pha's mouth but that's not what's supposed to happen.  I giggle to myself seeing the frustration on his face.  They'll think twice before leaving me out again.

"OK Pha you can suck him for thirty seconds." And so he does.

"Now Pha, suck his balls for thirty seconds." I order.

Beam loves this so the torturous part is the time limit. Muahahaha.

"Beam, finger Pha for the rest of the time." I demand.

They both whip their heads around to me eyes wide open. Pha never takes anything up the ass. He should learn how that feels. I'll never have another opportunity to do this.  I must take advantage while I can.

It's better than I expected. When Beam started to properly finger him Pha lost his mind trying to fuck Beam's fingers and moaning like crazy.

Now sadly my time is up. Beam stands and switches places with me.

"Bad Kitty." he says smacking my butt as he passes by.

Beam gets that this is about things we normally wouldn't do. It's trying to get out of the rut we were in.  And maybe a little bit of payback on my part, but what could they do to me, I'm always the bottom.  They do anything they want to my body anyway not that I'm complaining.

"Kitty lube up and fuck Pha for five minutes." He says with no expression.

"Wh-what?" Pha stutters out.

Well that's new. I'm never the top. Ever. I hadn't expected this.  I guess Beam got me this time.  Asshole.

"Two minutes kissing guys."  Beam reminds us.

After I strip, I lube up and crawl onto Pha's lap straddling him. Pha looks really nervous, probably as nervous as I feel. I'm pressing our erections together. He leans in and gently kisses me. He's so different in the way he kisses me and how he kisses Beam.  He still kisses with passion but not the way he kisses Beam. I pull away and look at him. He looks confused.

"Why don't you kiss me the way you kiss Beam? Do you not want me the way you want him?"
I ask feeling insecure.

It's this way with us.  I feel like even if I weren't here they would be just fine.  It makes me feel anxious a lot of the time.  I look at him waiting for his answer.  He looks at me and I can see the love in his eyes.

"My baby, I love you. I kiss you differently because you're different from Beam. Beam likes it a little rough and he likes to try to control the situation, but you like being kissed lovingly." He says running his hands through my hair.

He's right of course. I like being kissed gently and full of love. I just didn't realize that they knew it too.

"Kit I want you both equally, understand?" I nod my head and go back to kissing him.

After the two minutes I jump up and try to move away.  He grabs my arm before I can run of and shakes his head no at me.  He slides his legs apart as he pulls me to stand between his legs, then he positions himself so I have perfect access to his hole.

"I'm not sure about this." I say feeling scared as hell.

"This is your game Kitty. You can do it. Just go slow." Beam coaxes.

"Right.  I can do this.  I love you Pha." I whisper.

"I love you too. It's going to be fine." He comforts.

Sex shouldn't be this stressful.  I lean up and kiss him.  I can't help that I'm nervous. I remember my first time with them, it was kind of painful.  What if I do it wrong? What if he hates it? Slowly, I line up with his entrance and start to push in. He holds his breath and I stop.

"Kit it's OK. Keep going baby." I stare into his eyes and continue to push in.

It's slow and agonizing. He's so tight and I keep forgetting to breathe.  I start to tear up because I'm too overwhelmed right now.

"It's alright Kitty keep pushing." Pha says.

Now it sounds like I'm about to have a baby instead of screwing my boyfriend.

"I don't want to do this Beam." And tears start to flow.

"Aw Kitty. It's OK." Beam comes over and rubs my back and kisses the top of my head.

Pha reaches up and pulls my face to him and kisses my tears away before kissing my lips. He keeps wiping my tears away as I struggle to regain my composure.

"Maybe we should stop Beam.  This is too much for him." Pha says sounding concerned.

"No, he can do this. Kitty I'm going to put mine inside you, alright?" Beam says encouragingly.

I shake my head yes and he starts prepping me then he pushes in. Once he's there he rests his head on my back

"You're doing great Kitty. I'm here. Don't you feel better?" He asks.

Truthfully I do feel better with him here. Pha grabs my hips and I look at him with a frightened expression.  He simply smiles as he pulls me until I'm fully inside of him.

"We're gonna move now Kit. I promise you, it's going to feel really good. Do you trust me?"
I shake my head yes but I can't stop these damn tears.

"Beam. You start." Pha says.

Beam pulls out then slides back in. The force pushes me into Pha who still has his hands on my waist.  He is controlling my rhythm and speed.  As Beam speeds up so do I.  They were right, it does feel good. Even Pha is enjoying it if his moans mean anything at all.

Because I'm not used to this type of stimulation I cum quickly inside of Pha. I have to admit that felt really good. I sat there inside of Pha until Beam finished. Finally he pulls out and I pull out of Pha. I flop between them and cuddle close to Pha.

"I really didn't like that." I say burrowing into Pha.

"It's OK Kitty, at least you tried. I'm proud of you." Beam says while rubbing my back.

"Me too baby." Pha says as he kisses the top of my head.

"Let's never play this game again." I say.

"Deal!" Pha and Beam say together.

The next weekend we head back to the beach.  I spot Tee and his friends playing another game.  I wave at them and a few of them come over to greet us.

"Hey you guys want to play?" They ask.

"Yeah, we'd love too." Pha says and I can't help but smile.

"Great, you guys can be skins." They say.

"NO!" Pha and Beam yell as I start to remove my shirt.

Baby step Kit.  Baby steps.

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