The Misunderstanding (SOTUS)

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It was a dark and stormy night. The wind blew through the open patio door causing the curtains to billow in. The lights flickered a few times threatening to plunge me into darkness but never seemed to make good on their promise. Despite the pounding of the rain, the breeze felt nice and helped cool my temper.

I'm sitting in my room. Alone. P'Arthit is mad at me again. It wasn't really my fault this time but that never seems to matter when a certain pink milk monster is involved. If only he would have listened to my explanation.

The day started off great. We woke up together, well in the same bed at least. I had woken up three hours earlier but who's counting. I went for a run, got breakfast, came back and had a shower. I was quite careful when it came to waking up my beloved. One wrong move and it could have been disastrous but I had done it grace and finesse managing to wake up P'Arthit without any problems.

We shared breakfast then went our separate ways.

Even though our classes are in the same faculty they aren't near each other. I would love to see him in class just once. There are times I imagine being in the same class with him. That probably wouldn't end well. I can be a bit competitive. Still, it would be fun to see how P'Arthit is in that type of setting. It's really the only aspect of his personality that I don't know.

Class finally let out and I headed for lunch. I was excited to see P'Arthit. It was crazy but I missed him. It had only been a few hours but it was still hard. I wondered what it would be like next year when P'Arthit would be interning. He would barely be around. My chest hurt thinking about it.

I saw the object of my desire at our usual table with the usual people. I made my way there completely focused on getting to be near him again.

I have no idea where this person came from but suddenly I was grabbed and pulled into someone's arms. Before I could figure out what was happening, lips pressed against mine.

I was shocked, but not so much that I couldn't tell that those lips did not belong to my Pii. I pushed, rather forcefully, and took a few steps back.

"What the hell are you doing?" I screamed.

It's unlike me. I rarely lose my temper but how dare someone do that? They kissed me without my consent. These lips already have an owner. One that would punish me even though this is clearly not my fault.

The unknown person looked at me like I was the crazy person. She had big fat tears welling in her eyes and her lips began to quiver. I simply stared at her uncaring waiting for her to make her move.

"Kongpob, how could you?" She asked.

I continued to stare at her wondering what her end game was. I have to admit, this was a first for me. I have plenty of people confess but no one has ever been so forward. I was stunned at the audacity.

I was heaving, anger clearly written on my face. A quick glance at my Pii told me he felt the same. I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to calm myself down. She is a girl after all. Her only saving grace was that P'Arthit had an angry look and not a hurt one. If he had looked sad I wouldn't have cared if she were a six year old girl in pigtails, I would've torn her apart.

"Kong. Just calm down man." M said clapping me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, it's not worth it. Let's just forget about it and go have lunch." Wad chimed in.

"Deep breaths man. Slow and steady." Oak counseled as he prodded me to move.

The deep breaths actually worked. Oak is good for something sometimes I suppose. I stood straight and then headed off with my friends.

The cafeteria was unusually quiet. The hazer table looked fierce and I debated whether we should head there until Arthit stood up and nodded towards the seat next to him. Relief flooded through me. I was so scared at what his reaction would be, but it looked like it would be ok.

"Where do you think you're going?" The girl called from behind me.

"And how dare you push me?" She continued on.

I turned and faced her. She was clearly angry but her angry didn't scare me like P'Arthit's angry did.

I felt something brush beside me. A hand slid into mine lacing the fingers. I looked over to see my sun standing there.

"What's going on?" He asked.

My Pii is not one for public displays of affection, he must've felt like I needed him. I squeezed his hand grateful for his presence.

"And who are you?" The girl asked.

Arthit gave her a mocking look but that quickly changed into the fierce hazer look he is so well known for.

"Who am I? Is there anyone here who doesn't know who I am or who belongs to me?" He asked as he let go of my hand.

He steadily walked towards her giving off a very dangerous aura. She stepped back with each of his forward steps.

"The better question is who exactly are you and why are you touching what is mine?"

"I-I'm his girlfriend." She stuttered out.

He laughed. Right in her face. He turned and slapped his hand on my shoulder grinning as he did so.

"She's all yours." He said as he walked back to the table.

"Handle it quickly, I'm hungry."  He warned.

Feeling a sense of relief I turned and faced the delusional girl.

"Be grateful he wasn't hurt by your antics or this would have ended very differently. Don't ever touch me again, if you do I promise, you will not like how it ends for you." I said.

She looked at me like I had lost mind. I turned to leave only to have her fling herself at me once more. This time I moved and she fell to the ground. I made no attempt to help her up, I simply turned and walked to our table. I sat down and let everything sink in. My sun guided my head to his shoulder and let me rest it there while he patted my head.

"You know this wouldn't happen if you weren't" He said.

I pulled away and looked at him.

"What does that mean?" I asked feeling upset.

"It means you're too nice. These girls all feel like they have a chance with you because you always give off an inviting vibe." He explained.

"So should I act like you and scare everyone who tries to approach me?" I responded.

"Well you don't see strange girls coming up and kissing me now do you?" His expression had changed.

He had become angry.

"I don't even know what to say right now." I said feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"How about Pii, I'll try to stop giving off the impression that I'm available?" He said in a mocking tone.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!" I yelled as I stood up.

With his face set in the typical angry expression, he stood and walked away. I was too upset to go after him. This wasn't my fault. It's not like I ask these girls to come after me. He was being unreasonable.

The rest of the day went from bad to worse. He wouldn't answer any of my calls or texts. I got caught texting and got kicked out of class. Then I ran into her again. She had a look of satisfaction on her face as she approached me.

"You were such a big help. Thanks for playing along." She said as she neared me.

"What?" I asked not even trying to be polite.

"Most of us know how you are, and all of us know how P'Arthit is. It didn't take a lot to figure out what buttons to push to get him away from you." She said with a smile.

"And what would that get you. I would never go to you. I love him." I defended.

"Oh, I was never after you. P'Arthit has always been the target." She sneered.

"HE wouldn't go to you either. Are you insane?" I practically yell.

"Oh, not for me, for my cousin. She plans to swoop in and steal him right from under your nose." She said looking satisfied with herself.

I just stood there. This was a plan? They were going to steal him away from me. He wouldn't leave me like this. He may have been mad but he wouldn't leave without talking about it with me first.

Would he?

I went to my room feeling less than confident about my situation. He still wasn't responding to me. I started to panic. I can't lose him. Not like this. I ran out and started looking for him. I looked everywhere I could think of and called at least a dozen times begging him to talk to me. When I made it back to my room I noticed the storm rolling in.

I slumped onto my bed and stared at my phone willing it to come to life. An hour passed and nothing. The clouds darkened and the wind picked up. I went and sat out on my balcony. I pulled out a cigarette. I lit it and took in a deep drag then blew it out. It wasn't helping. Three cigarettes later, I decided that this wasn't working and went back in.

I left the door open.

The rain started. Hard and heavy rain poured from the sky in an instant. I listened as it pelted the street below. The wind blew through the open patio door causing the curtains to billow in. The lights flickered a few times threaten to plunge me into darkness but never seemed to make good on their promise.

Tears spilled to the cadence of the rain.

Banging. There's banging on my door.

"Kongpob! Open the door!" Is being yelled.

I slowly get up then begin to hurry to the door as realization hits. I yank open the door and there stands a drenched P'Arthit. He's completely soaked. His clothes cling to him and his hair is matted against his head with streams of water running down his face. He pushes in and wraps his arms around me. The door slams shut behind him.

"I'm so sorry. I was wrong. I was insecure and scared and an ass. Can you forgive me?" He asks looking me in the eye.

I stare at him and don't even attempt to dry the new onslaught of tears. His hands fly to my face and swipes at the tears that course down my cheeks.

"Please don't cry." He says as he leans up and kisses at my tears.

I wrap my arms around him and cry into his shoulder. Since he's drenched he won't notice any added moisture. But I notice the shivering.

"Oon, come on, let's get you dried and warmed up." I say as I drag him to the bathroom.

I start the shower and while I wait for the water to heat up I start to undress him. I pull his shirt over his head which took some effort since it seemed suctioned there. I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants then tugged them off of his body. I threw his wet clothes into a pile on the floor and went back to my shivering boyfriend.

I tested the water then pushed him under it. He was shaking so badly that he wasn't able to do anything. I quickly stripped and got in with him. I held him close at first shocked by how cold his body was. I make sure he's completely under the water spray and I'm pressed as close as humanly possible.

His quivering slowly stops and he's able to move. I turn off the water after both of us have washed and rinsed. He hates the smell of cigarettes so I needed to remove the smell.

We get out and I help him dry then lead him to the bed. I crawl in with him and pull him flush against me.

"Kongpob, we should get dressed." He says.

"No Pii, you need body heat and this is the best way to get it to you." I say.

"It's not actually the best way." He says softly.

I look down at him and notice the flush in his cheeks. He's right of course. There is a better to warms a person up. I push him onto his back and crawl over him and rest my body on his.

"Mmmm." He says, probably at the warmth.

I kiss him. Not a sweet peck but a tongue filled demanding kiss. I run my hands through his hair until it lays underneath his head then hold it in place as I kiss him. I let go and move down to his neck. That girl's words echo through my head so I suck aggressively on his neck. He arches and stretches his neck and gives me full access.

I take advantage at his lapse in judgement sucking on his clavicle and down his chest. I suck on his nipples, twirling my tongue around them or lightly flicking them. He holds my head in place as I tend to him. I start moving further down. I sniff the curls there before I take his balls into my mouth. He gasps because I usually wouldn't do this first.

I suck on them letting my tongue fondle them. Then I let them fall out of my mouth. I lick up the vein eventually arriving at the head. I let my tongue run along the underneath of it before I lick it. I slurp as I take the head into my mouth. He fists my hair and tugs at it. He pushes his pelvis up forcing his penis into my mouth and down my throat.

I gag but he doesn't seem to care. I suck on it then pull up. I quickly put my hand at the base before he can push it all the way back in. He's too big to take all at once.

I start bobbing my head listening to his moans as cues for how to proceed. He's calling my name and tugging at my hair again. He keeps thrusting too. I release him and go for the bedside drawer where we keep the lube.

Before I commence with the prep I decide I want to rim him so I take my tongue and run it along his puckered hole. It twitches slightly causing me to be a bit more forceful with my actions. I lick and start pushing my tongue in. I lightly push working my way further and further in. If he relaxes enough I won't have to prepare him.

His moans come out as whines. He's so ready. I lube up the condom I put on and push against him. I'm waiting for the OK. If he doesn't feel ready he'll tell me. He nods and I breach his hole. I push the head in and sit for a moment. He's breathing deeply and I can feel that he's trying to relax his muscles. I push a little further, then a little more, so on and so forth until I'm all the way in.

I look down at him and he's biting his lip. I lean over and kiss him. I love the feel of his tongue as it plays with mine. I start to move. I thrust in and out. It's funny to say that since I never actually pull out of him. Back and forth never leaving the warm safety of his body might be a better description.

His fingers are digging into my shoulder or at least they're trying to, they seem to slip away as he paws at me. I start moving faster because I'm getting close. I notice he has taken hold of his rod and is stroking himself. He cums hard. It spurts out like a fountain spraying his stomach and chest.

I follow shortly after I have significantly increased my speed. I cum filling the condom. I pant as I try to catch my breath and pull out. I toss the condom away and grab a towel to wipe us off. His breath has evened out by the time I've finished.

"Feeling warmer?" I ask,

"Hmmm." Is how he answers as he rolls into my embrace.

"Just one more time." He says as he maneuvers himself to straddle me.

He leans over to grab the lube and smears it on me. He slowly lowers himself on my once again hard cock. I close my eyes as I am once again encased in his heat. He places his hands on my chest and looks at me lovingly. He lowers himself so that his lips are pressed against my ear.

"I love you Kongpob." He says as he lifts his body.

"I love everything about you." He says as he slams back down eliciting an unmanly moan to slip from my mouth.

"I won't ever let you go." He says as he starts his movement.

He's not moving up and down but rather back and forth, rolling his hips as he does so. My hands steady his hips as he rides me faster and faster. He slowly lifts his arms and rests them on his head, crossing the left over the right.

"Ah." He moans out over and over again.

"So good." He breathes out.

"You love my big cock don't you Pii? You love it when I'm inside of you, filling you up, don't you?" I ask.

"Yes! I love your big cock!" He answers as his hips move faster.

"Fuck!" He screams.

He starts to spurt all over my chest. He lowers his hands and places them on me to steady himself. Then he flops forward resting his head on my chest and tries to catch his breath. I dig my fingers into his hips, pull my knees up and start thrusting like a mad man. He keeps his tunnel tight, I know he's clenching on purpose. It's because he knows I love it.

I'm panting as I move rapidly chasing my own personal dragon. Finally I slam into his body and hold myself there as I empty into him.

"Ahh, Kong. It feels so warm." He whispers into my chest.

I came in him. I can't believe I did that. I never forget to wear a condom. Is he going to be mad at me?

"Kong, don't worry, I knew this would be the outcome when I chose not to use the condom. I trust you." He says and I pull him close to me, kissing him languidly. We clean up again then fall asleep together.

I wake up to something peculiar.

"Kongpob. Wake up." He calls.

There is no way that P'Arthit is awake before me. I struggle to open my eyes and there with his face inches from mine is my Oon.

"Pii. What are you doing awake?" I ask.

He chuckles softly as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I got breakfast." He answers.

I follow him to the table that already has breakfast laid out. I look up at my smiling boyfriend.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I was wrong." He says scratching his head.

"You know I feel insecure. I just can't help it. I- I love you so much." He says while his cheeks flush beautifully.

"I love you too. More than you could ever know." I tell him honestly.

"About yesterday, I ran into Namtarn. She told me that a friend of hers set up yesterday's show. She also said that it was to get my attention. The girl thought that if she could break us up I would go to her." He says shyly.

"Were you mad?" I ask even though I know the answer.

His head snaps up and he looks at me like I'm an idiot.

"Did you just meet me? Of course I got mad, but not at Namtarn. She kept apologizing saying it was her fault for always talking about me and showing off my picture." He explains.

"I was mad at them and then I was mad at myself. I blamed you and it wasn't your fault. It's never your fault. I know how you are. I like the way you are, it's why I love you. I'm sorry I acted like it was a bad thing." He says.

I hold his face in my hands and kiss him lightly.

"Forgiven." I say.

"Good. Now eat your breakfast I want to walk you to class." He orders.

That's when I notice that he's completely dressed for school. What time is it? I look at my watch and I'm shocked to see that it's 8 am. I never sleep this late.

"It was a hard night Kongpob." He says as if reading my thoughts.

He walks me to class then sneakily steals a kiss before leaving. I have to suffer through my classes before I get to see him again but I make it. I'm walking through the cafeteria when I spot him. He smiles at me and I smile back. But just as quickly it slips away. There's a girl standing behind him. A pretty one.

I walk faster because I want to know what's going on. I get there just as he turns to acknowledge her. She smiles brilliantly at him and a weaker man would have been affected by it, but not my sun. He simply looks at her waiting for her to speak, hazer face in place.

"P'Arthit. My name is Mercedes. I'm a friend of Namtarn..."

"Ahh, you're the one. Namtarn told me about you. She explained how you asked your cousin to kiss Kongpob in hopes that you could take me away." He says not a hint of joking in his voice.

"I guess I should thank you." He says.

"Huh? Thank me. Why?" She says looking hopeful.

"Because of you Kongpob and I had the best sex last night. People are right, make up sex is fantastic." He says casually then turns back around.

"Kongpob, I saved you a seat right here." He says patting the spot next to him.

I move to sit beside him.

"Excuse me." I say to the girl who hasn't moved a centimeter.

I sit down and look at my boyfriend in wonder. He actually holds up fork of noodles for me.

"Say ahhh." He commands and I do so.

He feeds me the noodles and watches me eat with a smile. I smile back once I'm done chewing. He pushes the bowl over to me but not before taking two meatballs from his own bowl and placing them into mine.

"So the best sex?" I tease with a smile watching the blush begin.

"Shut it Kongpob."

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