The Gift (SOTUS)

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Kongpob's POV:

I walk into my boyfriend's dorm room. He's lying on the bed reading. I drop my bag and head into the bathroom to wash the day off. When I come back he's sitting at his desk looking over some pamphlets.

"Pii what are you looking at?" I ask as I walk over.

He stands quickly tossing the pamphlets down on the table. He takes a deep breath then looks at me. He points to the bed and I get a bad feeling. I go over and sit down trying to calm my heart down.

"Kongpob, we need to talk." He says.

His expression is serious and I can't help but feel nervous. Is today the day he's going to leave me? Did he finally figure out that he doesn't want to be with a man anymore? And what were those damn pamphlets?

"Kongpob. I'm pregnant." He says.

I laugh. Of course I do. That is scientifically impossible. This is no boy love fan fiction story here, this is real life where women have babies and men don't.

"Kongpob! I'm serious. I just came back from the doctor and that's what they told me."


"Kongpob. I am pregnant and going to have your baby." He says clearly and powerfully.

Enough that it forces all of the air out of my lungs. I stare up at him.

"How? How is this possible?" I ask.

"Well I guess I was born with both male and female parts. My parents wanted a boy so that's what I am." He says, his face turning red.

"So, you're saying that we're going to be parents?" He nods his head.

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to abandon me now leaving me to raise your baby alone?" He asks.

He's clearly been thinking about this and assuming that I will leave him.

"Are you kidding? I'm going to marry you. I'm going to marry you and we're going to have a baby made from the both of us." I say with conviction.

"P'ARTHIT! I'm so happy right now!" I pick him up and swing him around.

The next thing I know we're in the hospital and Pii is going in for a C-section. He's still a man after all, that's the only way a baby is coming out of him. He gets wheeled back and I come as far as they allow holding his hand and telling him that I love him.

I look around and all of our friends are here in the waiting area with me. It feels like as soon as I sit down I have to stand back up because the doctor has come out telling me we have a healthy baby boy.

Arthit is in the hospital room and I am sitting in the chair beside him. Our baby is in a small basinet beside us.

"You did so well Pii. He's beautiful." I say trying to hold back my tears.

"Hmmm he is." He says and falls asleep.

I settle into the chair and let myself sleep too.


"Kongpob! Turn off your alarm. It's too freaking early. I need some more sleep." A groggy voice says.

I turn and look at my Pii who is in my bed. I look around and we're in my dorm. There's no baby.

"Pii! Where's the baby?" I ask scared out of my mind.

"Baby? What are you talking about? Are you still drunk? I told you not to drink so much last night." He says.

"No Pii, you were pregnant, we got married and had a baby." I explain.

"I got pregnant? Um you know that I'm a man right?" He asks speaking to me like I'm a child.

"Yes Pii of course I know that you're man. You said you were born with both parts." I explain.

His eyes widen at my statement and he points to himself mouthing the word "me".

"I was? OK let's say that I was born that way, that still doesn't change the fact that it would be impossible for me to get pregnant. We've only been together for six months and we haven't done that yet." He says blushing.

I shake my head trying to make sense of things. He watches me. Then he leans in close.

"Want me to prove that this isn't a dream?" he says then licks my ear.

"Would you feel that in a dream?" He says.

"I guess not." I say feeling a bit sad at my loss.

He straddles himself on my lap and rubs our members together. Mine responds instantly.

"Would you feel that?" he says.

"Hmmmm." I get out before grabbing him and flipping us so that he's on the bed.

I kiss him, sneaking my tongue into his mouth and taking over. I slip my hands under his shirt and caress his unobstructed chest. I pinch at his nipples causing him to gasp rising from the bed.  I take the opportunity to remove his shirt from him. As he falls back onto the bed I remove mine.

He sucks his bottom lip in as he stares at me. I lean down and recapture that mouth. Our skin touches and molds together. His pale white skin scorching my tanned skin wherever it meets.

His head is cradled in my hands as my elbows rest on either side of it. I kiss him tenderly, then eagerly, then aggressively. His hands are wrapped around me pulling me closer. I allow my body to rest on his. He breaks the kiss and gasps for air.

"Kong. I have a gift for you." He says.

I can see my reflection in his eyes and I know he can see his in mine. Despite that I can't help but think that this is an awkward time for gift giving. He smiles at me and I can feel his hands slide down my side. One hand moves to the front of my pants and securely holds onto my manhood.

"I want this." He says giving a gentle squeeze.

I think my heart just stopped. I know my breathing has. Is he saying that we get to have our first time? I look at him and he's smiling at me. His face is completely red right now. Oh god he's serious.

I'm going to have sex with P'Arthit!

Please don't let this be a dream. Please don't be a dream.

"This is not a dream so stop chanting that." He says.

"Now come here and kiss me." He says while pulling me back down.

We make out for quite some time, letting our tongues and lips be as together and entwined as possible. We are completely naked now letting our bodies rollover each other. We touch and caress. This is all nothing new. We have done all of these things before, we just haven't done as much as we could. Definitely not as much as I have wanted to do.

Might as well start with where we're comfortable. I start moving down kissing his chest and his stomach. I stop and admire his rod. It's absolutely perfect. It's longer than average and quite thick. Thicker than mine anyway and mine has some girth to it. The tip swells and becomes a deep red, almost purple color that entices me to pop it into my mouth.

I love the smell of it, this manly scent that permeates from it. I go to the base and start at the nest of curls that sit there. I press my nose there and inhale deeply. Then I run my nose along his length taking in the smell. Once I get to the tip I lick it. There's always a treat there for me and I love the flavor he has to offer. Once I lap to my satisfaction I take the head into my mouth. I love sucking on this part. I hold it in my mouth and give a few strong sucks before taking him completely into my mouth.

It's taken some time but I can now take all of him without gagging. He can't quite do that yet but I have a good two inches on him. That's a lot of meat to swallow. Then again eight inches isn't anything to laugh at either.

I feel him weave his fingers in my hair. I love when he does that. He starts thrusting gently into my mouth, moaning softly. I let him fuck my mouth while I fantasize about fucking him. I can't wait to be buried deep inside of him, having his channel encase me and swallow me up. I can't wait to move in and out of him and cause pleasure to radiate through his body. I can't wait to cum inside of him and mark him as mine.

"Kong. I'm cumming." He whispers out harshly.

"Ahhhhh." He whines as he shoots into my mouth.

Of course I swallow it all. I always swallow.

I slide my mouth slowly up and then give a few more sucks on the tip to make sure I've gotten everything he has to offer. I let go and look up at my incredibly sexy boyfriend.

He's breathing heavily as he tries to calm down from what just happened. I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I get the things I have hidden at the back of the cabinet and go back to him. He eyes me curiously. I hold up the box of condoms and lube I had stashed away for this very moment.

"Oh" he mouths then slowly lies down. He bites his lip as he grabs his knees and slowly pulls them up, spreading his legs apart.

I think I'm going to die right now at how captivating he is.

I lay the things beside me and I position my head between his legs. I was just here but my target is now different. I lightly run my finger over his rosebud causing it to clench. I lower my head and my tongue darts out to taste it.

He pulls back slightly but then I grab his hips and plant my face firmly between his cheeks. I alternated between nice long strokes and short flicks of my tongue. Every now and then I lightly nip at his anus.

He's a mess right now. He's squirming around frantically grabbing at anything he can find. The sounds that come from him are new and I love hearing them.

I take the tip of my tongue and start pushing into the opening. I lightly pulse my tongue then I push harder trying to breach the area. I feel a great sense of accomplishment when the tight muscle relaxes and allows me access.

I pull back and grab the lube. I pour a lot of it onto my fingers. I've done a great deal of research and everyone says lube is important, a lot of lube. So right now I have lube dripping from my fingers just to be safe.

I swirl around that hole again then push my finger in. It's so tight. I can't believe how much it's squeezing my finger. I subconsciously look down at my dick and wonder if it's going to fit.

Oh it'll fit, dammit. I'm not giving up without trying.

I can feel his muscle relax so I pull my finger out and gently push it back in. Soon enough I can do this easily so I slowly push in my entire finger. He's gasping right now. Once I can move my finger easily I add a second finger.

I can tell immediately that he's uncomfortable. I take a breath and slow down. I pull them out and add more lube then put them back in. I get to my knuckles and wait. Then I push them all the way in.

"It's Ok Kong, I can handle it." He says.

I begin spreading my fingers, scissoring them to help loosen him. I pull them out and hesitantly add three fingers. I take my time letting him get used to this but when he does I start moving them quickly in and out of him. He seems to be really be enjoying it as he moves his body to practically fuck himself with my fingers.

Right now I'm irritated that my fingers are what's inside of him so I remove them.

I roll on the condom and add lube. Arthit gives me a puzzled look.

"Should I know something" He asks.

"No, I read that a condom helps you last a little longer on your first time." I explain.

"Ohh." He says and lays down.

I place my junior against his hole and push in slowly. His hands grab my ass and he digs his fingers into my flesh. Then he pulls me into him, completely enveloping me.

I can't even focus right now. I sit there, my member fully inside of the man that I love. I'm shaking right now with excitement.

Arthit lets go of my rear and grabs my face pulling me down into a kiss. He forces his tongue into my mouth and kisses me feverishly.

"Kong. Are you just going to sit there?" He ask.

I shake my head no and start to move. I pull myself back feeling every bit of the channel that surrounds me. I slam back into him eliciting a moan from him. My brain completely turns off and my penis takes control. I begin moving in and out of him, thrusting at a steady rate until things move easily, then I switch gears. My hips rock aggressively and I pound into him desiring to force every sound I can from him.

My lower half never stops moving as I latch onto his neck and suck. He keeps calling my name and every now and then he says fuck. His hands keep flailing, he grabs me then let's go and grabs handfuls of sheet and sometimes he slaps the mattress.

His head moves side to side as he moans. Sometimes it comes out as a whine and sometimes a whimper. Sometimes it sounds like he's singing because his moans are strung together. I love all of it and I want to hear it all night long.

All too soon I feel it. That build up that tells me I'm getting close. I look at Arthit and he has found something to do with one of his hands. He strokes himself furiously trying to reach his pique.

I tap into my last bit of strength and move harder and faster. His cries are strangle as wet heat lands on my stomach. I keep plowing on chasing my orgasm.

Then it hits.

"Ugghh." As I slam one final time and release my load into the condom.

I hold myself pressed tightly against him until the last wave passes. Then I slowly pull out. I take off the condom and throw it in the bin next to the bed. I get a towel to wipe us down the lay down beside an exhausted P'Arthit.

Arthit's POV:

I'm lying on the bed trying to wrap my mind around what I've just learned. I hear the door open and I quickly grab a book and pretend to read. Kong walks in smiling and heads to the bathroom to take a shower.  I go to the desk and look over the pamphlets the doctor has given me and let out a deep sigh.

"Pii, what are you looking at?" He asks from behind me. I quickly shove them into the desk and turn to look at him.

"Kongpob, we need to talk." I say motioning for him to sit down.

He looks nervous, like he thinks I'm leaving him. How can he be so insecure?

"Kongpob. I'm pregnant." I admit nervously.

He laughs. A genuine that's a funny joke laugh. Why wouldn't he? It's scientifically impossible. This is no boy love fan fiction story here, this is real life where women have babies and men don't.

"Kongpob! I'm serious. I just came back from the doctor and that's what they told me." I say feeling the warm tears slide down my cheeks.


I sit up in bed in a cold sweat. I look over and Kong is staring at me concerned.

"I think you were having a nightmare." He says.

I let out a nervous laugh as I lean over him to see the bin beside the bed.  I peer in and look at the used condom and let a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness it was just a dream.

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