Placing My Mark (SOTUS)

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Arthit's POV:

It's lunch break and I'm in the canteen with my friends waiting for our juniors to join us. We all watch as the scene plays out before us. Like clockwork there is always some girl trying to get the attention of one student #0062- Kongpob Suthiluck.

I can't blame them really, this man is the stuff of dreams. Devastatingly handsome, god like body, perfect smile that is freely given, and a kind heart (if not a bit of a hero complex). Oh and did I mention handsome?

We see today's contestant walking up to Kong holding onto a box.

"Alright let's take bets." Bright starts but no one is annoyed. This has become a daily thing.

"Let's see there's a card and a box. Do we bet on time or what's in the box?" Bright asks.

"It's been awhile since he's gotten a gift I say let's bet on that." Prem suggests.

"Scarf! A hand knitted one." Bright says snapping his fingers.

"Asshole. Why would he need a scarf?" I ask smacking the back of his head.

While rubbing his head, Bright looks at me like I'm an idiot then explains his logic.

"Because, my dear friend, nothing says I Love You like personally knitting a scarf for someone." He says nodding his head yes.

"I hate to admit it but Bright makes a lot sense right now." Toota agrees but cringes as he does it.

"I say she baked. Cupcakes." Knott says.

"You got that from the box did you?" I quip.

"I agree that making something may have a greater impact." I can tell he worded his response carefully and it makes me smile.

"So basically you agree with me you just don't want to admit it." Bright says getting cocky.

"I think cupcakes make sense." Prem says and he and Knott high five.

"That's two to two, what's your vote Arthit?" Bright asks.

I take a look at the box. It is big enough for both a scarf or cupcakes. Either choice is good. But what would be unique enough to stand out in a sea of gifts?

"Couple shirts." I say casually.

Bright spits out his drink and Knott is thumping on his back.

"What? It would be original plus she could have made them. That's my bet." Although we will never find out.

We watch as she has her arms holding the box outstretched for Kong. She is very confident right now but things aren't going to go her way. My Kong, among other things, is always honest and faithful.

I see him reject her gift probably with his "I already have a lover" statement. She steps back and looks at him like he's crazy. Then she starts yelling at him.

Well this is new. Many will demand an answer or claim proof of his relationship but I've never seen anyone actually yell at him. And this is where my patience ends.

I stand and start heading towards the girl who is verbally assaulting my boyfriend. I can hear the "ooh's" in the background from my friends but I don't care.

Today I will be the knight.

As I make my approach my arm is grabbed and I stop looking at the source. There, stands a very flushed girl who is looking at me wide eyed and nervous.

"Nong, if you could let go I have something I need to do." I say politely while trying to push her hand off.

"P'Arthit. Just a minute please." She begs, her eyes actually doubling in size.

How do I say no to that? I look over and Kong is listening to the girl as she continues to rant. I look over at my friends flicking my head towards the situation and they get the hint. Bright of all people gets up. Dammit this isn't going to end well but right now I'll take what I can get.

I look over at the very pretty girl who has yet to let go of my arm and I smile at her.

"What can I do for you Nong?" I ask with a soft smile.

She's blushing right now. And I can't help that my smile has gotten wider.

"Take your time, I will listen." I tell her.

"Oh P'Arthit! I really like you and I was hoping you would be my boyfriend." She all but yells.

I'm pretty sure I hear gasps emanating from my table. I can feel my mouth slide open at her confession. This doesn't usually happen to me. It happens to him so right now I'm at a loss of what to do. I continue to stare at her waiting for the punchline.

"Pii?" She asks softly as she lightly runs her hand up and down my arm.

I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist while a firm chest presses against my back. I know his touch so I'm not concerned.

In one fluid movement he swipes her hand away from my arm the pushes my mouth closed.

"Nong, seeing as my boyfriend is speechless right now I will answer for him. P'Arthit belongs to me. Completely. I do not share. I will not let him go. He will never be yours. Do you understand?" He says with a terse tone.

She shakes her head yes and tears are forming in her eyes, probably from embarrassment.

"Now if you'll excuse us, it seems I need to remind someone who they belong to." He says a bit angrily then grabs my arm and drags me off.

Kongpob's POV:

I politely tell this young lady that I already have someone and cannot accept her feelings and she throws a fit. She is calling me a liar, a coward, and whatever else comes into her head.

I listen as she complains because I'm a nice guy and if this makes her feel better then what's the harm. However I notice movement from my Oon. He's not as forgiving so this needs to wrap up before he gets here.

I'm getting frustrated trying to get away from her. It's odd that he hasn't gotten here yet, maybe I didn't have to worry. I cross my arms and give her annoyed look. P'Bright comes over and slings his arm over my shoulder.

"So we have a bet about what your gift is for Kongpob. So what is it nong?" He asks cheekily.

She scrunches her face which has turned red. She is clearly angry. P'Bright is smiling at her with that look that only he has perfected. The one that you want to smack off of his face.

"I'll give you the options: a handmade scarf, cupcakes, or couples shirts." He says while she smirks at him.

"The only way you'll find out is when he accepts it and opens it." She smiles triumphantly holding the box to me.

Then I hear it.

"Oh P'Arthit! I really like you and I was hoping you would be my boyfriend." A girl's voice rings out.

My head snaps to them and I can feel my expression tighten as I watch this girl run her hand up and down MY Oon's arm. He isn't even doing anything, just standing there like a fool.

"You know what? I don't care." I say curtly to the girl who throws the box to the ground.

"I knew it! It was scarf!" P'Bright yells.

I walk over to Arthit and that girl, more like storm over,because right now my goal is to remove that girl's hand from my property.

I can hear the seniors calling to him and warning him of my approach. I reach him and wrap my arm around his waist pulling him into me. I not so gently swipe the girl's offensive hand away then push his mouth shut. I chuckle a little to myself at his confusion but my face remains stern as I look at the girl in front of me.

"Nong, seeing as my boyfriend is speechless right now I will answer for him. P'Arthit belongs to me. Completely. I do not share. I will not let him go. He will never be yours. Do you understand?" I ask in a voice that is uncharacteristically harsh.

She shakes her head yes and tears are forming in her eyes but right now I don't care.

"Now if you'll excuse us, it seems I need to remind someone who they belong to."

I grab his arm and drag him behind me. He doesn't even struggle, just follows obediently. It's unlike him but I think it's because he's still dazed by what just happened.

Between the two of us I am the more possessive, the least confident, and the one who feels the need to reinforce our relationship the most.

He lets me.

We get to my room and I stare at him with undisguised lust. I will be taking him now and I will be placing my mark for all to see.

"Kong, don't get the wrong idea, I was coming to help you." He defends.

"Yet somehow you ended up letting a girl caress your arm right in front of me." I counter.

"That's not what happened..."

"No Pii, that's exactly what happened. She asked you to be hers and then you let her rub herself on you." I scold.

"I was stunned that someone asked me that to be honest. I didn't realize that she was rubbing my arm." He says looking down.

"Why would you be surprised? Do you think that I'm the only one who knows how good looking you are?" I practically yell.

He lets out a laugh in disbelief. I grab his shoulders and pull him to me. I kiss him deeply. He throws his arms around my neck and tightens them forcing me closer. He moans into the kiss.

Giving a tug on his hair, I pull away. His face is flushed and lips are full. He licks his bottom lip as he tries to catch his breath.

"Do you really not know how sexy you are?" I guess I need to show him then.

I walk us to the bed. I remove my shirt and toss it to the ground. He shamelessly stares at my body. He reaches out and lets his fingertips trail over my muscles while biting his bottom lip. I grab his hand and drag it down my body.

"This all belongs to you, why are you acting hesitant?" I ask.

He looks up at me and I see the moment his desire ignites. Both hands now on my torso, slowly and forcefully make their way down to my pants. I see a smirk before he deftly unbuttons and removes my pants and boxers. He grasps my manhood and starts to stroke me. I close my eyes as his hand is making me forget why I was upset.

"I don't think my hand is where this wants to be." He whispers as he gives a slight squeeze.

He's absolutely right. This definitely IS NOT where it wants to be. I all but rip his clothes from his body and throw him onto the bed. I crawl over him and he smiles at me knowing he has me where he wants me.

God I love this man. I rake my eyes over his pale body. My eyes stop at his penis which lets me know he's feeling the same way I am. I lower myself over him and rest my body on his. The heat from our bodies mingle and create a new wave of desire. I close the gap between our lips and kiss him roughly. Not one to shy away from my attack he kisses back with equal fervor.

"You know I'm going to mark you right?" I ask knowing that my voice is a bit husky.

He closes his eyes and nods yes. He knows he was wrong and that this is his punishment. Don't get me wrong, I mark him all of the time. I love to suck on his body and leave proof behind that I am the one that gets to do it but I always do it below collar level. Not today.

I latch onto the perfect spot and suck. I suck hard making sure my mark will be nice and visible to all. I can feel the unsteady rise and fall of my Oon's chest as he pants. He loves this he just doesn't like getting made fun of for it.

I release my hold and look at my work. Yes that will definitely get some attention. I smile at the thought.

"Kong, if that's all you were going to do you didn't have to get me naked." He teases.

I grab his hips and pull him down towards me. I reach for the lube and spread it on my fingers. Since he seems to be in a hurry, I should move things along.

I push a finger into him and he lets out a sigh. Damn that's sexy. I want to take him now, mold our bodies together, be inside of him, and claim his everything as mine. I have to be patient though.

I add another finger and work on his opening. It loosens enough for me to add a third. I start pushing in and out and he is riding them. Foul words spill out of his mouth. That's sexy too.

"Now. Kong. Now." He gets out between pants.

I pull out my fingers. I put on a condom and lube it up. He watches as I do this.

"Why?" He asks clearly confused about the condom.

"We have things to do later, it's for easy cleanup." I say with a smile.

He furrows his browns and sits up. He reaches over and pulls the condom off.

"No. All of you." He flops back down and spreads his legs for me.

I lube up and push into him. He's always so tight and warm. I love this feeling. This acceptance from him by allowing me to enter his body. I'm not stupid, I know my Oon. He wouldn't be open like this if he didn't love me completely. He's just not that type of man.

I start moving, slowly pulling out and pushing back in. Each movement sends my brain into overdrive. The way his body sucks me in, the way it encases me, the way it squeezes me jolting all of my nerve endings into a frenzy. Only my Oon, only his body can do this to me.

I start moving faster as his body loosens and I am able to slide in and out easily. He feels so good. I won't ever get tired of this. If he could handle it I would have him every night, more than once.

Every time I push into him the air in my lungs forces it way out accompanied by an "mmm" sound. I gasp a breath when I pull out. In and out, inhale, exhale, faster and faster. I quicken my pace as the channel squeezes ever so slightly.

A smacking sound echoes through the room every time our bodies meet and Oon starts moaning louder. His fists are balled into the sheets as his body writhes underneath me.

He's leaking profusely and needs attention. I pull out followed by a whimper. I smile down at him lovingly. I lean forward and kiss his lips. I stick my tongue into his mouth and let our tongues dance together. I caress my way down his body as I kiss him lovingly. I pull away and look at him.

"I love you Oon. So much. Only you." I say. He smiles up at me.

"I love you too, Kong." He whispers out, his face pinking as he says it.

He gets on his side and I get behind him. I pull him to me then ease back into him. I latch onto his neck and suck on it. I start rolling my hips as I grab his waiting cock. I swipe the tip collecting the precum and then use it as I start pumping his length. I speed up my thrusts and my hand.

"Kong! I'm close." He yells out.

"OK Oon, I've got you." I focus on him, stroking him with a firm grip. I speed up giving a slight twist from base to tip. A whine escapes his mouth over the next few strokes then he curses as streams of cum fly from his penis. Spurt after spurt of creamy liquid forces its way out and onto the bed. His breathing is ragged as he tries to calm down.

Now that he's done it's my turn to finish.

I grab his hips and start thrusting with purpose. Slamming into him forcefully, he cries out in pleasure every time I brush over that bundle of nerves. I know where to hit on my man. My stomach knots up and I can feel that I'm about to cum.

"OON!!!" I scream out as my seed fills his body. I continue to thrust into him as I ride out my orgasm. I pull him closer and place my arm under his head. I'm still buried inside him but he doesn't seem to mind. I fall asleep that way with him.

Screw our plans.

Arthit's POV:

Just like yesterday I am in the canteen waiting for my boyfriend to arrive. The difference is this humongous love bite on my neck where everyone can see it. All day long I've been tormented about this damn thing that Kong left on my body. What's worse is that I forgot to mark him, not that he would care.

As usual he is stopped on his way to our table by yet another person trying to steal him away from me. I get up without another thought and walk towards them. I move quickly in case my brain catches up with my actions.

He looks at me slightly confused. I wrap my arm around the back of his head and bring him closer. I attach myself to his neck and start sucking on it. I can hear Kong moaning as I work on my mark. I release him and look at it. It's not as big as the one he left but it's enough.

I can hear the cat calls from my table but right now I don't care. In ten minutes I'm pretty sure I'll have a mental breakdown though. I look and Kong is dazed from what just happened and that makes me smile.

I turn and face the girl in question with a smirk on my face. I pull his collar away making sure to give her a good view of my mark.

"You see this? This means he's mine. So back off." I say.

I grab his hand lacing our fingers before leading him to our table where everybody is staring at us with the same shit eating grin. I sit and pull Kong down beside me.

"Aw I forgot my pink milk." I say with a pout.

Before I can get up Kong is out of his seat and over at the booth buying my pink milk. He comes back running his finger over his mark and smiles at me.

"Here." He says as he places my milk in front of me.

"Thank you Kong." And before I take a sip of my milk I place a soft kiss on his mouth.

He sits there stunned. I think I like a quiet Kong.

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