Two Kitties are Better than One (2moons)

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Damn. It's raining again. This is the fourth day in a row. I place my briefcase over my head and run to the bus stop. It doesn't really help though, I'm completely soaked. All accept for my hair. I slump in my seat on the bus and think about how crappy the weather has been these last few days.

I decide to give up on the briefcase and trudge to my house from the bus stop. I own a 2 bedroom house with a small yard. It's older and needs some work but that's ok. I have nothing but time after work, so that's what I do most nights, DIY projects.

Some people might think it's not worth anything but I like it. The layout is definitely my style. My yard allows me to have a small table and chair for when the weather is nice, and there's a nice old tree that flowers nicely in the spring. It's not many people's dream home but it's mine. This is the house I grew up in.

I open my gate and walk into my yard. I notice two cats huddled together on the porch. Aw poor things. I slowly approach them. I don't want to scare them. I squat down and look at them for a few minutes. They look back at me curiously and start to mew.

"Are you having a hard day too?" I ask them.

"Meow." One responds.

I sit back and reach my hand out. One of them comes forward and sniffs my hand then pushes its head against it. I start to scratch its head and it begins to purr. The second one comes out and starts rubbing against my shoulder. Now they're both purring loudly.

"Do you have a home?" I ask as I check their necks for collars.

"Meow." Is my answer.

"Want to live with me?" I ask as I stand up and open the door.


I assume it means yes since they both walk in like they own the place. I smile to myself as my new roommates make themselves at home.

"I don't have much for you right now but I will pick some stuff up tomorrow. OK?" I ask as if they can understand me.

I go through my pantry and find a tin of tuna. Better than nothing right. I open it and separate it into two plates. They look at me sweetly then eat.


It's been a month since Kit and Yo have moved in and I have to admit that I love having them. They really are the most beautiful cats I've ever seen and that's not just me being biased. They really are. I find myself looking at other cats and comparing them to mine. None of them come close.

My cats are polar opposites, a yin and yang if you will. My feisty Kit is solid black, while sweetie Yo is completely white. I find Kit can be temperamental and easily annoyed. I have to coax him to get attention from him. Yo on the other hand freely gives his affections but he's a little sneaky and a bit of a trickster. He likes to hide and pounce out at me.

Over the last month I have found that my silly cats have found their way into my room and on my bed. Kit cuddles on my right while Yo takes the left. I always wake up with a little head on each shoulder. It's comforting.

Today I've been doing some work on the house so I'm incredibly tired. After we eat I head up to bed. I shower and just flop down. Normally I would put on clothes but it's hot and I can't be bothered. Besides it's my house. Who's going to see me, my cats?

They both jump on the bed and walk up to me.

"Meow?" Kit asks.

"I'm just tired. I worked hard. Didn't you see?" I ask.

"Meow." He answers.

"What about you baby Yo, I deserve a rest right?"

"Meow." He answers and puts his little face in mine.

I gently blow puffs into his face. He rubs his mouth against mine and I kiss him back. Then he rubs his face against mine. I look over and Kit is watching.

"KitKat. Don't you love me too? Can't I have a kiss?" I ask.

He gets up and flicks his tail but comes over to me. I blow at him and get my goodnight kiss.

I lay down with them curled against me purring.

"Love you boys." I say before falling asleep.

I wake up and the weight on my arms is heavier than normal. I look side to side and instead of my two beautiful cats I have two naked boys sleeping with me. Naked save chokers around their necks.

"What the hell!" I yell as I wrestle myself away.

They both look up at me confused.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you...naked, in my bed! And where the fuck are my cats!" I drag my hands through my hair then notice that I'm naked. I quickly cover myself and back up to the dresser where I find a pair of shorts.

They both stare at me then look at each other. Their eyes go wide as they look at each other.

"OK Ming calm down first. It's me Kit and that's Yo." He says gesturing to himself and then to the other guy.

"Right, you guys are my cats." I say sarcastically.

"Well, yeah we are." He says.

"GET OUT!! I yell.

"Wait Ming, it really is us." The slightly smaller one says.

He grabs my arm and looks pleadingly at me. My eyes fall to his choker. It's emerald green like Yo's and then I see the tag. I look over at the other man who is wearing a red choker with a tag.

No way. These men can't be my cats. Wait does that mean I've been sleeping with two men for the last month. Of course not because these guys are NOT MY CATS!

"Please listen." The little one says holding onto my arm and dragging me to the bed.

As I sit my Kit comes and walks into my lap curling his tail around my face. I hold him close and breathe in his scent.

"My sweet KitKat where is your brother?" I ask.

Kit leaps from my lap and lands as a man. The man that was sleeping on my right, just like my KitKat.

This is ludicrous. There is no way my cats...I scratch my head. I look down at the sweet face that is resting on my knees. My Yo does that.

"Will you listen now?" Yo asks.

"Sure." I say giving up.

"You see we're Nekos. We're basically half human, half cat. We can be in human form, cat form, or in between." Kit explains.

"What's in between?" I ask.

Yo pops up with white cat ears and tail. I start to feel my head to make sure it's still there because I'm pretty sure my brain just exploded.

"You see, the three of us we're..we're.." He's scratching the back of his neck.

"Dammit Kit just spit it out. Look Kit and I are nekos and you are our master of sorts. Or the third part of our union. Whatever the case the three of us are meant to be together as a unit." Yo explains.

"Master?" I ask.

"That's what you heard?" Kit says exasperated.

"No I heard it all, I just focused in on master." I tell him with a smirk.

"So you're saying that the three of us are...?"

"Mates would be the best term. It's rare to have three but not unheard of." Yo says.

"Does that mean that do I.."

"You'll fuck us both. Probably a lot because we're really horny all of the time." Yo says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah that's true." Kit says, cheeks flushed.

"For how long?" I ask.

They both look at me like I've lost my mind.

"Forever." They say together.

"Mates are eternal Ming." Yo says.

"Are you sure it's me? I'm not quite sure I believe all of this yet." I say feeling a bit hesitant.

I feel something but I don't know what it is.

"What do you mean?" Kit asks then turns to Yo.

"You feel it right?" He asks and Yo nods yes.

"You don't feel it?" They both say looking sad.

A tear slides down Kit's face and Yo wraps his arms around him.

"It's ok Kit. We'll be fine on our own. Besides that means we can screw whomever we want to now. We don't have to save ourselves anymore." He says forcing out a smile.

As soon as the thought of them being with another man hits me a surge of jealousy overwhelms me. I can't help the outburst that happens.

"You can do what with who? There will be no one else! You belong to me! Do you understand my kitties?" I say with complete possessiveness.

They look at me confused but then a smile creeps onto their faces. Damn they're cute and I believe they just told me that I get to fuck them both. I lick my lips as I look at them. They get off of the bed and back up. I'm sure they know I plan on devouring them.

"My kitties, come to me." I say in a seductive voice.

It's like a light switch. Suddenly they both walk towards me eyes full of anticipation. They get on either side of me and start rubbing their faces against mine. They're purring. I take a moment to appreciate their cat ears and tails. Are they too cute to fuck?

No. They are just right for me to plunder.

I lean over and kiss Yo. He feels like he's vibrating. I wonder what that would feel like with my dick down his throat. I look over at Kit and point to my member. He understands right away and goes there. He takes me into his mouth and starts deep throating me. And yes that vibrating sensation feels fantastic.

I continue to kiss Yo while Kit satisfies my curiosity. I kiss and suck on his neck.

"Do we mark each other?" I ask as I gulp down a breath.

"Hmmm." Is my answer.

I can think about that later, right now I'm famished and have two lovely kitties to feed from.

"Yo lay on the bed but put your head down here." I say pointing to the foot of the bed.

He looks confused but complies.

"Kit help me prepare your brother. You know how to do that right?" I confirm.

"Yes." He acknowledges

"Good. Ok baby, top or bottom?" I ask.

His eyes become wide and I have to chuckle at my error in words.

"No Kit. I don't mean do you want to top me, that won't ever happen. I'm asking if you want to stimulate Yo's top or prepare his hole for me." I correct.

He seems almost disappointed but he goes for Yo's face. I nod and go for the prize. I drape his legs over my shoulders. I use my hands to spread his cheeks apart and I run my tongue along the crease. His body shudders and I become excited. I lap at his rose bud and he starts to squirm. I poke at his hole using my tongue to penetrate that area. His tail keeps flicking side to side. I'm not sure what that means but I like it.

I look and see Kit sucking on his nipples. I wonder if it's weird since they're brothers. I certainly don't mind having both even though they're brothers.

I get up and grab the lube that I used last night, yeah I had a little self indulgence. In front of my cats now that I think about it.

I tell Yo to flip so that he's on his hands and knees. I rub the lube on my fingers then circle his bud before pushing my finger inside. Damn he's so tight. Right now I wish I had two dicks so I could fuck them both at once.

I push my finger in to my knuckle. He's clenching right now and I need him to relax. So far the tail is a real turn on as it swishes along my face.

"Shhh, it's ok Yo. Just relax. I promise you it will feel so good." I coo at him.

Kit starts kissing him, tongue and all. I guess being brothers doesn't bother them at all. Once I feel a little give I push my finger in the rest of the way. Then I start moving it in and out. Soon my finger slips in and out easily and he is making soft noises.

I remove my finger and add a second. I hate preparing, I really do, but I know that it's important. I want this to be a good experience for him. Even after preparing him it's going to hurt a bit but if I can lessen that then I'm willing to be patient.

Soon two fingers become three and I have found that magical spot inside of him, the one I'll never experience because there's no way anyone will ever be sticking anything up my ass.

He's pushing against my fingers and trying to create more of a connection. I think he's ready. I pull out my fingers and he whines.

"Shhh Yo something better will be going in, trust me." I whisper to him. Yo nods in understanding.

I'm on my knees between his legs. I lube up my cock and position myself. His tail keeps flicking back and forth and runs along my chin.

I used up all of my patience preparing him so I go all in. His tight channel squeezes me and I'm trying to hold it together. I keep myself from moving because I don't want to cum too soon, and I want to give him a few moments to adjust.

"Ok." He says and I slowly pull out. I add some more lube then push back into him. So tight. So hot. I start out slowly until I can easily move. Then I increase my speed. I change directions until I hear him cry out. That's my target.

I look at Kit and motion for him to come over. I take his dick and guide it into Yo's mouth. Yo sucks on it like a champ. I'm going out on a limb and assume they have done a few things together. Kit closes his eyes and thrusts into Yo's mouth.

Now that Kit is taken care of I go back to what I was doing. I start slamming into Yo making sure that I hit that spot I found earlier. Yo is moaning but it comes out muffled since his mouth is filled with Kit's dick.

I grab one of his legs and lift it to the side. It's out there at a right angle and I'm holding onto his thigh. I like this position. I pound into him going a little deeper with my thrusts. His hands are digging into Kit's hips as he holds onto them for dear life.

I'm getting close so I have to decide do I finish him off first or last?

Definitely last. I increase my power and fuck him with everything I have.

"Uh, uh, Uhhh!" I say as I release inside of him.

I can hear Kit's grunt faintly in the background as I try to come back down to earth. I look down at Yo who is flushed and panting. He's still rock hard. I pull out and lay down beside him. I take his junior in hand and start to stroke it. His nails are digging into my chest as he nears his climax. Kit, who is on the other side of him is sucking and pinching at his nipples.

With my free hand I slither it down to his entrance and rub my finger around the bloom. My cum is still warm as it seeps from his body. I poke my finger inside and slide it in and out. It doesn't take long before pulses of white liquid shoot from him. He whimpers with each shot before collapsing back down onto the bed.

I lay down beside him a little spent. He curls up into a ball and falls asleep. Kit looks down at him and smiles. Then his hand slowly slides over my cock bringing it back to life. He climbs over me and starts kissing me deeply. He slowly lowers himself onto my waiting penis.

"Ahhhhh." I let out.

Just as tight. Just as hot.

Kit moves his hips forward and backwards increasing his speed. He draws up his folded arms and rests them between his sweet little cat ears as he rides me. I have my hands on his hips supporting him.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm" he repeats and he gets himself off.

He leans back putting his hands behind him on the bed and starts bouncing up and down. I pull my legs in propping my knees up and star thrusting into him.

His moaning becomes louder as I continually brush against his prostate. I close my eyes as I soak in this delicious feeling of being inside Kit. When I open them Yo has positioned himself so that his dick is in my face. I swallow it and suck on it. I slow down my thrusts but Kit seems to be making up for it by bouncing harder and faster.

I can't believe how good he is, while riding me he's stroking himself. I have a mouth full of Yo. He tastes so good. I love the way he feels in my mouth. He grabs my head and starts fucking my mouth harshly. I can't help that I lost focus because my dick feels awesome.

"I'm gonna cum Kit." I warn. At least that's what it would have sounded like if my mouth weren't full.

He settles back on top of me and starts gyrating at an incredible pace while yanking at himself. Yo's actions have sped up as well. In minutes Yo's hot seed flows into my mouth while Kit's shoots onto my stomach. As soon as Yo's cum hits my tongue I release inside of Kit.

Yo releases my head and I fall onto the bed trying to catch my breath. Kit gets up and my essence pours back onto me. So here I sit with my cum on my Johnson, Kit's cum on my chest, and Yo's cum in my mouth. I thought I was the master.

They both cuddle up against me again, one on each side.

"So about that mark." I say.

"Yes the mark." Kit says with a smirk.

He sniffs my neck then starts licking it. He sucks on it driving me crazy before sinking his teeth into me. I can feel it as the bond is created and a mark forms. He pulls away and smiles at me. I look and he and Yo already have a mark.

I look at them confused as they smile at each other. Kit glides his finger along my mark. When I look at his I can see where it combines the three of us but I'm confused, I didn't mark them.

"What's wrong baby?" Kit asks.

"The marks." I say still questioning what's happening.

"Ah well you see it's not necessary for each of us to mark. As the eldest I mark and it reflects onto all involved which is why we all have the mark."

"But I thought I.."




"I feel disappointed."

"But you marked Yo and I already. You released inside of us marking us as yours. Is that not enough?" He asks.

"No, that's more than enough." Feeling a bit stupid all of a sudden.

Really I have no clue what the fuck he's talking about but at this point I just don't care anymore. He says we're all marked and together and that's all that matters to me.

"Miiiing." Yo says as he rubs his hand down my chest towards my rod.

Damn I hope I survive being mated to these two horny kitties.

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