When the Boys Get jealous (2moons)

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I'm standing at my locker trying to get dressed. I'm still slightly damp from my shower. My pants and shirt are undone and I have a towel slung over my shoulders.

"Hey Kit." Comes from behind me.

I turn and look at Pete, the boy who has the locker next to mine. He has just gotten out of the shower so he still has a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hey Pete. Man, gym was brutal today huh?" I say as I start toweling off my hair.

"It's your fault you know? That little group of yours always has to play hard then the rest of us have to give our all just to keep up!" He complains.

I laugh at him and we start talking about random things like we always do. He makes some random joke that I'm laughing at when I feel an arm snake over my shoulder and pull me close to a large body.

"What are you doing Kit?" His voice is calm but cold.

I look up at Pha. He has a serious look on his face. Almost an angry one.

"Yes Kit.  Is there a reason you're talking to Pete while you're half naked?" I can tell his jaw is clenched.

I look to my left and see that indeed Beam is talking through gritted teeth. What has gotten into these two? Pha physically turns me to face Beam who starts buttoning my shirt, then tucks it in, and zips my pants.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I try to turn to Pha but he holds me in place until Beam announces that he's done.

"Do you not know who you belong to Kit? You know how we are. Why would you flirt with someone right in front of us?" He whispers in a harsh tone with his mouth pressed against my ear.

"Flirt? Who the hell was I flirting with? And belong to? Fuck you Pha!" I say angrily.

"No Kit, that's my job." He sneers.

"And mine." Beam chimes in.

"Looks like our Kitty needs reminding." He says in a low drawl.

They practically drag me out of the locker room. I can't believe they're acting like this. It's never a good thing when they get jealous because I'm always the one who pays for it. Shit, my ass hurts just thinking about it.

We end up at Pha's house because his dad is never home. This is usually where we go anyway. I watch from behind as Pha and Beam head towards Pha's room. I think about running but I would never get away. Pha and Beam are incredibly fast, plus then my punishment would be worse.

I hate getting punished for things they imagine. I was not flirting. I never flirt, but they always say that I am. Is it my fault they are crazy possessive? How did I get myself into this mess anyway? Oh yeah it was stupid Beam who thought it would fun to "experiment." Six months later and this experiment has turned into the three of us in a relationship with me somehow being low man on the totem pole. Pun intended.

I run into the back of Beam who has stopped for some reason.

"What are thinking about Kitty?"

"Nothing. Not like it ever matters to you guys lately anyway." You can't blame me for being annoyed right now.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Pha is there now and questioning me.

"I mean that ever since this," I motion to the three of us, "started you guys have started treating me less and less like a part of this group and more like I'm your possession. You never listen to me anymore, you try to keep me out of games and away from other friends. Damn I bet if I was a girl you wouldn't treat me like this!" I rant.

They are both looking at me completely confused.

"Seriously? Nothing? Fine. Screw you two. I'm done." I yell as I turn and head for the door.

I knew I wouldn't make it. There's no way they would let me go like that. Even before this thing between us happened, when we were just best friends, they wouldn't let me leave mad.

"Kit!" They both call.

They run past me, then stop and turn to face me. I halt and cross my arms.

"What?" I ask fuming.

They each take a side. Pha is on my right with his arms wrapped around my waist while Beam is on my left with his arms around my shoulders.

"My Kitty. Don't be mad na. We're sorry." Pha is nodding his head in agreement to what Beam just said.

"Kit, if we didn't love you so much we wouldn't get this way. It's scary to think of someone else looking at you, talking to you, or touching you. Sometimes I can't help myself." Pha says.

"Hmmm Kitty. Please forgive us. We'll try harder na?" Beam pleads.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes of course." They both answer a little too quickly.

"I can play basketball with you guys again." I test.

"Yes, but you can't take your shirt off. Ever." Beam states and I'm trying not to laugh at his response.

"And I can talk to whomever I want without you two losing your fucking minds?" I push.

"No. That won't ever happen. I'm sorry Kit. We can't promise you that." Pha simply states.

"Whyyy? Don't you trust me?" I whine.

"Oh it's not you my Kitty. You're just too stupid to realize how beautiful you are. You don't see the way they look at you, but we do." Beam says and Pha agrees.

"Come on, let's go to Pha's room to finish talking about this."

I narrow my eyes at him. Does he think I'm stupid? They'll pounce me as soon as the door closes.

"I don't think so. I'm gonna go home. You two need to learn a lesson." I tell them.

I practically run to the door and out of the house. I stop when I realize I don't have a way home. Dammit! Those two are gonna ending up driving me crazy. I let out a deep sigh and start walking. Soon enough I'm flanked by Beam and Pha.

"Baby please come back." Pha begs.

I give Pha a look of warning. I hate being called baby.

"Sorry. Kit." He amends.

Beam stands in front of me and takes my hand in both of his. He is swinging it side to side.


"Yes my Kitty."

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to be cute so you will come back."

I can't stop the chuckle that leaves my mouth. I give Beam a soft smile.

"Fine." I turn and head back to the house. I hear the clapping of hands behind me. I assume a high five was in order for their success.

I'm moaning. Beam has my member in his mouth while Pha has his fingers deep inside of me. Dammit I should have walked home.

Beam releases my cock then kisses his way up my stomach making sure to suckle each of my nipples before finally resting in the crook of my neck. He sucks harshly while Pha takes over his job of sucking me off.

"Pha! God Pha!"

He lets go with a pop and his hand takes the place of his mouth. He comes up to my lips and kisses me deeply. His tongue swirling with mine making sure to taste every bit of my mouth. Finding that I have nothing to do with my hands I grab both of their members and start pumping them.

He releases the kiss and starts aggressively kissing Beam while their joined hands are stroking my dick. Once they break their kiss, Beam kisses me and Pha starts sucking on his side of my neck. They are definitely making sure people know I'm taken.

"Guys! I'm gonna cum." I pant out.

He stops sucking on my neck. The two work together giving the right amount of pressure and speed to send me to heaven. A few moments later streams of opal escape my body, as do my screams of pleasure.

I'm panting as I try to recover from my orgasm. I feel Pha lift me and move me so that I am sitting on his lap. I know what's happening. They don't like taking turns when they are feeling possessive. I take a deep breath trying to relax myself.

Pha is rubbing my chest with one hand while he guides himself to my chrysanthemum with the other. I lower myself slowly onto his well lubed little man feeling the stretch. We do it pretty regularly so taking one of them at a time is not that difficult, it's when they want to go at the same time that it becomes a problem.

Once I'm seated I take some deep breaths. Pha starts moving, thrusting in and out of me. Of the two his is the thicker while Beam's is a little bit longer.

Right now it's feeling good. He's got a nice rhythm going on. He starts slowing down as Beam crawls over me. Beam pours lube into his hand then strokes himself. I can't stress enough how important lube is at this moment. Lots and lots of lube.

"Sorry Kitty, you know we get this way sometimes." He gives me apologetic look.

"I know Beam." I smile reassuringly at him.

Beam lines his cock just above Phas and starts pushing in. Because we don't do it this way that often it hurts every time. No amount of prepping prepares you for two dicks shoved up your ass. I'm clenching my jaw as he inserts himself, slowly pushing further and further into me. Damn him and his ten inch dick.

"Breathe Kit." I hear Pha say behind me.

I take quick shallow breaths while Beam continues to slowly push in making me feel like my ass is going to be torn apart. I can't quite calm down: I'm really uncomfortable right now. They don't know what it's like. Well Beam knows, sometimes when we do it he's in the middle, but this is whole different level of discomfort.

"You're ok Kitty, just breathe." Pha says.

"I'm all the way in now Kitty. Such a good boy. You're taking it so well." He showers me with kisses on my face while running his hands through my hair. Pha is busy with one hand rubbing my chest pinching my nipples while the other is stroking me.

"Yes my Kit. You're doing so well." He says. I can tell he wants to move but he's being patient.

"I'm ok. You can move now." I tell them.

"Are you sure?" They say at the same time.

"Dammit what did I just say? You can move." Now is not the time to question me.

Beam starts. He pulls out slowly then slides back in. He pulls out again and adds more lube. He slides back in more easily this time. Then he starts to speed up.

From underneath me Pha has now started to move, thrusting up and into me. They alternate their movements. The more they move, the looser I become. The looser I am, the easier it is for them to slide in and out of me. They start moving faster and harder. God this feels amazing. My moans and screams become louder and louder until I am almost hoarse.

In terms of stamina Pha has the best, probably because he is always the top. Their breathing starts to become ragged as they pummel my ass.

"Kit! Pha! I'm gonna cum now!" Beam manages to get out between labored breaths.

"Hmm." That's all he's going to get from me.

Pha slows down his movements then stops and lets Beam finish.  He quickens his pace then has one final slam home. I feel his warm heat enter my body.

"God Kit, you feel so good." He rests his head on my chest as he calms down.

Beam pulls out slowly. Now Pha has extra lubricant since Beam came inside of me. He slightly repositions himself then grabs my hips. He starts moving again. Now that he has total freedom he is powerfully pounding into me.

I can't even make a sound. It feels so good but nothing is coming out. While Pha is diligently plowing, Beam is taking care of my needs with his mouth. What a good boyfriend.

I feel that telltale sign that I'm about to cum again. I start slapping, alternating between Beam's head and Pha's thigh. Beam releases me and smiles.

"It's ok my Kitty, I'll take care of you." He engulfs me again and the suction becomes more intense.

"I'm close too, Kit. Just hang on a little bit more, na?" Pha says then speeds up.

I didn't think it was possible for him to move harder and faster but he is. I'm starting to get light headed and dizzy. Black spots are flashing in front of my eyes. I open my mouth to scream as my orgasm rolls through me but no sound comes out then everything goes black.

I open my eyes and look around. I'm on Pha's bed, and considering how warm I am, I am not alone. I turn my head and see Beam on my left, Pha is on my right. It's always that way, they have preferred sides.

I smile as I look at them. They may be controlling and insanely jealous, but they're mine and I couldn't be happier about it.

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