Happy Birthday part 2 (Kit)

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Kit's POV:

I wake and stretch my  arm out to where Ming should be.  His side is cold.  I lift my head and  notice the note on his pillow.  Damn, I missed him.  I wanted to make  breakfast for him. Looking at the clock, I see I have another hour  before I have to wake up so I go back to sleep.

At 11, I meet up with  Pha and Beam and we go to class together.  It was long and arduous but  finally our first block is over.  We head down to the cafeteria for  dinner.  Our next block starts at five.  While we're eating I notice  that Beam and Pha keep giving me strange looks.  What the hell is their  problem?  Finally I slam down my chopsticks and spoon.

"WHAT!?" I yell.

"Nothing.  What? Why?" Pha says.

He knows something.   He's never this stupid unless he's trying to hide something.  I narrow  my gaze at him and he looks away.  That's another tell dammit.  Beam  starts snickering, I'm sure because he knows how obvious Pha is being.

"Spit it out.  What do you want to say." I coax, well coaxing for me.

"I can't.  Yo will kill me." He says.

"Beam?" I ask looking at my other friend.

"Oh he won't kill me, but Forth made me promise." He says with a shit eating grin.

"So both of you know something that has to do with me, but you won't tell me?" I clarify.

"Yes." They both say with a single nod.

"Whatever." I mumble into my lunch.

"Hey Pha?" Beam says after a few bites.

"When's Yo's birthday? Forth's is next month and I want to plan something special." Beam states.

"Oh, Yo's birthday is in January so I have some time." Pha answers while still chewing.

What the hell brought this up?  Man they're acting strange.

"What about Ming? When's his birthday Kit?" Beam asks.

I give him a strange  look as I try to think of when his birthday is.  I don't know when it  is.  I'll ask him later since these losers are so focused on their  boyfriends' birthdays.  I'm sure it's not any time soon.  There's no way  he would have kept that a secret, my Ming is an open book.

"I don't know, I haven't asked him." I admit.

"Dude, it could be like today and you wouldn't even know." Pha says.

"No way, Ming would have said something." I say confidently.

"Would he now?" Beam questions looking down at his plate.

"Yeah.  He'd be too excited and would want me to baby him.  He would have somehow managed to tell me." I tell them.

"But you know what, I'll ask him tomorrow after class when I see him."

"NO!" They both yell.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I say giving them a questioning look.

"Us? Nothing.  I just think you shouldn't wait." Beam says and Pha agrees if his bobbing head is any indication.

"Great news! Evening class has been cancelled for today!" A classmate calls out as he runs by.

"Why?" We ask together.

"Professor Auntie has the flu.  Isn't that great?" He calls back to us.

"That really is great." Beam says with a chuckle.

"Now we can meet up with Yo, Forth, and Ming at the bar." Pha says excitedly.

"We can do what?" I ask.

"Meet them at the bar." Beam says slowly like I'm an idiot.

"Why don't I know that they're heading to the bar?" I ask.

"How do you not know? They go every Friday because unlike us, they don't have classes on Saturday." Beam remarks.

Thinking about it, I  kind of remember Ming saying something about it.  I didn't realize he  did this every weekend.  I feel like I need to be more aware.  It seems  like there's a lot of things I don't know about him.  I'll make a better  effort.  Oh and since there's no class maybe we can go out to dinner.

I pull out my phone and  send him a Line message asking if he wants to have dinner with me  tonight.  I don't have to wait long before I get a reply.

<Having dinner with Yo and Forth but you're welcome to come.>

Wow that sounds like I'm intruding on their dinner.

<No that's OK.  I don't want to interrupt.  Maybe another time.>

Yeah I'm a little  irritated right now.  He's usually so eager to spend time with me but  right now I can't help but feel like I'm being a burden. I feel a little foolish and it'll  take a few minutes for me to get over this feeling, so I put my phone in  my bag and head home.

I decided to just pick  up something from a food stall and stay in.  Imagine my surprise when  after my shower I walk out to find Ming there looking upset.  I stand  there frozen just watching him. 

"Why didn't you pick up?" He demands.

"I was in the shower." I reply.

"Not the whole time.  You even got food P'Kit."  He says pointing to the food on the table.

"Why didn't you answer?" He asks again.

"You didn't seem to want me to come and I....forget it." I say feeling my cheeks heat up.

I walk past him to my  closet to get dressed dressed since I'm still only in a towel. I feel  awkward and I don't know what to do.  I don't know how to turn this  around.  Of course I want to be with him but I'm embarrassed.

He stops me by wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his nose in my neck.  He pulls me close and I go willingly.

"Of course I want you  with me.  I always want you with me." He whispers as his hand pushes  under the towel causing it to fall to the floor.

He begins sucking on my  neck while palming my flesh.  I hum as he starts gyrating against me  showing me loud and clear that he wants me.  His hand has since started  stroking my member and I can't help but thrust my hips into it.

"I want you now." He whispers gravelly.

I turn my head and  search for his mouth.  I kiss him fully. Letting our tongues tangle  together.  My hand has found its way to his waist band and I'm trying to  push it into his pants.  He releases his hold on me in order to peel  off all of clothing. 

I take a moment to  admire the incredibly sexy body in front of me.  The well-defined  muscles, covered with flawless skin, with just enough hair to make his  dick look huge.  Truthfully, it is huge.  I've never measured it, but it  takes both of my hands for a hand job and there's still room for  moving.

Our mouths fuse together  as soon as I finish ogling my boyfriend.  His hands grab my ass and he  lifts me easily.  My legs naturally wrap around his waist as he carries  me to the bed.  We don't break our kiss until he drops me on the bed.  I  look up at him with a look of shock but he's already crawling over me.

I scoot up to the head  of the bed and rest my head on the pillows.  I watch his every move  closely.  He's looking at me like he's going to plunder me mercilessly  right up until he pushes my legs up an apart.  His arms are wrapped  around each leg and his face is currently in front of my family jewels.   He sucks one into his mouth then the other.  I didn't think I would  enjoy having my balls sucked but it turns out that I do.

I throw my head back and  moan at how good everything feels. Thinking about his words I realize  that I want him too. I squirm slightly in his hold until he finally  stops what he's doing and stares at me with a confused expression. Using  every bit of courage I have I reach in the bedside table and pull out  the lube I bought for when I was ready.

The surprised expression  he's wearing right now is worth every bit of embarrassment that I  feel.  He stares at the bottle then looks up at me, back to the bottle,  then to me.  I have to smile as I watch him try to piece together my  intentions.

"You don't want to?" I finally ask.

"No.  I want to. I totally want to." He says as he opens the bottle quickly.

In his haste, he pours a  little too much on his hands.  He swears as a good quarter of the  bottle spills onto the bed.  I've never seen him this flustered and I  have to admit, I really like it.  It's time to regroup though, I'm never  gonna get laid if he doesn't snap out of it.

I sit up and take his  well lubricated hand.  His gaze meets mine as I guide his hand to my  hole.  Using my finger, I push one of his into me.  That seems to have  woken him up as he pushes himself forward and has started kissing me.

Because he's so damn tall, he can kiss me while pushing his finger into me at the same time.   While he prepares me, he kisses his way down my torso then takes my  cock into his mouth.  Thank goodness he did that because the pleasure  from this is taking away from the discomfort of his now three fingers  that are stretching me.  Funny I don't remember when there were two. 

I'm growing antsy now, I  really want to do this.  I'm nervous and excited at the same time.   Beam and I talked a lot about this, so I feel like I'm mentally prepared  for what's about to happen.  I take a few deep breathes before I make  my move.

"Ming, put it in." I say softly.

He looks up and takes a deep breath as he slowly pulls his fingers out.

"Are you sure?" He confirms to which I nod my head.

He looks around and then looks up at me.


"Shit, I forgot too get those.  You don't have one?" I question.

"No.  I didn't think we were at that point.  I didn't want to seem like I was pressuring you." he explains.

"Look where that got us.  Can I trust you?" I ask.

"I don't know KitKat, do you trust me?"

"I trust you enough to give myself to you." I say and that's all it takes.

The next thing I know,  his lubed up tip is at my hole pushing in while his mouth is fused to  mine.  He takes it slowly reminding me to relax and breathe.   When the  crown pops in I inhale sharply causing him stop and look at me with  concern.  After a moment I nod to let him know that he can continue. I  hear him groan as he pushes completely into me.  He's breathing heavily  and so am I. 

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Just a minute." I say trying to figure out how I feel.

I look into his eyes and  wonder when I fell so in love with this person. This man who  relentlessly chased an annoyed me to no end.  When did my heart change?  When did I start looking forward to seeing him?  When did I start  waiting for his texts and calls?  When did I start looking for him after  class? When did I start to long for his kiss and his touch? When did my  heart start to speed up whenever I saw him and ache because he wasn't  around?  Just when did all of this happen?

"I love you." It's out before I realize that I've said it.

"What?" he looks at me like he's about to cry.

What do I do? I can't  take it back.  I look at him and now he's smiling at me.  Big fat tear  drops slide down his cheeks before he presses his lips against mine.

"I love you so much my KitKat.  You've made me so happy today." He says.

I can feel every inch of  him inside of me.  I feel the drag as he pulls out and friction as he  pushes in.  I scream out when he rubs against something.  I've heard  that the prostate feels magical when it's hit but I had no idea.  He had  me seeing stars.

I'm clawing at him as  his movements become fluid.  I can't focus on anything except how  wonderful this feels right now, and that I can't believe that I have a  dick inside of me.  But the pleasure is outweighing the weirdness.

Each forward movement  pushes out a moan.  The faster and harder he moves, the louder and more  connected they become.  It's like I'm singing a damn song right now.

I feel it now, the  familiar build up of pressure telling me I need to create some friction  of my own.  My hand finds its way to my length and I start stroking it gently, then I starts jacking off hard.  I'm matching his pace which is crazy  fast right now.  I'm panting and swearing and now I'm cumming.

A few moments later Ming  pushes into me and lets out a satisfied 'ahh'.  I can feel it, I feel  the warmth of his cum as it spurts into me. He drops onto me trying to catch his breath.

"This is the best birthday ever." He says.

"What? What did you just say?" I ask.

"I said today was the best birthday I've ever had." I repeats.

"Today is your birthday? Why didn't you say anything?" I ask feeling like an ass now that I know what Beam and Pha were hinting at.

"I was waiting for you to ask." He admits.

"Do you know when my birthday is?" I ask.

"April 27th." He says.


"I asked P'Beam." He replies.

Now I really am the asshole.

"I'm really mad at you right now for not telling me but we'll talk about that later. I assume there's a birthday celebration I didn't know about right?" I ask.

He nods shyly.

"Let's get dressed and go. We'll talk about it when we get back." I tell him.

Later we had a nice long talk. I learned a lot about my boyfriend.

"P'Kit, it's still my birthday." He says pulling me to him.


"Can we go another round?" He asks hopefully.

"Since it's your birthday..."

"YES!!" He cheers as he attacks me.

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