Happy Birthday part 1 (Mingkwan)

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This is for my sweet Anne whose birthday was yesterday.  Happy birthday my little sister.


It's nearly 7pm. I'm here at the medical faculty with my best friend waiting for our boyfriends. We do this almost every night since their courses last so much longer than ours do.  We've been doing this for the last three weeks. This new block has their classes ending quite late.

"So do you have any plans with P'Kit tomorrow night?" Yo asks excitedly.

"Nope. He has a late class tomorrow so we're getting together on Saturday." I explain.

"But tomorrow's your birthday." He says looking upset.

"I know, but it can't be helped. Besides, I didn't tell him it was my birthday." I say casually.

"WHAT?! You didn't tell him? Why not? He's gonna be mad." He says.

"No. He won't. We've only been dating for three months, so I'm not really expecting anything." I tell him.

"How can you when you didn't give him a chance?" He complains under his breath, but still loud enough for me to hear.

"I'll tell him if he asks." I say.

"A lot of good that'll do you this year." He says.

"Did you tell P'Pha when your birthday was?"

"Yes I did." He says indignantly.

"Did he ask you?"

"Yes." He says much softer.

I nod at his reply. Of course P'Pha asked. I'm sure he found out everything there was to know about Yo as soon as possible because he's been in love with Yo for forever. It's not the same with P'Kit and me. I had to wear him down until he agreed to date me. Even now I know that my feelings are much stronger than his are.

"When's his birthday?" Yo asks breaking my train of thoughts.

"April 27th." I say quickly.

"How do you know?"

"I asked P'Beam." I say with a smile.


I know what he's thinking.  I know that he's worried that this is a one-sided love.  I know that he's afraid that I'll get hurt by expecting too much from my sometimes prickly other half.  I know his concerns for me and I appreciate them.

"It's OK Yo. One day we'll get to where you and P'Pha are. I just have to be patient, that's all." I tell my very concerned looking friend.

"Well I guess it's just you and me tomorrow then." He announces, clapping his hand on my shoulder.

"For what?" P'Forth asks.

We turn and look at him offering a wai as he sits down. Just like us, he's waiting for his doctor to finish class. This is our usual Thursday evening since we all finish before them.

"Oh, it's Ming's birthday tomorrow. I'm gonna take him out for dinner. Want to come? P'Beam has a late class too." Yo invites.

"Sure, sounds like fun. Just us three or should I invite a few more people?" He asks.

"I'm fine either way Pii." I say truthfully.

P'Forth pulls out his phone and starts typing on it. He waits a few minutes then smiles and shakes his head.

"OK, I just told Lam and he'll get the word out."

"I'm not paying for everyone." Yo says sternly.

"I invited them for drinks after dinner nong, so your check card is safe." He says with a smile and a wink.

"As if, I still have to pay for him." he says using his thumb to point at me.

"What? I'm a growing boy, with a fast metabolism." I say with a smirk.

Forth shakes his head at us as we start slinging insults back and forth to each other.  It's taken him some time to get used to it though.  At first he got upset because we can get really nasty, but what do you expect from lifelong friends?

"What time are the docs joining us?" He asks.

"They're not. They have a late class tomorrow and an early one on Saturday." I remind him.

"But still, won't Kit be upset that he missed your birthday?" P'Forth asks.

"P'Kit doesn't know. Someone didn't tell him." Yo says sounding annoyed.

"Hey, you worry about your own boyfriend." I warn.

Our conversation is interrupted by a group of tired and hungry doctors. They trudge over and sit heavily beside us. My poor KitKat, he looks so tired. I pull out his dinner and a can of coffee. He gives me a tired smile as he starts eating. I sit and watch him eat. I don't know what it is about my grumpy boyfriend, but just watching him makes me happy.

After they finish eating we go our separate ways. Even though P'Kit has a car he's started letting me drive him, especially on late days. It's a quiet ride to his dorm since I don't really have a lot to say and he's not all that talkative. I know he's just trying to decompress from his day.

I park and walk him to his room. He turns and looks at me after he's opened his door. After looking up and down the hall he lifts up and gives me a quick kiss before saying goodnight. If he wasn't blushing so beautifully I would have let him go, but now I just can't. I push into his room and as soon as the door shuts, I pull him to me and kiss him hungrily.

I know better than to do such a thing where others can see me, but in his room it's a completely different thing. Somehow we've made our way to the bed and he's kissing me greedily. I'm so hard right now and his rubbing against me isn't helping matters. He's definitely got a goal in mind as he starts to unbutton my shirt.

Now we haven't done the deed yet but we're getting there. Moments like this when we're naked and sweaty while rubbing against each other are pretty satisfying. He breaks contact and shifts his body.

"Ming." He whines out.

I know what he wants. This is a recent step we've taken, one that he apparently likes very much. I take his plump cock and bring it to my lips, placing kisses on the head. My tongue darts out and I lick at the slit before I lave the tip, swirling my tongue around the mushroom cap. Finally I pop the crown into my mouth and suck on it a few times before taking what I can into my mouth.

My P'Kit is not especially long but he's quite thick so it's a mouthful and makes it difficult to take all of him in. I do manage to get most of it in without gagging though and I have to admit I'm pretty proud of that.

Holding onto his hips, I start the push and pull action while sucking and just as I get a good rhythm going he grabs my head and starts his own movements. He's a bit aggressive with his actions since he's close.

I release his hips since he seems to want to be in control and find my way to my poor neglected tool. He's too focused on his own to pay attention to me. It doesn't take long for both of us to cum, after which he slumps down onto me. He turns and looks at the mess I've made then gives me a look of  disappointment.

"I wanted to finish you." He complains.

"Sorry, I couldn't wait." I tell him honestly.

He pouts as he heads to the bathroom closely followed by me. After we wash up, we cuddle for a bit, I like to hold him until he falls asleep.  I end up spending the night in his room. It happens every now and then and some of my things have found their way here.

Since he has a late class he gets to sleep in. I am not that lucky. My first class starts at 8 am, so I have to wake up. I make sure to do everything quietly, because a tired Kit is a grumpy Kit, well a grumpi-er Kit.

I leave a note and kiss him on the forehead before I leave for the day. Hearing the door next to me click, I turn to see P'Forth also spent the night, but I'm pretty confident his night was way more physical than mine was. Lucky bastard.

Classes go well although I have no idea what we actually covered. I really should have been paying attention but I just kept thinking about what Yo said. Maybe I should have told P'Kit it was my birthday.

But a part of me was nervous that he wouldn't care. I suppose that's why I never told him. I don't want to keep forcing myself in him. I don't want to push him away.

"Hey looking forward to tonight. " P'Lam says squeezing my shoulder.

"Yeah Pii, it should be fun." I say.

"We have a good group coming tonight so it may get a bit rowdy, hope your doctor won't mind." He says.

"Oh, P'Kit isn't coming tonight. He has a late class." I explain.

"Kit isn't coming? Did you tell him?" He questions.

"Well no. I just found out about it last night. How could I tell him?" I ask.

"You didn't see him last night? I thought that's where you guys were." He questions.

"Well yes I saw him last night but it just never came up." I explain.

"Yeah, you might want to rethink that explanation by the time you have to tell Kit because that lame excuse isn't gonna fly with him." He says.

"I think I'll be fine.  He probably won't even know." I say.

"Kit won't know? Are you planning for no one to talk about your birthday party that you neglected to invite your boyfriend to?" He questions.

"Who knows P'Kit?" I demand.

"How about me.  Yo.  Forth.  Just for starters."

Maybe I should say something just so this won't come back to bite me in the ass.  I pull out my phone to send him a quick message about meeting with some friends when a message from him pops up.

<My evening classes were cancelled, want to have dinner?> It says.

<Having dinner with Yo and Forth but you're welcome to come.> I reply.

<No that's OK. I don't want to interrupt. Maybe another time.> He sends back.

<P'Kit! Wait why not?  We can have dinner just the two of us then.> I quickly send back.

Then nothing.  The message goes unread.  I don't understand, why is he acting like this?

"I've gotta go.  By the way Yo, evening classes were cancelled so your man is free." I call back.

"Hey wait, what about the party?" Lam yells.

"We'll meet you there." I confirm.

I start calling P'Kit but it keeps going to voicemail.  Why is he upset?  I just don't understand.  I need to talk to him. I drive to the medical faculty and see him leaving the cafeteria with some food.  By the time I pull in, he's in his car and driving off.


I follow him to his dorm.  He may be short but he's exceptionally fast.  By the time I reach the door he's gone.  I make my way to his room and knock.  There's no answer, so I knock again.  I reach into my pocket and pull out the key to his room.   He wouldn't have given it to me if I wasn't supposed to use it.  Desperate times and all.  So I hold my breath as I insert the key and turn the knob.  I let the door swing open and peer in.  Not seeing him, I dare to venture in slowly peeking around the corner.  I let out that breath when I hear the shower running.

I wait patiently until I hear the water turn off.  I begin to tap my foot as I feel like enough time has passed for him to dry off and wrap the towel around his waist.  Then I hear his footsteps and know he's about to come out.  He stops as soon as he sees me.  I don't even wait for him to speak.

"Why didn't you pick up?" I ask, maybe desperately.

"I was in the shower." He says looking at me like I'm an idiot.

"Not the whole time. You even got food P'Kit." I say as I point to the table with his dinner.

"Why didn't you answer?" I ask again.

"You didn't seem to want me to come and I....forget it." He says and I can tell he's feeling embarrassed.

He walks past me to get dressed but before he can I wrap my arms around him pulling him close to me.  I nuzzle his neck and breathe in his clean scent.

"Of course I want you with me. I always want you with me." I whisper as I push his towel away.

I suck on his neck as I fondle him.  My cock is pulsing right now with need so I push up against him to let him know how I'm feeling.

"I want you now." I practically growl.

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