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"Dude you can't leave your apartment without wearing a bra."

Yoongi immediately looked at Jimin who was sitting on his sofa while eating his food stocks here in his apartment. Yoongi looked at him badly but he also had no choice but to watch his friend consuming his food.

This one's face is really thick, if I just didn't need him now, I might have kicked this flea egg.

"I know that but what am I going to do? I don't know anything about buying such things. Maybe I know a little more if I had a girlfriend who took me, as in girlfriend and not in bed but nothing! I don't have any serious relationships before." Irritated, Yoongi said, almost banging herself on the wall.

"And what's the connection between your ex-girls to you now, that you're becoming a girl?" Jimin said, feeling bored.
*T/N : gonna update this line, my fillipina frnd is sleeping :') rn
Edit : updated ;P*

"Aish!" Suddenly, Yoongi kicked his scattered boxer shorts because he was so irritated.

"Oh there." Jimin suddenly threw something at Yoongi which caused her face to blush, "I asked my girlfriend to bought that, I've been explaining her why I did but it's all useless because we still broke up." Jimin said, almost lacking of energy to do so.

"Thanks bro." Awkward Yoongi says as she looks at the pink lace bra and panty that Jimin threw on.

"You're welcome." Jimin said before he looked at Yoongi, he smiled when he saw Yoongi's face turn red while looking at the underwear.

"I told my girlfriend that I would give it as a gift to my sister when she bought it and my mom asked me why I was so upset that I didn't have a sister." He laughed, "It's a good thing she bought it before she knew it."

"I'm sorry, you broke up with your girlfriend." Yoongi said before he sat down on the sofa, three spans away from Jimin.

"What else is our bro code bros before hoes for ?"

"As far as I know bros and no homos is our bro code." Yoongi said sarcastically.

"No homo my ass." Jimin laughed and said that even though he actually made that code, they were just joking when they became troops, because they both noticed that they were very close unlike other normal male friends.

That's why Jimin teased Yoongi like that but it didn't mean that they were homophobic, they just knew they were really just friends.

Yes they love each other but in a platonic way.

And they won't say that to each other because they feel like it's losing manhood, that's if Yoongi still had it then because she lost it just yesterday.

"Yeah by the way, get dressed." Out of nowhere says Jimin.

"Why?" Yoongi asked in surprise.

"Because the two of us are leaving? You can't just buy a pair of panties and a bra, we're not sure about your breast size yet so see if that's right then we'll buy your clothes."

"Wait what ?!" Yoongi asked incredulously.

"Dude, you're not a man anymore so you need to act like a woman unless you still want to be a man but of course you still need to wear a bra if you don't want to be raped." Jimin said directly as if he had prepared for that.

Yoongi was stunned because of what her friend said.

"I know that but--"

"Wait! Wait! My thought! I think we need to make a list of things you should do now that you're a woman." Jimin said excitedly as he grabbed his cellphone but when he saw a small notebook on the table he took it as well as the ballpen next to it.

"Things you need to do when you're a girl." Jimin reads as he writes that.

"Is that even necessary?" Yoongi asked a little annoyed even though she didn't know why she was annoyed, maybe because she couldn't believe that she had to be a woman because she was a woman now.

Even if that's true, he can still act like a man even if he's already in a woman's body, but Jimin will definitely remind him of their bro code.

Yoongi is really confused now what she should really do.

"Of course you need it, I'll be the one to list." Proud Jimin said.

"Number one, wear a bra." Jimin said as he wrote that on the paper.

"Wait, that's really number one ?!" Yoongi asked incredulously, he thought Jimin was going to write sensibly but he didn't think he really should think that his friend could be sensible.

Yoongi quickly snatched the paper from Jimin to make sure it was exactly what his friend was writing.

1.) Wear girls underwear.

Yoongi just sighed when he read Jimin's writing, his friend just smiled at him so he quickly threw the paper here.

"You take care of that! I don't need that." Yoongi asserts.

"Dude, when did you do that! I'll take care of listing your needs, all you have to do is follow." Even Jimin asserts.

"So come on, get dressed so we can both go out." Jimin said before he pulled the disgusted and lazy lazy Yoongi.

"I really don't want to leave Jimin's house, just buy me and I'll pay." Said Yoongi.

"How can I know the thing about you and the ones you want? Get dressed and hurry up."

"I really don't want to leave! I don't want to look like that! I feel ridiculous."

"What's so ridiculous? There's nothing funny and one more thing, you're beautiful."

Yoongi suddenly blushed at what Jimin said, he didn't know why he blushed, he thought maybe it was because of annoyance because his friend called him nice but even then he didn't tell him he was handsome.

But was the reason for her blushing really annoyed?

"Jimin you're going to fight for what you're saying." Yoongi said irritably.

"What's disgusting there? It's true ah!" Jimin insisted.

"Shut up! I'm not leaving, I'm just here." Yoongi is still stubborn.

"I guess you want me to dress you." Draw a strange grin on Jimin's lips as he says that.

Yoongi's face quickly turned to poker and she quickly closed the door of her room to get dressed.

Jimin laughed at his friend's reaction, he really liked being teased.

"Don't forget to wear panties and a bra!" Jimin shouted at the closed door.

When Jimin heard an irritated sigh he smiled even more, Jimin seemed to have a new preoccupation.

And that will be to annoy his best friend Yoongi.

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