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"Why are you angry? Are you a dick?"

Yoongi sighed before he could pass Jimin when he held her arm.

"Why don't you answer where you're coming from?" He asked angrily, Yoongi raised an eyebrow before he looked at the furious Jimin.

"Gahd, Jimin! I just know Taehyung!" Yoongi replied annoyed.

"Every Taehyung? As in Taehyung, my best friend?" Jimin questions.

"I'm your best friend." Yoongi sighed in relief, "and yeah, do you have anyone else named Taehyung?"

"Why did you go there?"

"What are you doing?" Yoongi was a little annoyed when Jimin asked.

"Because you live here in my condo, it's natural for me to worry about you! You still don't want to answer my calls and texts." He said.

"Alright, alright." Yoongi surrendered, "Do you remember Mrs. Song's group project? That's why I met Taehyung, we're all done now, plus! I'm not the only one there, we're many." She insists.

Jimin just "tsked" before he turned his back on Yoongi but before he could finally walk out he suddenly stopped.

"Have you eaten yet? When there's no food in the kitchen yet." Jimin said before continuing to walk out.

Yoongi just sighed before she closed the door and went to the kitchen to look at the food even though the truth was that she and Taehyung had already eaten, Yoongi sighed again when she saw what Jimin cooked, something in which you obviously put too much effort.

She looked back at the room where Jimin had stormed in earlier, before she just shrugged her shoulders and sat down.

She ate what Jimin cooked even though she was already full and ... it didn't taste good.

When she finished eating she entered the room, she looked all around but Jimin was not there, she heard water falling so she knew Jimin was taking a bath.

Yoongi was stunned to sit on the bed when she saw the small notebook open.

8.) Go home early. No. Fucking. Excuses.

Yoongi was stunned by not being able to read it.

Yoongi looked at the just opened bathroom door, so she quickly took her clothes and her napkin because she was the one to take a shower next.

"Have you eaten?" Jimin asked Yoongi.

Yoongi looked up at Jimin, so the girl * ehem * girl was suddenly stunned when she saw Jimin's wet body.

He just finished the towel so she could see every drop of water on his * ehem * abs.

"Delicious." Yoongi said softly.

"Huh?" Jimin asked confused because of Yoongi's sudden words.

"I-It was delicious when you cooked." Blushing said Yoongi.

"Oh?" Jimin suddenly smiled and almost lost his eyes. "It's good you liked it." He said.

Jimin took another towel before he sat on the bed, Yoongi swallowed when he saw Jimin's thigh, Jimin used another towel to dry his hair.

Yoongi walked quickly into the bathroom, she almost broke her speed.

When Yoongi closed the bathroom door she gasped, she didn't know why.

She looked at herself in the mirror and she could see the redness all over her face. She doesn't know if that's what's running through her mind right now, maybe it's because of her menstruation? She also read that women are often * ehem * horny * ehem * when they have it.

She quickly took a shower to get rid of everything in her mind but she couldn't get rid of it. That's why it's hard for Yoongi to shout because she's so annoyed because she can't forget what she saw before.

When she finished fixing it she looked at himself carefully in the mirror, "don't ever embarrass yourself." Yoongi threatened with her reflection in the mirror.

She took another deep breath before leaving the dressing room.

She was wearing an oversized shirt and short shorts. When she came out of the bathroom, she was shocked to see Jimin wearing a boxer.

She was suddenly grabbed by her nose before blood rushed to her nose. She was about to return to the bathroom when Jimin suddenly confronted him as he could see the bulge in his briefs.

"I'm done." Yoongi said softly before she went back to the bathroom.

She tried to remove the redness on her face before she came out, so when she came out of the bathroom for the second time, she saw Jimin wearing a boxer shorts and white sandal.

"Jimin." Yoongi calls it weak.

"Hm?" Jimin asked as he lay on the bed and spoke on his cellphone.

"On the sofa I'll sleep." She said.

"Why?" Jimin asked in surprise.

"Just!" Yoongi asserts.

"Don't, you're just here." Jimin pulled Yoongi so she sat on the bed. "Eh? Are you sick hyung?" Jimin asked before he slapped Yoongi on the neck so Yoongi backed away slightly because his skin hit his skin.

"Aish! It's up to you!" Yoongi said before pushing Jimin away from him. She lay on the other corner of the bed.

For a few minutes no one spoke to them so Yoongi thought that Jimin was asleep but she found out that he was awake when it broke the silence between the two of them.






"YEAHH?!" Yoongi shouted before she was forced to face Jimin who was only a few feet away from her.

"What?" Yoongi asked irritably because Jimin still didn't want to talk.

"I have a question for you."

"What's that?" Yoongi asked as she continued to face him.

"What do you think..."

"I think what ??"

"You think hyung ..." Jimin swallowed before he stared straight into his friend's eyes. "When we're both men ..."

Yoongi's eyebrows rose.

"Who's bottom sating two?"

Yoongi's fist was quickly bent and it was ready to hit Jimin as Jimin quickly defended so Yoongi just sighed before he lowered his fist and turned his back on Jimin.

"I'd like to sleep before I can slap a scarecrow." Yoongi said emphatically before he pushed away from Jimin.


Yoongi didn't answer.

"Yoongsss, are you asleep yet?" Jimin asked before he pulled Yoongi but he went to sleep so that he wouldn't be teased by the younger ones.

"Well, are you asleep yet?" Jimin asked again if he could finally introduce Yoongi to him.

They were silent for a few minutes so Yoongi thought Jimin was asleep.

But before he could finally open his eyes, he felt Jimin pull her hair and pin it behind her ear.

Until a soft thing stuck to Yoongi's lips, and she was sure that soft thing's lips too.

Yoongi could hardly breathe when she felt Jimin's hand on her waist as if pulling her closer.

He really smells like a mixture of shower gel and ... alcohol?

Jimin slowly removed his lip as he marealized what he had done, but he almost flinched when he saw Yoongi wide-eyed and looking straight at him.

"PARK. FUCKING. JIMIN." She says so emphatically.

"I-I can explain." Confused, he says.

They both stared at each other as Yoongi calmed herself.

For no apparent reason she quickly approached him. In a flash their lips hit again for the second time.

But it was Yoongi who made the way.

Jimin was stunned but he continued kissing his friend, until their kiss got deeper and deeper, Jimin was holding Yoongi's waist tightly because she was almost on top of him.

As they kissed deeper and deeper, they also gradually realized what they were doing.

Jimin released the kiss first so Yoongi was stunned.

"What are we?" Jimin asked weakly.

"Shall we?" Yoongi asked back.

"Yes." Sparing, he answers.


After Yoongi let go of that word they were again enveloped in silence before Jimin slowly smiled and he laid Yoongi on the bed.

"Go to sleep hyung." He said.

Jimin adjusted Yoongi's blanket, so as he stared at it he surely realized what he had done.

Yoongi quickly runs to the bathroom and pretends to be sick, in short. He pretended to be drunk. 

Jimin just sighed as he followed it with his gaze.

"I said, she's drunk." Jimin said softly before he was shaken and couldn't wait for Yoongi to come out of the bathroom.



Usually, I just waits for 7 votes to update but this time it took a bit longer. Gonna update regularly now so look forward to this book, it more funny and amazing than you've read yet.

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