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"J-Jimin, why are you so stubborn?"

Yoongi asked the poor pole on the road, she suddenly hugged her in her drunkenness before she cried out loud, it's a good thing there are only a few passers -by.

Some who see her ignore her while others walk away from her because they think she has something wrong with the brain.

"Jimin !!!" She shouted as she jumped on the pole even though she was the only one who was hurt.

After she struck it, she hugged the naive pole again.

"Sorry Jiminieeee, thank youuuuuu." She said artfully to the pole while still stroking it.

"All right, congratulations." Jimin replied.

"The fuck ?!" Yoongi was suddenly released from the pole and backed away violently.

Slowly Yoongi approached the pole again and she tapped it softly "J-Jimin?" She called but it never spoke again.

"Hey ..." Jimin sighed as he watched Yoongi.

"Jimin! JIMIIIIIIIIINNN!" Yoongi shouted before she hugged the pole again so Jimin just facepalmed himself.

"Yoongi! Here, I am here, behind you!" Jimin shouted before he approached the one older than him.

Yoongi quickly looked behind her, as in her back. But she couldn't see Jimin, so she turned around.

"Shit, hyung!" Jimin shouted before he stopped Yoongi before she finally fell down.

"J-Jimin?" Yoongi asked confused when she saw that it was really Jimin.

He was holding her waist and the concern on his face was obvious to her, but Yoongi didn't notice that much because of her drunkenness and her obsession with the courage of the young man's smell to the point that it beats the smell of alcohol to her.

"Lets go home." Jimin said to Yoongi almost in a whisper.

Yoongi suddenly swallowed for no apparent reason, maybe because Jimin is too close to her? She didn't know, all she knew was that she couldn't breathe when Jimin was close to her.

"Jimin ..." Yoongi suddenly walked away from Jimin as she was getting a little tired.

She let go of his grip on her waist, Yoongi just sighed before she looked Jimin straight in the eye.

"I think I'll be a man again." Yoongi confesses to Jimin.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, they both speculated on each other's reaction until Jimin was confused.

"And so? Isn't that what you want?" Jimin asked in surprise.

"Yes, but because ..." Yoongi didn't know what to say.

Jimin smiled tiredly at him before he put his arm around Yoongi to force her to smile, "It's okay ..." He said.

"Maybe you're a little used to being a woman especially and ..." Jimin coughed hard to add drama to what he said. "You're seductive." It adds more.

"I'm not a voyeur."  Yoongi insisted.

"Sure." Jimin couldn't believe his answer.

"I'm serious!" Yoongi's answer was more emphatic.

"I'm not against you, am I?" Jimin asked in surprise and pretended not to be sarcastic in what he was saying.

"I-I'm not interested." Yoongi said.

"Sure thing ..." Jimin didn't want to answer as he hugged Yoongi as he pulled her towards his motor but Yoongi suddenly stopped walking and removed Jimin's hug from her.

"I'm serious Jimin." She insists.

"We're not against it." Jimin insisted as well.

"Okay, I admit, at first I was interested but after a while I didn't care because ... uhh ... I had it before?" Yoongi hesitates to see if that's really why she's not interested.

"Ahh, okay." Jimin shrugged before he walked towards the motor, he thought Yoongi was following him but where he left her, she was still there so Jimin just sighed.

"What?" Jimin yelled because he was a little annoyed, he didn't know why he was a little upset when his conversation with Yoongi went in such a way.

"I swear, I didn't look."

Jimin was just turned on, he thought what he was fighting for, that's still it.

"But you touched." Annoyed, Jimin said, that's not really true, he just thought because he had to think in advance.

"What ?! Where did you get that idea?" Yoongi asked in shock, "Okay, Jimin, listen. I didn't look at anything and I didn't touch anything."

"It's okay, I'm just your friend. No need to explain." Jimin replied bored.

He just wanted to take Yoongi and go home, he didn't want to argue anymore, he was tired. He had been looking for Yoongi all day so he had no appetite at all.

"Jimin ..." Yoongi called softly but Jimin turned his gaze to her bored.

"Just don't touch it, because if you touch that molestation. Especially since they don't know that you were really a man before, we'll put it on your list." Jimin had no appetite for explanation.

10.) Don't touch your "girl" friends' private parts.

Jimin really emphasized the word “girl” he didn’t know why he was so bitter at the idea that Yoongi and Jennie only slept in the same bed.

"Is that all you're going to say?" Jimin asked bored but you could hear a tone of annoyance in his voice.

"No ..." Yoongi nodded, "j-Jennie told me she wanted something ..." Yoongi swallowed suddenly.

"I don't want to hear that Yoongi, it's not a big deal to me. Let's just go home, it's late at night." Jimin was a little irritated.

"Yeah, Jennie says she likes me." Yoongi replied as he walked towards Jimin.

"Ahh, okay." Jimin's answer pretends to be interested but in reality he is annoyed.

"She likes me, not Yoongi, she likes Yoonji." She was lying.

Jimin almost choked on his own saliva because of what he heard.

"Seriously ?!" Jimin shouted and Yoongi nodded immediately.

"Don't date her!" Jimin said promptly.

"Why not?" Yoongi asked defiantly.

"Just don't."


"You're a woman, she's a woman too." Jimin insisted.

"I swear to heaven and earth Park Jimin if you're a fucking homophobic." Suspicious Yoongi said.

"I'm not." Jimin answered quickly.


"But still, don't."

"Nothing wrong--"

11.) Don't date a girl.

"The hell? Why is that involved?" Yoongi shouts at Jimin's sudden announcement of the new jump on their list.

"Because I want to." Jimin said defiantly.

"ARGHHH!" Yoongi shouted in Jimin's face, you don't know what tension is surrounding these two and why they are getting hot, maybe it's not sexual tension?

"What else? Did something else happen there while I was away?" Jimin asked sarcastically.

"Nothing, except that they almost undressed me and touched my chest—"



Jimin suddenly grabbed both of Yoongi's arms so she almost backed away.

"Why are you holding on ?!"

"I'm not even holding on!" Yoongi shouted back.

12. Don't let anyone touch you!

"Then don't touch me!" Yoongi shouted as she removed Jimin's hold on her.

"Except me, except Park Jimin." He insisted.

Yoongi suddenly fell silent.

"Now let's go home."

Jimin pulled Yoongi to his car but Yoongi was suddenly stunned when suddenly there was a woman running towards Jimin.

"Jiminieeee!" The woman shouted before quickly hugging and hugging Jimin.

Yoongi immediately felt annoyed when she felt Jimin leave her to hug back the woman who has a bright future.

"What are you doing here, sweetie?" The woman asked.

"I'm following Yoonji." He said.

"Yoonji?" The woman asked in astonishment until she looked at Yoonji who was already on the side and silently watching them.

"Ahh, Yoonji is Yoongi's sister, my bestfriend." Introducing Jimin, Yoongi frowned at what he said. Can't he just direct the bestfriend himself?

"And Yoonji..."

Jimin confronted Yoongi who seemed to be wandering around the world but Jimin didn't notice that because he was still walking with the woman.

"Maureen. My Girlfriend."

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