After The Cliffhanger that Is Unlocked

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Sophie Foster was misunderstood and mis-understated. Still after the shock of the one and only Keefe Sencen disappearing into thin air (quite literally thanks to light leaping *eye-roll*) everyone was in their own state of shock. 

Fitz had his fist ready and was punching the walls of Havenfeild pretty madly, leaving big holes in the crystal, Biana had wet tears running down her face, ruining her usually perfect make-up, Tam and Linh were standing in the corner of the room and from were Sophie was it looked a lot like they were silently crying, than Dex was wide eye sitting on the ground.

All of the adult were staring. Looking at nothing, everything, something. That was all she could see before the salty water came into view.

Hi to the people that aren't reading this. Non-existent readers, I bring You my very short fanfic (IM NOT DONE YET JUST WAIT) Though I'm not finished, please only expect like 5-7 chapters. And very long waits (I'm not evil-well maybe a bit- just a sllllloooooooowwwwww typer) That all.

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