C2- Keefe POV

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Does anyone read the author notes? Or are you smart and skip over them? Uh, no offence, anyone who doesn't, I mean I do too.................sometimes at least :)  I just realised I forgot to mention that this is my first story! So yea, I know my chapters are a tiny bit short but there a accomplishment to me XD . Right people on with the small chappie 

The twisty, black roads stared back in front of me. Rubbish bins line the foot path ahead, with garbage spreading onto the cement. The rain came poured out over the top of me, leaving two footmarks on the ground from my feet. I was in a cold, dark alleyway, leaning against a brick wall. In the background thunder rumbled, a couple dogs were barking and sirens rang out. 

I close my eyes and remember the last memory i had of us before... all this happened.

A/N Hi anyone sorry to be annoying but just wanna confirm that I mean a actual flashback not the book XD also the group is Sophie, Keefe, Dex, Ritz (no typo), Biana, Linh, Tam, Wylie and Marella. Anyhoo,  back to the story!

*Flashback music plays*

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! PLEASE, SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!", Sophie yelled. Biana had hailed everyone earlier about a sleepover. And of course she would want and get to 'refashionise' everyone.

The only way to convince Sophie to come was for her to promise she wouldn't give her makeover during the sleepover. Sophie whipped her forehead with the back of her hand and said "Phhhhw missed a bullet by a mile there". But a she turned around the group got a view of a very evil smile from Biana.

*Skip to the afternoon of the sleepover*

Keefe was the first one there not surprising since Everglen was his second home. Wait, his second home was technically meant to be the Shores of Solence and Candleshade his first but whatevs. 

"Ahh Keefe, Biana and Fitz are setting up upstairs. Why don't you go join them", Alden said with a kind smile. "Yes SIR, can do sir, what ever you ask SIR!" Keefe saluted in a reply, mimicking what some of the elves did when they saw him out and about. Alden chuckled and moved out of the door way.

Keefe grinned and ran up the stairs, two at a time.

"It should go here, WAIT no move it here, actuallyyyyyy maybe here?" Biana ordered to Fitz who had the unfortunate job of moving sleeping bags in place. Fitz dropped the light blue bag on the ground on yelled "Keefe your're here, thank goodness, pleaseeeeeee save me from this queen who expects me to follow her orders."

"Who's the queen?", said Marella strutting through the doorway before Keefe could say anything. "Marella you came!!!!"Biana squealed and gave her a big hug. Marella squirmed out of the hug and gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry I'm not keen on hugs" she shrugged. "Who doesn't like hugs?!"Linh said walking in with Tam following closely. "Whoever they are they seem my type" Dex added coming in as well.

"It's Marella! Got anything else to say Dexy boy?" Keefe teased as he turned bright red. "Um, is Dex okay? He looks like he's on fire or ate a really hot chilly."Wylie said turning the corner, only making Dex's cheeks worse. "I'M HERE! NOT LATE, NOT AT ALL! Soph said rushing in, only to trip over the checkered rug.

Bracing for impact, she turned her head and closed her eyes. Keefe grabbed her shoulders pulling her back. "Thanks Keefe", she said making him smile. She stared up at him, looking into his eyes. She tilted her head up wards slightly, making his pulse race. Behind them someone cleared their throat. Loudly.

"Uhhhhhh Fitz, that could of gotten gooooood." Biana whined. Sophie came to her senses and scrambled out of his arms, blushing a red  that reviled Dex's. 'She's so cute when she blushes,' Fitz thought.

"Right, before we officially start the sleepover, we have to talk. All girls follow me!" Biana said, sounding like a police sergeant. In Baina's room, they closed the door and from the sound of it were giving each other a makeover.......("Biana!!!!! You said you wouldn't style me in anyway during the sleepover!" Sophie complained. "Yes, and it hasn't started yet has it", Biana cheekily said. Sophie yelled out as all of the girls came closer with a short, red dress with small sleeves, make-up and scary looking hair-related stuff. "Please don't kill me", Sophie said, making them all laugh.)

They came down eventuality all looking styled up. Sophie crossed her arms over her dress, making her hair go flying out of the messy bun the girls did for her. Keefe laughed, and patted the seat next to him, insisting for her to sit down. "Okay everyone, sit in a circle." Biana commanded.They followed her instructions and than stared at her. "Right, we're playing Truth or Dareeeeee!!!!!!!!!"

*End of Flashback*

He sniffed as the memory continued on. He put his head in his legs and started to cry. But than a voice came ringing out from the start of the alley way. "Keefe?" 

He looked up. And smiled. His hope lifted slightly. Because standing there was the one and only Amy Foster.

(You all thought it'll be Sophie didn't-cha)

Word Count, cause I feel like it - 

898 (NEW PB!!)

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