9 ~ He's Such an Idiot

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- Kim Jiwoo's POV -

I stayed in Baby's room for the night. When we got to the house, BamBam's eomma greeted me with open arms, as usual.

Me and Baby settled down to sleep in her room, but she suddenly spoke up:
"Jiwoo-unnie?" She asked.
"What's up?" I smiled.

"Do you like BamBam-oppa?" She questioned.
"Yeah. He's one of the closest friends I've ever ha-" she interrupted me.
"No, Jiwoo-unnie," she sighed.

"I meant: Are you in love with BamBam-oppa?"

Well, I nearly choked on my own saliva.

"No, why?" I asked.
"Because I think he loves you." She smirked.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I gave her a look, even though it was dark and she couldn't see.

"I'm pretty sure BamBam-oppa loves you." Baby smiled.
"As a sister, perhaps, but as a crush? No." I stated.
"How do you know?" She huffed. "He always talks about you, and he always wonders if you're okay!"

"Isn't that what friends are supposed to do?" I chuckled at her, and she stood up and turned the light on.
"Wait here." She huffed, walking out the room.

She returned ten seconds later with a whining BamBam in her grasp.
"Sit!" She ordered, and BamBam sat on the end of her bed, rubbing his eye.

"What's going on?" He mumbled.
"Baby needs to confirm something." I refrained from smiling, but I was on the verge of doing so.

"BamBam-oppa, you like Jiwoo-unnie, don't you?" She smiled.
"Ughh, if I say yes can I go back to bed?" He asked.
"Of course." She told him.
"Yes. Much luv. Goodnight." He then stood up and walked out the room.

"SEE UNNIE! I TOLD YOU!" She cried, making me laugh.
"Okay then," I smiled, "Goodnight Baby."
"Goodnight Jiwoo-unnie." She replied, turning off the light and getting into bed.

There was a couple minutes silence, and I was just about to drift off into a peaceful sleep, until Baby spoke up again:
"Jiwoo-unnie?" She turned over in her bed.
"What now?" I groaned.

"Do you think you and BamBam-oppa will get married?"
"Baby, go to sleep." I turned to face the other way.

"Eomma thinks you two would make a cute couple, and I think JiBam babies would be adorable." She giggled. "I'd be aunty Baby!"
"Goodnight Baby." I repeated.

- Jeon Jungkook's POV -

It was 6:30am and I was up and ready for school, which started at 9am. I could hardly sleep last night, I was too busy thinking.

'Well, If you wanna be friends with Jiwoo, you better think fast'

Jimin's words kept replaying through my mind, and did so all night. He was right, I needed to think quickly.

Well, I thought all night, and I came up with a plan: Walk Kim Jiwoo to school from her home.

And since my sense of direction is shit, I decided to get ready extra early so I had plenty of time before school.

My plan was perfect.

I walked to Jiwoo's, well, I tried to. On my way I ended up seeing Seoyeon, the captain of the girls basketball team.

"Hey, Seoyeon!" I called, causing her to stop and look at me. "You're friends with Kim Jiwoo aren't you?"
"Yeah, and?" She asked, folding her arms.
"Could you tell me where her house is?" I asked.

"Do you know that you sound like such a stalker right?" She gave me a weird look. "And I wouldn't speak so loudly if I were you, you never know if sasaengs are listening. Next thing you know, BAM! Jiwoo is dead."

"Can't you just tell me where she lives?" I pleaded.
"You know, I recently just found out about what you did to Jiwoo in middle school, so I don't really like you right now." She hissed. "So if you don't mind, leave Jiwoo alone."

And she walked off, just like that, leaving me stood there dumbfounded.

What I did to her in middle school?

Then I saw Oh Eunji. She's bound to tell me.
"Hey Eunji!" I walked over and smiled.
"Morning oppa!" She smiled. Oh yeah, I forgot about the oppa thing. "Can I ask you something?" I asked her, and she nodded.

"Do you know where Kim Jiwoo lives?" I asked.
"Kim Jiwoo?" Eunji looked disgusted. "Why are you so interested in her?"
"We're doing the assessment together in music so I wanted to talk to her about it." I told her.

"Can't you just let her do it all?" Eunji whined, and I shook my head.
"BangPD-nim found out about it and told me if I don't do at least half I won't be in the next comeback." I sighed, and Eunji looked distressed all of a sudden.

"Oh! Well, Jiwoo lives in the apartments over there." She pointed to a building not too far from here.
"Thanks Eunji." I then ran off towards the building, I can still make it in time.
"See you in school oppa!" Eunji yelled, but I ignored her.

When I got into the building I ran to the woman at the desk.
"Hello, um, is Kim Jiwoo here?" I asked.
"I'm afraid not." The lady replied. "She didn't come back last night."

She didn't come back? Did she leave!? OMG! Don't tell me she was kidnapped!

"O-oh," I sighed. "Thank you anyway."
"Sorry I couldn't help you." The lady sighed, and with that, I left. Hopefully she'll be at school.
(A/N): J-Hopefully lol.

- Kim Jiwoo's POV -

The next morning I was awoken by someone shaking my shoulder.
"Jiwoo-ah, wake up." It was BamBam. He was still in his pyjamas, but Baby wasn't there.
"Where's Baby?" I questioned, rubbing my eye and sitting up.

"She always leaves early to get to dance practice, and comes home late because she practices after school too." BamBam explained.
"And your eomma?" I asked.
"Work." He replied.

"Oh," I sighed. "Okay."
"C'mon, we need to get ready for school." He dragged me out of bed, and threw me my uniform.
"Ahh, I forgot I kept a spare uniform at yours." I smiled.
"I've got my stuff at yours, so you definitely have stuff here." BamBam stated as if it was obvious.

"I'm going for a shower." I sighed. I walked into the hallway and over to the chest of drawers labelled 'Kim Jiwoo'. (That's where all my stuff is kept if you didn't guess that) Grabbing a towel, I made my way to the bathroom and had a shower.

But, me being me, I forgot to take clean underwear. And now I'm drenched from the shower.

"BAMBAM!" I yelled. "Do me a favour!?"
"Underwear?" He yelled back, and I could hear cheek in his voice.
"Please?" I sighed. I heard him laugh, and a couple seconds later a hand stuck through the slightly ajar door, with a bra and pants in it.

"Thank you." I sighed, taking them off him.
"Nice panties by the way." He smirked.
"That one's getting old now." I teased, closing the door on him.
"Ah, it's a good thing Baby wasn't here to see that," BamBam chuckled. "She would of screamed at me for going in your underwear draw."

"No, she would've been screaming: 'OMG THEY'RE A COUPLE I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!'" I retorted, and we both laughed.
"Hurry up, we're gonna be late again." BamBam said. "I don't wanna take my car."
"Finished!" I smiled, opening the door in my uniform and dry hair.

"What should we do for breakfast?" BamBam asked as we walked down the stairs, into the kitchen.
"I'll just take an apple since we're late." I told him, picking up an apple from the fruit basket on the kitchen table.

"Tch, pabo. Eat some cereal." He huffed.
"I thought we were late." I looked at BamBam confused, but he only smirked at me.
"You know, there are these things called clocks, you should look at one every once in a while." He teased.

I looked at the clock on the wall, and it read 8:10am.
"You liar." I huffed, grabbing a bowl and sitting down. "We're not late."
"You're also not getting any cereal unless you're nice to me." He smirked, grabbing my box of Lucky Charms!
"Yah! Pabo! Give me my Lucky Charms!" I yelled, standing up and chasing BamBam around the kitchen.

Time flew by, and before we knew it, it was 8:50am. We still hadn't eaten breakfast.
"Crap, look at the time!" BamBam yelled.
"Looks like we're taking the car." I sighed.

He's such an idiot.

Word Count: 1437

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