Erumia Jellyfish

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Name: Anela 

Species: Jellyfish-Human

alias: Mother of jellyfish or Erumia 

Occupation: Queen 

Sexuality; Straight 

Age: 600,000 years old 

Gender: Female

Personality: intelligent composed, level-headed, and easily annoyed

height: 6'7 feet tall

weight: 165 pounds 

Race: Portuguese/Nigerian

Alias: Erumia


ghost jellyfish form

Hybrid form

Fighting styles and skills.

Dream-Combat: She knows, how to fight within the dreams of her opponents and use their dreams against them.

Powers and abilities.

Dream Authority: She has, authority over dreams, and everything related to them including, being able to go into others' dreams with full control, over them.

Jellyfish spirit physiology: She's almost like a jellyfish spirit in a way allowing her, to do things spirit and a jellyfish can do at the same time.

Superhuman physical abilities: she's superhumanly strong in all physical categories like strength, speed Agility endurance durability, etc.

The personification of Dreams: She personifies, and Embodies, dreams making her, the concept of Dreams, so when she's within a dream realm, she's Nigh omnipresent and, is almost everywhere at the same time, she isn't Everywhere in the dream dimension.

Supernatural-Attractiveness: she's very attractive in, a supernatural way, allowing her, to cause many, to listen to her, due to her beauty.

Tentacles; She, can shape form, and manipulate her own "tentacles", allowing her, to impale people or turn them, into different tentacle weapons.

Jellyfish magic: She can turn anything into, a jellyfish or summon jellyfish projectiles, that not only electrocute her, targets but poison them injecting poisonous barbed needles into their skin.

Biological Immortality: she's "biologically immortal", similar to other jellyfish allowing her to resurrect after she's killed and, recover from damage' if she's killed or decapitated she regenerates and recovers from the damage but this is also an ability, to help her survive tough environments like really hot, areas, that can cause dehydration or, if she's atomized she'll resurrect regrowing every organ she's lost and get back, to full strength.

tentacle control: She can form and, make tentacles, pop out of her body allowing her, to whip and do damage to her opponents with stingers from her tentacles, doing damage.

Poisonous Body: Her body is poisonous and, dangerous to the where, if she activates her defense mechanism, she will poison her targets, with poison-barbed stingers.

Dominance over Sea life: She has full dominance and, control over every form of sea life within her area, as she can control telepathically talk to them and do many things with them she even has awareness of everything within the ocean but is limited, to areas where their's ocean water.

Hydrokinesis: She can control the water and everything related to liquids, allowing her to create constructs, of water and even increase the pressure of it.

Minor Divinity: She has a minor level of divinity, where her presence, can weaken those, below her, to the point they bow down to her, but if their a divine being above her it will not work at all her minor, divinity, could also make those who are evil feel the weight of their sins and crimes.

The personification of Dreams: she is in a sense, a personification of many dreams and, has full control over anyone's dreams, causing either good or bad things to happen and, even giving good or bad luck to men, depending on if they've done good or bad deeds.

Rubbery body: Her body can stretch to long lengths and, be impervious to bullets as they just phase through her or just bounce right back, at the attacker.

Electrokinesis: She can control electricity at a high level, allowing her, to electrocute her opponents who have a strong resistance, to electricity and even burn Objects with Electricity, shaping it into something else. 

Disease-shaping: she, can control and, manipulate waterborne, diseases from the ocean, allowing her, to cause death from waterborne, diseases causing nausea, vomiting, and sickness.

Hypnokinesis: She can control and cause people to sleep, and even control their dreams.

Shapeshifting: if she wants, she can take the form of a mortal woman, "if she is curious".

Weakness; She is vulnerable to esoteric fire attacks.


Nightmare-form: when, in dreams, or if she brings them, to the real world, she can, become the nightmare of the person, in a physical form, but must take on, the weaknesses, of it, if it's something like a group of insects, or Rats.

Dream-Domain: she, can bring out a Domain, of dreams, in the physical realm in a smaller form, like it is a pocket dimension, allowing her, to have her full power from, the dream realm.

Electrical-Shock: "She, can electrocute people, with electrokinesis".

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