The Human-Jellyfish

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Kaiju-jellyfish form: The size of his jellyfish form is 120 meters big which is the same size as a Lion's mane jellyfish.

 Hybrid Form(This form augments all his physical abilities where he's a lot stronger denser faster, more agile, and capable of dodging Projectile attacks) 


Coral Art book: he has a special, book that teaches, coral arts and many, ways to make coral constructs in, different ways, its power is very supernatural and, beyond the natural forces of the earth. this means it can harm those, who can resist damage or even, be made into strong weapons even, fridges and anything, to keep food fresh. ; another negative for coral-based attacks is when someone is hit, by a coral construct that's blunt or sharp they, get inflammation, leading to poor healing, and a secondary infection causing health problems, to the person. another, fact about this coral, art book is it's mistaken as a magical spell book due to its use of coral in a spiritual form.

Coral sword: He, shapes coral into, that of a bladed sword, to where he can cut anything in half, with ease, with the effects of the Cutting from the blade when, impaled are inflammation (which leads to poor healing) and less commonly a secondary infection.

Name: Kainalu Kai

Anatomy: Due to his powers developing through puberty he's gained cells capable of protecting him from many diseases being poisoned cells of jellyfish. he's also gained immunities from poisonous cells from jellyfish and they can only activate when in combat if he allows it. his body and parts are given a plastic, biology mixed; with liquid where he's got strong bones, and even four Stomachs within, his Body allows, him to eat more than a human and he has a second mouth, and two tongues, for more tastebuds and chews more food. "He also has strong physical abilities and he can still use his limbs stretching them to long lengths. His bones are stronger and denser. "their also rubbery but are made up of bone water and everything a jellyfish is made up of combined. another form of cells he has is known as electric cells where his body can also protect him from cancerous cells by electrocuting them within his body and his body some jellyfish can glow automatically when it's dark so it will deactivate when he's in the daytime or in areas that don't need light." another fact is, their skeletons, are glowing light blue with glowing colored eye holes. "his skeleton is also a hydrostatic skeleton, containing fluid and some circular at the same time he has cyan blue blood. 

Occupation: Marine biologist

Birthday: March 5, 2001.

Blood type: O+

Race: Biracial( he's part Spanish and Portuguese) 

Species: jellyfish-human

Affiliation: Marines.

Age: 19-25

Goal: Discover different Sea Creatures.

Hobbies: Fishing, Drawing, and enjoying music.

likes: studying the sea life, swimming, Shrimp Crab, and Fish.

Dislikes: People pissing on his head, people thinking urine can stop a jellyfish sting.

Personality: Thrillskeer, a bit of a troll, Enjoys connecting with Marine animals and marine life.

Height: 5'6 feet tall

Weight: 167 pounds

Fighting styles and skills.

Gymnastics/Contortionism: he's trained his body and, limbs in gym activities, and contorted, his limbs, to different levels, allowing him, to run at the level of an Athlete, or contort his body, to other levels.

Jellyfish-Arts: He can use the spiritual form of Animal powers, like a jellyfish and use the powers, to form parts of jellyfish limbs on his body parts and even cause them to do Damage to the opponent's body or even turn anything into a jellyfish, for combat.

Kapu Kulailua: He's trained in Hawaiian martial arts, on his home island, allowing, him to grab the joints, throw rocks at high speeds, and Hit the Pressure points of his targets, he was even trained to use firearms.

Powers and abilities.

Jellyfish-Human Physiology 

Superhuman physical abilities: he's superhumanly strong in all physical categories, allowing him, to fight on an even match and playing field against his opponents another advantage he has thanks to his superhuman abilities but also his jellyfish abilities is having water pressure resistance to where he could resist the toughest levels of water pressure.

Jelly Shaping: "he can Shape Blue Jelly, and fire it to stick, people to the walls, and even make traps with jelly," he can even make Jelly walls.

Shapeshifting: he can shapeshift, his body or Other parts, of his body into anything and, even become other jellyfish, for more power; meaning he could also shapeshift into different types of jellyfish, allowing, him to go and handle the ocean water or, becoming larger or he could shapeshift into, different sea creatures, if needed.

Retractable tentacles: he, can control the "tentacles", he has and shape them into anything, even use them to stretch too far distances or even make them into different sharp tentacle weapons. He can even manipulate the tentacle's shape and, form to, become anything shapeshifting, them into different limbs, or even make tentacle walls, for defense.

Rubbery Body: "he can stretch any of his body, parts from long lengths even expand his body parts along with inflating his body, and, thanks to his jellyfish-like powers, with his rubbery body" he can form tentacles out of his body, to do damage if he wants, to sting them and, he's even impervious to most attacks, as projectiles just bounce off.

Rapid Healing Factor: "Like any jellyfish, He can regenerate by recovering from damage and Burns or from cold attacks Repairing his flesh bones, etc". This, doesn't mean, he can regrow from Something that can negate his healing factor, as that would force him into, a state of resurrection.

Coral-Spiritualism: "he has, the spiritual side of powers, relating, to coral where, everyone he's trained under, in his family and home kingdom, used coral to make special weapons for combat, even blunt weapons for combat, that can even be hardened and, made stronger, through "menekinesis." 

Biological-Immortality: He's got the same immortality, as the Immortal jellyfish, so he's biologically immortal allowing him, to not die by common means but still feel damage and pain from attacks. How he resurrects is through a similar way to trans-differentiation, the only difference being, that he regrows every cell, organ body part even his lower parts as he's also growing stronger after resurrecting; becoming physically stronger faster more agile, stronger, and durability, and powerful pain tolerance. The drawback of this power is how it becomes weaker once he's hit a Specific Age. if he's killed he'll just replicate his body, resurrecting his dead body, with his consciousness remaining but it's quite a strain, on his mind giving him a migraine. another benefit is the long life span his species has, living over 600-000 years old he's also got immunity to known viruses diseases, and poisons.

Absorbent skin: his skin can absorb "water", air, or even sweat from his body, to give him energy.

Toxic Energy: he can generate and manipulate, "Toxic Energy" along with forming, energy beams of purple toxic blast and even forming toxic Energy constructs or infusing toxic energy into his tentacles for combat..

Poison-Needles: he can generate manipulate and, form poisonous needles, from his body. he's able to fire Poisonous Needles from far distances or form needles on his first for more damage, to cause poison damage that will make people Sick, feel affected by pois,on or die if he activates the more fatal effect and the needles he generates, are also barbed which makes it even more painful.

Poisonous-Melting: He has a special ability where his poison is capable of melting the human body of his targets when activated. this means he can melt anything with his poison.

Menekinesis: he can infuse manipulate and form Natural "Mana", from his body and even generate it as a projectile attack as mana is the supernatural force of power and is ascribed to granting him more spiritual forces of a limited level.

Electrokinesis: he can generate and, manipulate "electricity" allowing him to electrocute people from long-distance attacks. He can even electrocute people, to the point they die or fall unconscious or even absorb the electricity from technology or electronics and, telekinetically control people with electricity.

Liquidokinesis: he, can generate or manipulate different forms of liquids like blood as blood is 90% of water in the human body sweat and Urine. ; he could potentially, turn the liquids into, constructs for defense or cutting. he could even, control acid a powerful potent liquid, that can melt anything including metals made up of steel, he could also generate a large amount of water to drown people with water or he could drown people with their blood.

Weakness; Is vulnerable to attacks from people who have tougher flesh and skin. He can also be harmed by Fire attacks or ice-based attacks. he also can only die by unnatural means. Anyone who can resist his electricity and poison can harm him. anyone, who can absorb his electricity can also harm him. 


Jellyfish bomb: he creates a jellyfish from his, hand and throws it, when it explodes multiple barbed Needles, hit the target's entire body either exploding or causing a painful death. 

Flesh-melting: When he's near someone he causes the body, to melt from his Poison where the more, they move or throw punches, the more their body melts to nothing but a puddle when they move insanely fast.

Acid-Beam; he fires a beam of acid, at his targets melting their bodies, to the point they are nothing but bone and, melting bone.

Supreme-Venom: When injecting, a large amount of venom, into his target, the body dies instantly. "the problem is, he needs, to physically inject his tentacles into the forrder for it to work". 

Coral-territory: He, manipulates coral constructs, and makes a territory of coral, where if someone invades his, part of the territory, they will get impaled, by barbed and, sharp coral constructs.

Drowning bubble: he puts a bubble around his target causing them, to lose their oxygen and air.

jelly-trap: as a jellyfish human, he can shoot jelly from his body, creating a sticky trap allowing him, to cause people, to get trapped, into the wall, or ground, making it almost impossible to break free.

Adhesive-Jelly: he can stick anything together, Fusing them, together as it works like a tough Adhesive, similar to gorilla glue.

Agua-Bullet: He shapes, the water into a compressed projectile, and throws it at high speeds, creating holes in the opponent's bodies causing blood loss in the person's body due to the large hole.

Deflated Body technique: Like, that of a jellyfish he deflates his entire body, allowing him to become flat and use his deflated body to be invisible in plane sight where if anyone steps on him, he'll stab them with barbed needles from his body causing poison and electricity to harm the person who stepped on him.

Origin: growing, up on the land he's been the type to want, to become a marine his reasons, are the people he knew his father who was a marine taught him many things about how to be a marine like operating as a  Marine Air Ground Task Force, provide joint force even been taught how to keep the peace and his father had a good history with him, even his mother taught him how to cook. he's also learned ways to survive way, in the coldest environments, and even learned how to cook, in the toughest environments. Still, when he obtained his role as a marine, he gained a ship, to help him achieve his goal, of becoming a marine after going through marine training. 


-he can generate as many limbs as he wants, so he keeps it at two arms and legs-

-One thing he had trouble with growing up until he reached 15 was controlling his electricity and poison which is potent enough to kill people or knock them out.-

-he can make himself, flat on the ground where his body, works like it's slime-

-he doesn't hate anyone but will use his powers, to incapacitate criminals who break into his home-

-his powers activated during puberty, allowing him to gain the powers, of a Jellyfish-

-his mana allowed him, to manipulate water and Electricity along with other abilities related to the weather skies, and oceans-

-he does not even try to tell, people to stop fucking with jellyfish as one time he tried warning them, but they got themselves fucked over, sending themselves, to Heaven or hell-

-leatherback turtles, can be annoying to his species, cause they taste his jellyfish flesh and, make it painful for him when they, bite him-

-the mana his, people use is, best against marine, demons that are meant, for them, to fight back as "it's a way to deal with supernatural, creatures"-

-he's capable of consuming venom and, poisons, but if he overeats them, he'll gain diarrhea and be forced, to use the bathroom-

-predators he'd deal with are, humanoid sharks, tuna, Sea turtles, and Humpback whales, some crabs who are capable of Harming him-

-the creator of all jellyfish humans, is the Erumia Jellyfish who gave birth, to all jellyfish-

-the, older they get the more powerful, they get but with increased height, they get--

-the limit, of the height his species, gets is most likely 30'30 feet tall-

-the laws of some may be strict, but they are reasonable, one person in the country he lived in, is very strict when it, comes to lying about a crime. if you lie, you get sent to, prison for lying and you get the consequences for putting an innocent man in prison-

-like a jellyfish his species, can Cycle through nutrients in the ocean -

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