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Name: Seta

Species; Human-Mushroom 

Alias: King of Hallucinations, or mushroom King.

Anatomy; Despite being, a Mushroom human he's got the same human, anatomy as everyone else he can reproduce with humans and even, have children as they'd gain his powers but his cells can even protect people he, wants to be protected from things like cancer and more, theirs also the benefit he has with his anatomy of being able, to regrow body parts even if their chopped to pieces and he can still eat as he can control, his body and mouth to open showing a normal mouth nad face while his other organs like kidney, are still their so he has the same organs like everyone else and as for his bones, they are extremely tough but can help him survive things in the forest like, impalement. another thing he has is Fungi-Cells, their special cells within his body, that protects him from anything that's fatal to him as they would go and multiple attacking any illness or disease he, gets and they dogpile on cancer, completely destroying it, like an army attacking nazis.

Race: Spanish 

Gender: Male 

Age: 18

Height: 6'5 feet tall

Weight:  163 pounds 

Personality: Cheeky Mischievous, Cheerful but is a quick thinker and is confident in his Bombs.


Shaman staff

Fighting styles and skills

Fungi-Shamanism: He's trained in a Art of shamanistic, practices involving fungi, where he can use a spiritual side of plant life mixed with his natural fungi abilities to where he could augment his physical abilities with Spiritual powers.

Gymnastics: He's skilled at using his agility, and reflexes to run and grab ahold of large things in a forest making him, quite an agile opponent.

Fungi-knowledge: He has, knowledge of all kinds, of Fungi being able, to Know, the uses of fungi, including their negatives and positives.

Mushroom bomb combat: He's trained in long, ranged combat, to where he's taken parts of his body, he generates making them into, "toxic bombs" as these bombs can kill a man or incapacitate them.

Powers and abilities.

Alpha-Fungi-Physiology: he's an Alpha Fungi-human being able, to have full authority and is capable of controlling, fungi and mushrooms by his own Will. He also has a superhuman level of survivability, allowing him, to survive nearly anything like impalement, decapitation, etc.

Superhuman physical abilities: He is superhumanly strong, in Strength Speed Agility reflexes, and Endurance, he's also resistant to fire and the cold being able to handle the toughest environments.

Hallucikinesis: he, can generate and manipulate illusions, he has full control over and, can use the illusions to trick, people into thinking they're Attacked by plant fungi monsters, or make the illusion physical and strong, leading to changing it into, something of hysteria. ; one advantage, he has is he's immune to his own Illusions and, can cause people to be in more fear.

Basidiokinesis: He, can shape manipulate, and form "mushrooms", from his body, even generate toxic mushrooms and throw them at people creating explosive mushrooms, causing people to die of an extremely potent toxin harming the lungs and flesh, another level of the power is a psychic form of it, where it makes someone, high and basically they see things, they do not want to see. he can even, control the spiritual variant of fungi, allowing him, to mess with spirits causing them to hallucinate, from spiritual mushroom bomb constructs capable of knocking out, or making them fall asleep.

Mold-shaping: As a Unique power, he can generate mold a more potent form of fungi, being able to kill and cause people to die from the effects of the mold causing a slow and painful death. another advantage is being able to cause healing factors, to tear apart and, become weaker the more mold, is used against it to the point there's nothing but a dead body.

Spore-Duplication: He can create clones, of himself through, the "spores" he generates from his body, and with each "spore", that hits or cuts clones himself, the spores could even fuse into the person's body and grow more clones, to keep them immobile.

Poison Shaping: he can control, manipulate, and shape different "poisons", from his body he can use, to poison people.

Domiance over Regeneration: He, can shape manipulate, and control people's healing factors or augment his own, Healing factor meaning, he could negate someone else's Healing factor or cause the healing factor of the opponent he's fighting, to Deactivate or completely, turn it off.

Bioluminescence: Like every mushroom, he can glow in the dark, allowing people, who need light to see through dark areas.

Fungi-Energy: He generates, energy from Fungi, as he can augment his physical abilities with fungi and can use it to increase his fungi-based powers.

Containment immunity: he's immune to all known, viruses diseases and, poisons making him, Unaffected by known illnesses. 

Mushroom-Shapeshifting: He, can shapeshift into, anything using his "mushrooms", allowing him to become anything.

Food-Converstion: If around, plastic he can turn anything plastic, into food to help with the issues making the plastic edible and, consumable.

Subterranean-Survival: He can survive and adapt to any subterranean, environment allowing him, to handle the environment itself, like surviving the poisons that are around. 

Pheremone shaping: he can shape "pheromones" into, anything and use them for stealth or have different effects on people, even causing hallucinations, he can even use them to Stimulate cells, with G-Proteins and fuse them, together recovering from any, damage and cutting. this, can also Increase his healing capabilities making his cells, repair much faster or regrow new cells, in order to make him much stronger.

Rapid Healing Factor: he can Regenerate and Repair any cells, thanks to him using G-proteins to, regrow any limbs or body parts, he's lost becoming much stronger.

Weakness: if he's vaporized he'll be forced to regenerate his limbs and be also in a vulnerable state, to where he can not fight when he's nearly killed.


Fungi-teleportation: By using fungi, he, can teleport anywhere across, the world if there are any fungi around meaning he could be everywhere if he wants to.

Fungi-infestation: When, a piece of him, is attached to someone, they get fungi, growing out of their body to the point their organs or limbs, are getting torn apart or a clone of him comes out and, choke them out, making it near impossible to get rid of them.

Death Cap Bomb: he, generates a mushroom known as "The Death Cap Mushroom" This mushroom, is very fatal and when it hits the target, it will explode causing a concussive blast of alpha-amanitin, which causes Death of the liver and kidneys along with the flesh feeling a lot of pain from the explosion.

Poison-mushroom bomb: when he generates toxic mushrooms, he throws the bomb, poisoning his opponent, and causing death.

magic-Mushroom bomb: he, can generate special magic mushrooms, capable of causing hallucinations and, the effects of drugs people smoke, but at a More fatal level, to where they are seeing things, you shouldn't see.

Mushroom-doppelganger-technique: he, can Summon multiple doppelgangers, that are nearly Perfect as the opponent he's fighting with one flaw being the Power they copied being imperfect, meaning it can be countered but still an issue so it means it's weaker and, can be cut in half by the original user of the power he copied, another way to counter it is to freeze them, alive or burn them alive.

Dormant-Reconstruction: If he's nearly killed he'll remain Dormant, for about 5-10 months, forcing him into a cycle, where his entire human body is Reconstructed, to the point every Organ copied is repaired including, the lower parts and reproductive organs etc.

Cell-Enlargement-technique: he, can enlarge his own cells or others, making them grow to large sizes, at 20,20 feet tall being the size of a Giant and, is capable of handling opponents of larger size.

Parasitic-Zombieshroom: Based on the zombie fungi, it can turn anyone he controls, into zombies with fungi, he generates to where, they are under his control and the only, way to stop it is by destroying the fungi on the person's body.

Mushroom-Walls: He, generates mushrooms from his body, and uses them to defend people, from projectiles at the cost of them, getting destroyed if the attack is a fire attack.

Mushroom dolls: when, he generates mushrooms he, forms and changes their shape and body, into that of a humanoid doll, as it can be a complete copy, of the person he's fighting, working like a voodoo doll. this means he can kill the person, by stabbing the doll.




-as a mushroom human he can reproduce like a male human with a female, mate-

-the way he makes clones is that if a piece of him is cut he'll regrow a limb and, the cut limb or flesh will regrow into, a clone and do everything he says as they, follow him on what he says-

-any clone that's from his body listens to him, as he's a living hive mind-

-one weakness his species has is Extreme cold and the hottest levels of Heat to the point, that it burns him alive like how people die in forest fires-

-fungi-humans/Mushroom-humans can use their fungi as food, where they control, it to become a descent food source as they are in a way a nearly limitless food source-

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