Vampire Mobian

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Name: Radu 

Species: Vampiric-Bat

Height: 4'4 feet tall 

Weight: 35 pounds 

Personality: Stoic, Cold Has a temper, and is very determined but is also Calculating,and intelligent. 

Fighting styles and skills.

Magical knowledge: he, knows different, kinds of magic, allowing him to put his will on others, and even use magic to, control reality and, anything.

Powers and abilities.

Superhuman physical abilities: he's superhumanly strong, in strength speed Endurance Durability, and Agility.

Dense flesh: Due to his tough, body he's got dense, near-impossible flesh, to break through unless it's a user of chaos energy.

Vitae Energy: he can manipulate natural life energy known, as vitae allowing him, to do more damage against people, with the chaos force, he can also use, this to morph his body, into anything. he can even use it to control extreme temperatures, both hot and cold along with making people, sick or he could become a giant beast or change his body into anything, turn his victims into animals, or even control the rat's owls, and animals as his version of vitae, connects to Chaos energy.

Vitae Leech: he can manipulate energy leeches, that absorb and drain, the energy of psychic energy and at the same time absorb, other forms of energy, slowly and it increases, the Stronger the target is. "this means, that if he absorbs their life force, from a far distance he'll become more powerful but it's not instant as it starts off slow and, increases fast when the target moves and, fights."

Self-Soul Exploitation: he can manipulate his own, Second Soul, to augment his physical abilities and, even make his physical attacks, harm spirits. He can even use his Souls abilities, to make his shapeshifting a lot stronger.

Mind Exploitation: he can Dominate, anyone's mind, through mind control, allowing him, to put them through hypnosis or, make them, do a job for him.

Flight/gliding: he can fly at high speeds and go at 100 mph, or go at the speed of sound, increasing his speed by flapping his batwings.

accelerated Regeneration: he can regenerate at an accelerated rate, regrowing limbs at fast levels. this can even be increased further through drinking blood and regenerating destroyed cells.

Multiple souls: he has, two souls, allowing him, to use his physical and spiritual powers which means, he could astral project by using his second soul.

Sound Shaping: he can control, and manipulate sound vibrations, with ease and use them, to destroy the eardrums.

Shapeshifting; he can become, anything he chooses and, is capable of using his shapeshifting to become any versatile animal, even change any limb he has, into other animals and doesn't have a flaw of needing to spin around, to shapeshift, can become anything, not just a bat.

Flesh Shaping: he can Shape his own Flesh, allowing him, to form weapons and, things made up of pure flesh. this can involve Bones and organs, being hardened at the same time sharpened allowing him, to cut people in half.

Weakness: Anyone, with power over, chaos energy can harm him, either crippling or keeping him, distracted.

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