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Name: Rafael Francisco 

Race: Portuguese 

Alias: the Jester 

Species: Enhanced Human

Sexuality; Straight

Occupation: Entertainer 

Personality: a kind man who enjoys tea, shy Introverted, altruistic he can also be Empathetic but Has a short temper and, will protect kids if they are harmed.

Age: 30

Fighting styles and skills.

Contortionism: he's a skilled contortionist, as he's trained in contortionism, ever Since, he was a child.

Performance Arts skills: he's a skilled performer, an artist who is able, to do many performance arts within the circus.

Powers and abilities.

Enhanced Human Physiology: As an enhanced human he's got enhanced physiology granting him an enhanced immune system, better awareness enhanced vision, and even enhanced hearing.

Superhuman Physical abilities: he's superhumanly strong in Strength, speed Agility reflexes, and durability.

Mirror-Movement: He, can mimic other attacks, like a mirror allowing, him to counterattack and, Dodge any attack in a comedic way, as it's like that of a mime, where he can mimic anything if he, can see it as this work, also like that of a mime doing what they do in silence.

The Power of Hyeoka: through, the power of Comedy, he's become the embodiment, of Heyoka, representing the comedic side of power this means, anything funny can make anything into, reality as its power can do anything through jokes and anything clowns do. as his role as a jester similar to harley quinn jester, can, even work on making people, the butt of the joke and the power, will still activate. this also means he can have a form of toon force as it would make, him not only impossible to kill but he can do the most random things, in a comedic sense.

Rapid Healing Factor: He has, a Healing factor, that can heal at a fast rate, where his wounds and limbs can regrow or be repaired, instantly, even allowing him, to be immune to viruses like Cancer.

Plasticity: he's got an extremely plastic and, rubbery body, allowing him to stretch from far Distances and even expand his body if he needs, to grow in size that, he could compress himself to levels, where he's able to fit in a box similar to a jack in a box. "another trick he can pull is make his arms or legs, work like springs being able to Jump much faster gaining more movement" the spring-like limbs he, can create can practically, give him more movement.

Balloon-Shaping: He can shape, control, and Form balloons, from his body and even use them to cause powerful exploding balloons, capable of destroying Buildings, with strong chemicals.

Rubber Shaping: he can shape and, control Rubber constructs, allowing him, to make any rubber weapon, possible.

Pain Suppression: he can suppress any pain, he's suffered allowing, him to survive almost every form of pain meaning, if he's suffering from blood loss or any, damage he'll suppress it, allowing him to still fight. 

The Power of Entertainment: When everyone is entertained he gains, power boosting all, his physical abilities allowing, him to fight on par with people, who are stronger than him. this means, the more people, are entertained the more powerful, he becomes. 

Weakness: If someone can resist his powers and abilities, then they can become immune to them and, also harm him with blades of cutting since he's in a sense like rubber he's vulnerable to cutting.


Unbearable itch technique: He messes, with his opponents, body causing them, to feel an itch so uncomfortable that they, have to get it distracting, them that when they scratch, the itch feels like it moves.

Balloon-Spikes: He, shapes and controls, the balloons he's able to use as weapons and makes them, into spiked floating weapons that when popped get into the target body as they attack the person who popped them.

Borracha-Wall: he, generates a rubber wall, and is capable of Redirecting projectile or close-ranged attacks, due to absorbing and redirecting connecting, energy making attacks useless. this can also reflect projectile attacks or use kinetic energy to make the reflected projectiles, do damage.

Entertainment-World; When he manipulates the environment he's in he makes, a dimension based on, the circus where he's able to do anything. This is the cause of his own will being able to do this, like allowing him to generate special allies, like a strongman, a juggler a fire devourer, and more used in different kinds of circuses. this means he'd have an army capable of overwhelming his opponents.

Borracha-Jab: He, stretches his arm from a far distance and hits his opponent, sending them flying, completely doing immense damage as it's like jetpistol from one piece.

Origin: Throughout, his life he's always, been a fan of the circus and even, practiced his life as a performer he enjoyed performing making children smile and, happy but when he was, working, got put in an accident, giving him his powers of what, he has which led to, his body becoming, more rubbery and stretchy, to the point every part of his body, is capable of stretching and expanding, along with every other power he's gained from the accident.


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