Statue Human

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Name: Charles Mateo

Species: Statue-Human

Race: Biracial  (he's part Maltese and Spanish)

Height: 6'7 feet tall

Weight: 167 pounds 

Blood type: AB Positive 

Birthday: August 1st 


hammer.(this isn't mine) 

Occupation: Furniture designer 

Hobbies: making furniture, gothic design, and likes sports.

Personality: Quiet, Cheeky Cheerful, and, mischievous but, he can also show kindness and, be a bit of a troll to many people. he's also enjoyed making furniture and anything, to help those in need who don't have furniture.

Age: 18-27

fighting styles and skills.

Sculpting Skills: he's a skilled sculptor, being able to make anything, made up of Stone and rock.

Boxing Skills: He's a skilled boxer, and uses his physical boxing, skills with his earth-based attacks.

posing skills: he's trained in posing, in different ways to pose like a statue standing completely still and, being hidden in plain sight. he is also capable of fitting areas, where you'd see statues and can use his skills as a statue to trick people trying to kill him.

Skilled with Hammers: He's skilled with blunt weapons, like hammers being able, to do more blunt damage that could break down walls or doors.

Powers and abilities.

Statue-Human physiology: Despite being, human and working like a statue he still, has the working physical Skin and organs of a Human, as it's his skin that's tough to break through to where he has very tough skin, that he's near indestructible, he's also very much unique in his physiology where he's unnatural but still has a soul. "one thing that makes his physiology Different is how he's capable of mimicking that of a statue in movement by standing still"

Enhanced physical abilities: He's Unnaturally strong at an Enhanced level, allowing him, to have Enhanced strength Speed Agility reflexes, and bulletproof Durability, He could even augment his physical abilities by using the earth around him everywhere. He can also run at supersonic speeds, increasing his speed and agility allowing him, to run at 100mph.

Spirit Exploitation: He, can control and manipulate the spirits, of the dead allowing him, to use them against other dead spirits and even make them bow down to his will, one thing he can also exploit is the powers spirits have, augmenting his physical abilities becoming superhumanly strong.

cement molding: he can mold and generate, cement a liquid stone capable of being shaped into anything like a hammer, a club or even trapping people in cement. 

Statue Exploitation: like a statue human, like himself he can exploit, and manipulate different statues, making it so that he can have an army he can control, or use as meat shields.

Stone-invisibility: he, turns invisible, through the earth around him, and uses it for stealth-based attacks or sneaking into bases as this refers to the golem of Prague Josef.

Organic-rock-Skin: His skin and Durability, are as tough as the strongest, and statues are made up of, the toughest stone, giving him much tougher flesh, this means his body is as tough as a statue but also works like the normal flesh of a human and one, an advantage he's got is his organic rocky skin, grants him an Immunity to acid.

Sculpture-molding: as a Unique Power, he can generate, create, and form statues, from his body, to create an army or guards outside of his home.

Bio-Geokinesis: he can control, manipulate, and, a form of Bio-Earth from his body, and even use it, for long-range Attacks, or defensive walls, for combat, he could even use a Geokinetic version, of telekinesis to pick large mountains and, objects up and throw them at people for long ranged combat, or Generate an Earth Aura, allowing him to augment his physical abilities making himself more powerful.

Seismic senses: He, can perceive through, the earth or use Seismic senses, to get by.

Rapid-Healing Factor: He, can regenerate and Heal from any form, of Damage, allowing him to rapidly, recover from the most fatal damage, and even regrow any lost limbs he's lost but needs to take time, as he has to use his energy in, order to regrow limbs he's lost.

Longevity: He, can outlive most, people and is able, to live longer than most humans.

Weakness: Despite his tough build his flesh still works like flesh, and can be harmed, with brute force, or use strong hammers, capable of destroying brick to do damage.


neck-Snap: He, grabs a person by, the throat and snaps the neck, completely killing the person.

Earth-Wall: He, can generate, a wall of, earth protecting people, with anything made to deflect or, counter projectile and physical attacks.

Earthquake: He, generates an earthquake, destroying buildings and cities, making people fall off their balance and, even fall into Large holes in the ground.

Stone-Castle: He, generates a stone castle, made to keep people, he protects safe as it has, everything including Air, Walls defenses, etc.

The Stone Touch: He can turn people, into stone via physical contact, allowing him, to have full control over, his targets meaning he could manipulate them like their puppets or even, use them as shields against projectiles he can't tank due to the possible projectiles being an explosive using "the person as a human shield" this means he'll have more defenses.

Self-Petrification: he, petrifies his own, body, to him hibernating allowing him, to recover all his energy and stamina allowing him, to gain healthy limbs and energy which can help him recover from anything that's caused him, to become sick or heal from anything that's nearly destroyed.

Origin: as a statue human, he's grown up in, a unique life having unique tough skin he's also in a sense related to gargoyles in a sense having a unique connection to them and how they in a sense know him but the difference is, he can walk in the daylight and not turn to stone since he can control his stone body so he wont deal with becoming pure stone, and as for how he was in his childhood he was, abandoned as a child but was raised by a church ho, respected his choices of becoming a Furniture designer.

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