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Name: Devon Badrick 

Race: Biracial (he's part Sub-Saharan and Jewish)

Height: 9'9 feet tall

Weight: 167 pounds 

Belief: Vodouists(he believes in bondye,as he's the supreme monotheistic God of his belief)

Species: Human-Mutate 

Alignment: Good

Affiliation: Military, Government.

Occupation: Scientist 

Blood type: AB

Goal: to Analyze the field of study, and find ways to cure Unknown diseases. 

Home Country: Nigeria

Alias: The Bokor or Voodoo-Hyena. 

Likes: Science, Alcohol hyenas, and nature

dislikes: thievery, people burning down the woods. 

Age: 20-30 

Personality: Extremely Intelligent, Socially Awkward a bit of a geek, will show respect to other scientists, and, is very patient. he also takes his scholarship seriously and will use his intelligence to help find a cure for any illnesses, that people have. 

Hybrid form

Beast form


Voodoo Mask: he, wears this voodoo mask, to hide his appearance, when he's out in the forest and, doesn't show his face to people who have, ways of breaking through his skin or even people, with strong weapons capable of handling him. ; this mask also grants him an increase in voodoo.

Voodoo-axe: he, made this weapon out of bones, wood, and stone where he created it to cut through nearly anything and can use it to destroy his opponents. 

Voodoo-Staff: with this stuff, he can conjure esoteric flames and use it, to burn the opponent alive, create different fire constructs, burn through the skin or even make an explosive of fire that can only, be stopped by another magical attack. 

Voodoo Doll: He, uses this voodoo doll, on people he fights, and needs to be quick with it or people will take it away from him stopping their death. 

Fighting styles and skills.

Serum Knowledge: due to his knowledge of making, serums, and chemicals, he was able, to transform into a hyena-like monster that allowed him, to make the chemical that turned him, into such a beast.

Weapon knowledge; he has some knowledge, of different weapons, to use in combat and even knowledge of how they're created. as he can create multiple weapons to help people in combat and even the military.

Biological Knowledge: he understands the biology of humans, animals, and creatures like the human heart, needing oxygen, red blood cells pumping oxygen, etc.; he also understands females have flexible waste and males have thick waste, as the flexible waste for females, allows them to handle giving birth as if someone, were to transplant a uterus into a male he'd know the male would die. he even, knows the femur bone is the most, painful part of the bone, which he'd use against his opponents or use to support to either break them, if in combat, or heal them if they're his patient. 

Voodoo-knowledge: he knows things like voodoo and, is very knowledgeable of the uses voodoo has, he could make energy, related to voodoo that could help him in combat and use the energy to recover or recharge his energy for voodoo, he could even use the voodoo knowledge he has, to counter people. another thing while not part of voodoo beliefs, is he uses things known as tarot cards as they give him power thanks, to the magical energy he has control over.

High-level-Problem-Solving-Skills: he has superior levels, of problem solving being able, to solve problems people have in anything. 

Powers and abilities.

Pseudo-Werehyena physiology: while he's seen as a werehyena, he is in a sense a pseudo variant of that of a werehyena where he has full control over his body and isn't weak to common weaknesses a Lycanthrope would have, like silver bullets or anything magical werebeast are weak to don't bother him have. He also has more testosterone than, most male hyenas at the same time has a larger heart and lungs. ; his brain cortex allows him, to have more intelligence than a normal human. ; one thing he has as an advantage is his sense of smell, he could use it to help him get around find someone he knows by their sense, or even use it to get through areas if his eyes are cut blinding him temporarily. 

Superhuman physical abilities: he has superhuman physical abilities, allowing him to have superhuman strength speed agility durability, and endurance, the other fact is when he runs he can run up to 40 mph. "he also has an Athletic body being able to dodge bullets and other projectiles".

Bio-morphing: as a result of a mutation, he can change his appearance, and biology into anything else, including becoming something else like a vulture or anything in the wild.  another thing, he could do is form multiple mouths, on any part of his body to tear people apart and leave large bite marks, that can break down bones.

Voodoo: he exploits, the power voodoo has, being able to control different things including being able to summon the dead exploiting the power of the undead or gaining power from graveyards, augmenting his physical abilities or he could even summon the undead, making himself more powerful this means he's extremely powerful. ; he can also summon and control esoteric plants and nature, having ways to completely counter things. this means he could summon flames from out of nowhere or even use them to control the loa spirits. He can even use voodoo dolls, involving voodoo, causing pain to people through voodoo dolls. one thing, that's not of voodoo, but something he adds is tarrot cards which he uses to tell fortunes and, futures of people. he even uses the tarot cards involving magic. how this works is his powers are responsible for telling the future, meaning his energy is being used for them. ; one thing he could also do with voodoo is absorb energy through voodoo by using the voodoo doll.

Sound-Frequency-Exploitation: he can exploit, the powers and soundwaves, even going so far as to control every form of sound that could kill a person, or be used for mimicking the voices of other people, while disguised as someone else the person he's tricking knows. "he could kill a person with the highest level of sound frequencies". one thing, he can benefit from this is creating powerful sound frequency attacks, capable of destroying eardrums with a sonic scream, even using his control over sound and vibrations to infuse his fist for physical combat, like crushing the brains of people through punches. 

Biological Exploitation: he, can exploit the Biology, of anything and even exploit the DNA and Bodies, of Humans and the undead allowing him, to completely have full mastery, and control over the bodies for example, could exploit the bodies of anyone. this gives him a chance to help others, for science. "he could also cause people, with hearts to give them, a heart attack or, increase the life capacity through the hearts" One thing he can benefit from controlling, is the biology of humans is to control the hormones, within his or others bodies, this could be used for many things, like Increasing the immune systems immunities, as he can augment or negate things at the biological level. it is also a reference, to Ivankov from one piece where, he can use his claws, to inject different hormones into, people either doing a positive or negative. one benefit, he could gain is controlling the blood either by draining it, from the body or firing blood constructs, causing cutting damage. 

Fear-inducing Laughter: when he, laughs he can cause people, to feel fear or make them feel, intimidated as it's used to show he's in danger and it can be a double-edged sword, if he is in danger and outnumbered, making him a target.

Genetic-Atavism: he, can become more powerful, and dangerous through atavism, becoming like that of a short-faced hyena in his physical abilities. the reason for his size, in his hyena form, is most likely the physical size of a short-faced hyena, which was developed naturally. One thing, that was activated is his hereditary gene involving the werehyena, which wasn't active as it's his connection to some Ethiopian Jewish people.

Esoteric-Flame-Exploitation: he, could control flames that are magical and powerful allowing him, to burn people as the flames are nearly impossible to stop since only the user can stop them. he could use his staff, to make the flames, more powerful and dangerous allowing him to burn people more or, negate the flame's effects. 

Okan-Exploitation: Okan, meaning the word heart or soul, means he could exploit the power of the soul to augment his physical abilities with souls he absorbs or he could exploit the souls of entities and become more powerful, with each soul he gets making him more powerful as he could even control the souls of voodoo zombies, as they are of the most wicked people, who were executed, making him have a powerful army, in size.; another thing he can do is use the souls, he has and infuse them, into his weapons making his weapons, capable of harming spirits.

Matter Consumption: due to how hyenas, can eat and consume rotting corpses of animals, he can consume rotting flesh.

Hyena-Vampirism: due to some development, he's able to drink blood similar to that, of a vampire gaining power augmenting his physical abilities.

Containment immunity: He's pretty much immune, to the viruses diseases, and poisons, that the undead have, as he's able to handle them and, brush them off. 

Pheromone-Exploitation: he, can generate pheromones that can help him become stealthy, creating a form of camouflage, another thing he could do with pheromones, is mesmerize his victims causing them to fall under hypnosis. he could also use pheromones, to cause people to feel intimidated by him, or cause them to be confused affecting their behaviors. as he is Exploiting the effects pheromones, have on people.

Rapid Healing factor: he has a healing factor that allows him, to heal from simple damage like bullets or cutting but he can be harmed still by flames as it makes him need to heal from the damage, as his healing factor has a limit to how much damage he can take and one way he can regrow limbs is eating something as that increases that capabilities of regenerating limbs. 

Weakness: He's capable of dying to explosions, or projectiles, and his other weakness, is the animalistic nature of the hyena affecting his mind as he needs to keep the form on for a while like 4 minutes, another way to counter it is to use mind-based powers, to affect him making him act animalistic.


Hyena-Swarming: He can swarm and, separate into, multiple hyenas to where he grows into, multiple large hive minds and can tear apart people, with multiple hyenas attacking the target.  he could even reform if he's dealt with damage, or even disintegrate his own body with multiple hyenas coming from his body.

Blood-drain: He Impales, his victim with his claws, and starts draining the blood of the victim,he could also form a mouth with vampiric fangs, on one of his hands and drain the blood from the victim giving him, more power converting blood into energy.

Esoteric-Explosion: he generates esoteric flames and, causes an explosion, when someone attacks, the flames, act as a grenade for the attack to work. 

adrenaline-Shot: he, manipulates his, very own biology increasing his physical abilities, through adrenaline making himself, physically stronger in strength, speed agility, and reflexes. 

The Fool: When he pulls out the Fool Card the opponent, will fall short and suffer bad luck losing a battle, due to what they think is just bad luck. 

The Sun: this, card represents success, as it gives him an advantage in battle in his favor. 

Strength: this card, grants him the ability, to withstand incoming change, and by that logic, he could withstand powerful attacks. 

Judgment Card: when he puts it upright he can cause lack of self awareness, to people who attack him, however this cant work if he's out of energy so it wouldn't work if he had no energy.

Origin: Devon, growing up was a scientist who's always tested serums, and chemicals to see if he could, make something that could help people but when he started using hyena DNA for the serum it led to an accident where his body, changed due to Hyena DNA But due to the dominant masculine DNA Of Chromosomes of Males have, it lead to him becoming larger in size compared, to female hyenas as he'd gained a boost in his physical attributes and even he learned his physical appearance, changed with some hyena-like attributes along with his teeth working like fangs of a hyena. "he could also eat rotting and bad food with ease without getting sick" 


-Devon's Role as a scientist for the Nigerian, government is to help, make serums to help people deal with diseases, or even make super soldier serums for dealing with people in case there's a war and combat.-

-his voodoo can be used, to take on spirits but it can be tough when they use it against him without him knowing it-

-his form as a werehyena is based on that of Buda, of Ethiopian/African mythology-

-he was seen as an outsider, to some people he's been seen by due to how, the Buda in myth is seen as dangerous-

His assistant.

Name: Lucia 

Race: Mexican 

Age; 25

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Blood type: C Positive 

height: 5'6 feet tall

Weight: 145 pounds 

Personality; She is emotionally intense, Energetic, and enjoys experimenting on creatures. She can be explosive with her experiments. 

Fighting styles and skills.

scientific knowledge: She's got scientific knowledge, of the human body and how it works, including how the organs are important like historical evidence and knowledge of the body of animals and humans.' she's also capable of making different potions and serums, to enhance the human body with different types of serums.

Enhanced fighting skills: She's got an enhanced level of combat making her capable of handling people stronger than her.

Powers and abilities.

Enhanced physical abilities: She took a special drug that not only made her strong but enhanced her physical abilities like her strength speed agility durability and endurance, her muscles are also enhanced to where she, can lift more than she can naturally lift being capable of taking on other people stronger than her.

360-degree-Vision: thanks, to a serum she took, she can now see from far distances, allowing her to dodge bullets and, projectiles.

Prehensile Body: she's got a prehensile, body that allows her to stretch, to some long distances, even contort her body to where she could fit in tight spaces, or even be impervious to projectiles, where they just bounce off or do nothing, to her.  

Weakness; Can still take damage from other opponents 

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