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Name: Theodore Logan 

Race: Biracial (he's part Canadian and Indian)

Age: 19 

Species: Cursed-Human 

Height:  8'1 feet tall

Weight: 163 pounds 

Sexuality; Straight 

Blood type: A Positive. 

Birthday: May 21st 

Spirit animal: Stags

Likes; Peace, Quiet, and Reading

Dislikes: Eating flesh, people coming to his home, or enemy shamans.

Personality: Hesitant of strangers, Self-conscious a loner, but can be calm and kindhearted but dislikes the taste of human flesh and he's also an introvert.

Goal: Want's to control his insatiable hunger 

His mask.




Wechuge form: in this form, he's at least 15 feet tall and, has an insane size as he also smells horrible causing death to people, he has a terrifying appearance and his durability is more powerful allowing him to be unphased by blades and guns.

Fighting styles and skills.

superhuman combat knowledge: he's skilled in combat, at superhuman levels, allowing him to add more striking and, lifting strength to his, attacks for him to take down opponents. 

shamanistic-Knowledge: he's got limited knowledge of shaman practices, as it's something his family taught him to learn, the ways of shaman as it's something natural to him. this allowed him to control and connect to the spiritual side of the spiritual realm allowing him to control, evil spirits and other types of spirits that benefit him. he also has a form of shamanism connected to his ice powers, called cryo-shamanism which gives him full control over anything cold based including full, control over nitrogen.

Powers and abilities.

Cursed-human-Physiology; Due to what the curse did to him, it gave him the powers abilities, and physiology of the wechuge, making him have the physiology, of a stag and ice monster as he's got animalistic physiology like a stag but also powers over ice. another thing he gains as a negative at the same time benefit is he can gain power from the consumption, of flesh but the negative is how horrible it tastes. another thing, he was granted was nitrogen blood which, if anything like a zombie or monster tried, to eat him, when they even caused him harm they would freeze up and, lose their jaws from the extremely cold, blood he had. But similar, to that of a wendigo he's got an extremely long tongue and sharp teeth.

Superhuman physical abilities: Like a wechuge he's gained superhuman strength speed agility and reflexes along with his durability being increased and stronger to handle bullets and projectiles, he could also run at 380 mph. 

Near impervious Body: due to his body, being augmented he's near impervious to bullets, knives swords blunt weapons anything unless it's fire as he's vulnerable to fire since he's got a body that's related to the cold.

 Monstrous Growth: the more he eats the more large he becomes as he's consuming and gaining energy while undergoing monstrous growth in size.

pseudo-immortality: he has pseudo-immortality, to where he can die by specific means, being a fire that only fire can kill him but you need a larger body of fire to kill him since he'd regenerate from the flames it just left a burn mark that will be healing for a month as he needs to heal to recover from burns.

hyper-eating: he can consume, large amounts of food to the point all the food he consumes, in 1 minute converts into energy and sustains his unsatiable hunger, to where he can survive for 6 months, without food.

Horrendous Ugliness: when he's in his wechuge form he can cause either a heart attack or just shock making the person, stop in their place to where they, won't be able to move or talk giving him the advantage, to attack before they move.

Longevity: due to the curse he was given a slowed form of aging to where he can outlive most and have a longer life span. 

Morphing: he can shapeshift and, morph into different creatures like animals, stags or even monstrous beasts to help him benefit him or even become an ice monster of large size to fight giants. he could also shift his mouth, and control it to allow him, to eat anything with ease even use it to tear people apart or form multiple fangs to bite down through more dense flesh, one thing he could also do is change his size altering it to becoming large, at 15 feet tall. 

Spirit Animal-taming: he could tame and control his spirit animal, as it's that of a moose. the moose he has control of can give him advantages, and allow him to use the attributes of a moose in a human form, or combine it with his Wechuge form as he's also got empathy with it being able to tame and, understands the feelings of humans, animals etc. 

Space-Time-hopping: When unlocked, he can bend space and time, allowing him, to create his dimension or, mess with events at a limited level, he could even generate wormholes, to suck anything in or throw space-time attacks." he uses this to move through space and time, to attack his prey.

Cryo-Intangibility: he can freeze people by phasing through objects walls or people, causing them to be frozen solid, this also means projectiles like bullets, go through him and become ice cubes as they are slowed down in speed and force. 

Rapid Healing factor: he can regenerate and, heal at a fast rate allowing him, to repair his limbs and, become extremely strong as he won't die that easily and is even capable of recovering from diseases illnesses, and poisons due to his body, being immune to those types of diseases.

Spiritual-Cryokinesis: from the ice spirit side of powers, he can freeze people, at an unnatural level, to the point the person he freezes People alive, and dies within seconds due to how unnaturally strong the level of ice, he controls gets that he can even generate nitrogen, to do damage to people, or even form ice constructs, with ease.

Voice-Exploitation: he can exploit and, mimic the sounds of people and other voices making it possible for him to trick people.

Weakness: He's vulnerable, to fire due to how wechuges weaknesses is that of fire he's vulnerable to that of fire he's also vulnerable to people using magical protection making his attacks useless, and anything that can negate his shaman powers can be used against him. 

Drawback: Due to the wechuge, form's negative in forcing him to eat flesh he has to always eat the food he hunts in the wild to keep his form under control by eating anything raw while it tastes bad, he still has to eat it either way, another example is how he needs to eat a lot more food than normal due to his large appetite. 

Origin: due to how he's lived in Canada for so long he was out on a camping trip with his family but something bad happened, where when he and his family fell down a large mountain leading to his family getting killed, when falling into a mountain with no way of escaping, as that caused him, a lot of grief and nobody was around as he had to wait, for 5 days and his family's, bodies were rotting but he had no choice, but to eat his family when trapped in a mountain, which this led to him becoming cursed with the wechuge curse making him, into a monstrous abomination and when he left the mountains, he in a sense became homeless and, forced to stay alone.


Absolute-Zero-Ball: he generates a ball of ice, at absolute zero being able to kill people, when it crashes into the opponent which causes the cells to die instantly thanks, to the cold ball. 

Blizzard: he creates an ice-cold blizzard, freezing people alive, to the point they die due to the cells dying.

blizzard-phasing: he can phase through walls, freezing people alive at the same time causing a powerful blizzard to freeze people alive by phasing through them.

Cryo-healing; he, uses his cryo-shaman powers to heal those who are his allies, or himself if he's damaged to the point his healing factor, is strained.


-since he's always in the cold he's practically immune, to the cold temperatures, to where it have no effect on him, even if you'd try to make it colder-

-he's mostly uncomfortable with extremely hot temperatures due to how he's been used to only the cold-

-he's also stayed out of places with multiple people and stayed in a large forest, to not eat innocent people-

-the wechuge power, to him, is a blessing and a curse, as to him the only benefit is the superhuman abilities but the negative is the need, to eat flesh constantly-

-his ancestors, were part of the Athabaskan tribes, as he gained their knowledge through forms of training and studying-

-he's been isolated for a long time, forgot what video games are, and doesn't know how to play or work a TV-

-he wears his mask,to hide his face so he can kick people out of his forest,so they wont know his face when  their kicked out-

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