Chapter Eleven: Mini Golf

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When Pat asked me out for the first time, he went on his way to prepare an adorable picnic for our first date. Romantic gestures has always been his specialty.

Now, I have no idea what he was planning.

He dropped me off home from school and said he will be back to pick me up at six. In theory, that should give me ample time to get ready and fix myself so I could actually look presentable.

In practice, I was a hyperventilating mess in my room while staring at my closet full of clothes.

I forgot that I actually donated a huge chunk of my clothes somewhere near Christmas to make room for new ones that I bought as a present to myself. So, the closet that I currently have right now was something I was no longer familiar with.

And I have no idea what to wear.

Alright, time to call for backup.

"Zoey!" I whined out loud to my phone, "Help me!"

She didn't even flinch or sounded surprised, you could really tell that she was used to me acting like this.

"That's my job as your best friend," I heard her laugh, "So what's wrong?"

"I have a date and I need to borrow an outfit," I explained and I heard her gasp dramatically.

"I'll be there in five minutes."

Actually, she got here in three.

When I opened the door to her, she had multiple articles of clothing hanging from her arm, a giant makeup bag, and even a curling iron.

"You sounded like you were really thinking hard for this date so I want to be as excited as you are," she grinned, pushing herself into the house before I could even offer to help carry some of her things.

I don't know why she was like that since I already told her about the whole horror story of how Pat asked me out. But she did have a point, I did sound like I was looking forward to this.

She pushed me in front of the mirror on my desk and immediately started assaulting my face with her grand amount of makeup. While I did own quite a collection as well, that couldn't compare to what Zoey had. She loves anything girly – from dressing up to doing her hair in the cutest hairstyles.

"So where are you two going?" she asked as she pounded my face with a beauty sponge.

"I have no idea but when I asked him, he said there's no need to dress fancy," I told her.

It wasn't like he could do the picnic again. We did that because we had our date during lunch time so I was sure right now, he was planning on doing something different.

I was kind of terrified because I could no longer predict what was going to happen. I strayed too far from the events that I have experienced before and the future I came from was vastly different from what I was experiencing right now.

Leon and I weren't supposed friends, Sasha and I have never argued this much in our entire lives, and Pat and I were supposed to be playful seatmates. At this point in time, we were on that sort of tango between friends and something more.

While now, he boldly asked me in front of the whole soccer team. Not idealistic in any way possible.

"Who knew that he will be brave enough to ask you out?" she said with a giggle, instructing me to close my eyes so she can start with the eye makeup.

Girl, he was too brave, if I do say so myself.

Though what she did say after almost caused an accident, "Especially since you mentioned he's best friends with that other guy who asked you out? The one on the bleachers?"

My eyes went wide open which was dangerous considering she was wielding a sharp liner near my eye, "What?!"

Needless to say, she was just as confused with outburst and mimicked my question, "What?"

"Did you think that I was going with Leon?" I gaped, surprise showing itself all over my face.

"Wait, you're not?"

"No!" I practically yelled, lifting a hand to place a wall between me and that eyeliner. Hold on, she wasn't completely off the hook yet for calling Leon behind my back, "You even made him come to my house."

And yet compared to my anger with Sasha when she was conniving with Pat behind my back, my reaction was completely different with Zoey. All I felt right now was mild annoyance, but then again, I have been friends with her far longer than I have with Sasha.

"Avy..." she trailed off with a sigh, putting down the liner and taking my hands in hers, "If you can only see how fast your face changed when he called."

"What do you mean?"

She stared at me for a moment, contemplating whether if she could continue on with what she was saying or not. I told you, Zoey was perfect, whether it was be about being the kindest person in the room or being extremely observant. So during times like these, I valued her opinion.

But I have feeling she certainly got the wrong idea right now.

After what felt like a minute, she shook her head and picked up another makeup brush, continuing on with fixing my face, "Nothing, just be careful and have fun tonight."

Needless to say, I was disappointed that she halted this conversation.

She finished my makeup and placed me in one of her dresses. It was just casual one and paired it off with white sneakers to dress it down even more. She went ahead and braided my hair into an intricate hairstyle and just ten minutes before six, she was done with me.

To be honest, I wouldn't put on a dress like this or do my hair in this way if I were on my own. Sure I liked dressing up every now and then but even to the color palettes we wore, we were different.

"There we go," she said, handing me the liquid lipstick she put on me so I could bring it with me, "Call me if trouble arises."

I really wanted to say that Leon also told me to contact him if I wanted a bail out but I kept my mouth shut instead. I didn't want her to speculate even more.

Sasha and Mia already got the same wrong idea as her. If I continued on being more and more obvious, I don't know what else might come out of this predicament.

My hands reached over to the whistle sitting on my desk, but I stopped before I could fully get it.

Just for tonight, I want to forget that I came from a different future.

Snap out of it.

Wait a minute, what if Pat sees Zoey? Will everything come crashing down like it did the first time around? Will he have the same reaction like when he first met her?

Oh god, no.

"How about you, Zo?" I spoke, "Do you have any plans tonight?"

"I'm going to the movies with Lauren and the other girls from my class," she answered before glancing down on her gold wristwatch, "My gosh, I need to get going or else I'll be late!"

Thank you, universe.

Lauren was Zoey's version of Sasha and Mia. They met in school and she was her best friend aside from me. Of course, I've already met her a handful of times and whenever she and Zoey were together, I always joked that anybody could take advantage of them. They were two of the nicest people you will ever meet, like a pair of angels who can do no wrong.

"Thanks for everything," I smiled, exchanging cheek kisses with her, "I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."

"Counting on it," she laughed, packing up all of her things, "See you, Avy."

She managed to leave my house and get into hers just as I saw Pat's car turning on our street. I was already waiting outside because I wanted to make Pat and her don't even see one another.

Was I being a horrible person for purposely hiding them from each other?

He saw me standing there on my porch and I saw him smile from inside his car. He opened the door, got out and met me halfway as I walked towards him as well.

Damn it, he looked good. He was wearing this button up shirt and a pair of black jeans that seriously enhanced his build. Pat was never the scarily bulked up type, but he had enough meat in his bones for somebody who was clearly athletic. Not only that, his gorgeous smile could light up anybody's mood and fall for him.

Just like I did for the first time.

"You look beautiful," he immediately complimented, "The hair and the dress... everything is just wow!"

"Thank you," I grinned, happily getting into his car when he opened the door for me.

Alright, so far so good.

"So are you going to finally tell me where we're going?"

He pushed on the pedal and started to drive away, "Well, we're going to the local mini golf course and then dinner."

Very far from the picnic.

Wait, I wasn't supposed to think about that! I wasn't supposed to think of what I had already seen from my future.

Okay, let's break the ice with the giant elephant in the room instead, "Why did you create that huge show of asking me out on the bleachers?"

I watched as his hands tightened around the steering wheel, signaling that this was a topic he'd rather drop. Sorry, but the reason why we were both here was because of that.

So I stayed silent and when he realized that there were no other conversations happening unless that one has been addressed, he finally gave in, "Sasha suggested that I should do something grand and I agreed."

"After I made it clear that I wanted to be friends?" I fired back.

We already touched on this before. I asked him not to make any sort of romantic advances and that as of now, all I wanted was a friend.

"Look, I'm not angry at you because I know that you meant well," I continued on because the last thing I wanted was him feeling like I was talking him down when our date hasn't officially started yet, "But next time, just ask a girl out in private. Not everything needs a big gesture for the world to see."

But thinking back, grand gestures were Pat's thing when we actually started dating.

When he asked me to the Winter Dance, he made a big show by having the cheer team make a dance in the middle of the hallway. During my birthday, he entered the cafeteria with a guitar and started singing until he reached the spot where I was sitting. On Valentine's Day, he left a rose on my desk for every period.

So yeah, the whole school knew we were together because of those things. When we made it official, I never knew that those were coming for me. In retrospect, I was little embarrassed during those times because I was never the showy type.

But the effort he exerted made me so appreciative of having him.

I just got that side of Pat way earlier than before.

"So next time I ask you, it will be just us?" he grinned, a hint of mischievousness in it.


No matter how much I told myself not to react to his advances, I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of a second date with him. Smooth, Vincent, very smooth.

"Shut up," I huffed, crossing my arms and facing forward, willing myself to calm down.

Avery, while I said it was okay to like him just for tonight, please don't let your heart beat for him again.

I was experiencing new memories with Pat. However, the reminder that I did come from a time where we did date and eventually broke up was like a freaking stick that kept poking my side every now and then.

But, I was curious – will he like me at the same intensity he first did?

Will he sweep me off of my feet whenever I run to him after a game? Will he try to sneak as many kisses as he can before he finally lets me leave his car when he drops me off home? Will he take a hundred candid pictures of me when I'm not looking?

Will I see that Patrick Vincent again? Will this time travel thing make me redo our relationship and actually make it right?

All those questions haunted my head as we pulled into the parking lot of the mini golf place.

"For two please," he said to the cashier as he took out his wallet before I could even tell him that I could pay for myself.

Pat was a gentleman like that. We will constantly argue about me paying, but in the end, he always won.

They handed us our equipment and sent us off to the course.

You know, during the months we went out, we have never went to a mini gold date. Which was a huge shame since I did like playing it.

"Ladies first," he grinned, "I'm going to beat you though."


I smirked and swayed my club, hitting the ball and watching it easily fall straight into the hole, "We'll see about that."

He tried to wipe off the shock from his face but it was futile, "I never knew you were good at this."

"I come here at least once a month," I laughed, stepping aside so he could have his turn. Well, I used to come here before we started dating.

Zoey and I always traded off with each other's interest. She loved cooking and creating beautiful intricate picnics and I loved playing in these kind of places. So we took turns on who gets to pick our bonding time.

But Pat shared an open interest in picnics as well – exemplified by our original first date – and so, I dropped the mini golf and stuff and urged Zoey to teach me more about setting those cute picnics. Zoey commented on it once, especially since she has never seen me so invested in that. Eventually, she got the hint when I admitted that I had someone that I liked.

"That's one thing to tick off the list," he chuckled, swinging his club, "The list of all that I need to know about Avery Barber."

He hit the ball but it barely missed the hole. He groaned before pouting slightly, walking over the ball to hit it again.


"I got another one for you," I said, just as he knocked the ball, "I really like the fact that you chose this for our first date."

He grinned triumphantly, pointing a finger towards me, "You said first date, so that means I'm getting a second?"

I couldn't help but smile, twirling the club in my hand, "Let's see you play first, Vincent, and then we'll talk."

Yes, for one night, we were two simple people on our first date. Nothing more. We were two high schoolers enjoying what it's like to date in their teens.

"So what else can I learn about you tonight?" he teased as we walked to the next one.

I tapped my chin, pretending to think hard about it, "Hm, I loved it when you brought me to the treehouse."

"Good," he said softly, his gaze capturing mine, "I'm really glad you did."

You know what it feels like when you go rock climbing and there's a rope attached to you that gives you the smallest pull? I felt as if there was one around me right now, gravitating me towards him. It wasn't strong enough to have me running to him, but it was enough for my heart to start beating faster.

For my heart to beat for him all over again.

Girl, snap out of it, "Hey, you're learning these things about me but you haven't said anything about yourself."

He let out a light laugh, that joyous tune that I used to always seek out. He really had the kind of personality that brought that perfect amount of sunshine in a bleak day. When I was my most miserable, all I wanted was to hear that laugh.

"Oh I got one," he grinned, stopping at the start of the next hole. He looked around, making a show of checking if there was somebody else listening to us. He beckoned me to come closer as if he was about to say a big secret, and I stupidly did, "I like this girl. Her name's Avery and I don't know if you've heard of her but she's amazing."

I was a goner. I couldn't stop the blush, I couldn't stop the erratic heartbeat. Hearing him confess like that made me weak in the knees. It was so simple but the word 'like' coming from him felt so distant that I thought I would never hear it again.

But I just did.

He still had that same effect on me, doesn't he?

"Patrick!" I exclaimed, trying to hide just how fluster he made me, and he fell into another round of laughter, which did not help my situation the least bit. I pretended to be annoyed and stomped my foot, "Fine, you go first from now on!"

"Still not too late for me to beat you," he joked and I was thankful we could finally change the topic, it gave me the opportunity to calm down.

I should have guessed that for somebody who was amazing at a sport that required him to bring a ball to a certain goal, he would eventually get the hang of the game quickly. He managed to catch up to my score and when we were at the last hole, we were only four points apart.

"As long as you don't get this in three or less, then I win," he said just as he took his last swing and the ball fell into the hole.

"Challenge accepted," I told him with a determine tone. First hit managed to get it there halfway. Second made it go through the small hill that led to the hole, "If I win, you have to lend me your car."

"You don't even have a license yet!"

"Well, I need something to practice on," I shot back, holding out an arm for him to shake, "So what do you say?"

He stared at my hand long and hard, before retorting, "If I win, you have to go on another date with me."

You know, I should have hesitated. I should have asked him to think of another catch.

But the clown in me actually felt the butterflies from that and so, I agreed, "Deal!"

We shook hands and I positioned myself next to the ball. I eyed my target and with a confident smirk, I hit the ball.

Both of us held our breath as we watched it accelerate and just when I thought that it was going to miss the hole when it started to slow down again, it moved centimeter by centimeter until it finally fell in.

"I won!" I screamed, my happiness shooting right off the meter. I let go of the club and turned to Pat, practically throwing myself to him with just how ecstatic I was, "I won!"

"You won," he chuckled, catching me by the waist when I threw my arms around his neck in glee.

When I realized our position, my smile slowly left my face but I didn't pull away. No, I was frozen on the spot with my eyes wide.

He also didn't move. He was still holding me, staring down at me. I heard him gulp before speaking with his voice almost cracking in the end, "You won."

Stop, Avery.

"I won," I whispered, keeping still as he drew his face closer to mine.

This is stupid, Avery.

"I think I won too," he spoke so softly that if weren't this close, I wouldn't have heard it.

For tonight, I didn't come from a different time, right?

"Yeah," I said just as he lips made the lightest contact with mine.

Did I really win?


To be honest, these two are so cute and I couldn't wipe the smile away from my face when I was writing. 

Question: Should Pat and Avery try dating consistently?

I swear, this semester has dragged on for too long because of COVID so I feel like I've been running on little sleep for almost a complete year by now. But don't worry guys, I already thought ahead and have a few chapters ready to go up. This is probably the only reason why I can manage to do consistent weekly updates for now.

As always, thank you so much for reading and please leave a comment, vote, and follow. I love you guys and see you next chapter.

P.S. If you guys didn't know, I created a small group chat on instagram with my other readers. If you want to be part of it, just comment you instagram name and I'll add you.

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