Chapter Twelve: My Comfort

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While on the drive to school the Monday after our date, Sasha poked her head from the backseat onto the space between Pat and I, "So how did it go?"

I didn't have to reply because not even a second later, Mia grabbed her by the collar of her jacket and yanked her back, "Don't even start."

I tried to mask my nervousness with an amused laugh, daring to steal a glance towards Pat's way.

Where were we right now?

He took me to dinner after, we kept the flirty and teasing conversations going, and then he drove me home. All that we said goodbye with was a small kiss on the cheek and nothing else. However, something definitely did change.

Maybe I was wrong about the purpose of this whole time travel thing. Maybe I was supposed to save our relationship instead of stopping it. Perhaps I was meant to prevent the whole break up since I admit that I take most of the blame for how our relationship dissolved.

All I was sure of was that the whistle was under my top again. I was back to being fully aware of this weird reality that I was living. Though I have to admit that pretending that I truly was on a first date with a guy from class did make me giddy and happy.

And now I had to deal with my two best friends currently sitting on the backseat, expecting a story time of what happened. I just hope that it goes far better than when I told Zoey.

"You kissed?!" Zoey yelled, the piece of toast she was holding comically fell back down to her plate. A few other diners jolted up from her outburst and she sent a silent apology, before turning to me and repeating her question with a calmer tone, "You kissed?"

I nodded in confirmation, trying to avoid her gaze. It was kind of pointless since we were literally sitting right across from one another.

But I could just feel her disappointment radiating from where she was. She didn't have to voice it out, I knew that this was not the outcome she was hoping for.

"He's not a bad guy," I tried to defend him, "He just makes weird decisions. Besides, I already talked to him about the bleachers fiasco."

"Then I'll be the judge of that. I want to meet him," she huffed, grabbing back her toast while grumbling underneath her breath, "You passed on the perfect guy for you."

I knew immediately that she was talking about Leon. Instead of pushing through with the topic though, I lowered my head and continued on with my meal.

If there was one thing that stuck to me from that conversation, aside from the obvious fact that my best friend was displeased with the guy that I chose to date, was what she said. It haunted me the whole weekend, her voice replaying constantly inside my head.

I want to meet him.

In retrospect, the first ever red flag with our relationship came way earlier than I thought – the day that he and Zoey met. I remember vividly how his eyes twinkled, how his jaw slackened, and how he showed this expression that made it look like the whole world was invisible except for her. I wasn't surprised because she did have the kind of looks that demanded attention, but looking back, that meeting was more than simple admiration.

If I introduce him to her, will his reaction be the same?

At this point, I've already accepted the time travel, no matter how fucking impossible it all seems. Now I just need to figure out what was the reason.

And also, how.

"Oh L just arrived too," Pat pointed out when he turned off the vehicle after he parked. He quickly undid his seatbelt and opened the door, hollering out, "Leon!"

The said person looked up towards his our direction, sending Pat a small nod of acknowledgement. As I stared at him, all I could think was that conversation I had with Sasha and Mia. Leon truly was attractive, every person in the school acknowledges it, but my answer to their question about him made a shiver travel down my spine.

I don't like him that way, right?

Please tell me I'm right.

And let us add what Zoey had said, my head was a jumbled mess.

Leon walked over to the car, sharing their special handshake with his best friend as us three girls got out of the vehicle as well. Sasha and Mia started talking about our first class, but I only pretended to pay attention to them, because my ears were strained so I could listen to the boys.

"So how was your weekend?" Pat asked, checking first if all doors were already closed before locking the car.

"Did nothing as usual," Leon shrugged, "Friday went well?"

Pat beamed at the reminder of our rather successful date, "Amazingly well. It's a good thing I took your suggestion, she loves mini golfing."

Something in me fell. Whether it was my heart or all the blood rushing out of my head.

You mean to tell me, it wasn't Pat who thought of the mini golf? It was all Leon's idea?

But Pat was the one who crafted the memories we had there. He still made me have a good time and we still kissed. That counted for something, right?

Once again, please tell me I'm right.

"So what do you think, Avs?" Mia said, snapping me right out of my thoughts and made me focus on their awaiting gazes.

I had no idea what they were talking about so instead of answering, I blinked cluelessly at them. She rolled her eyes, but laughed good humoredly as Sasha piped in teasingly, "Looks like someone's got their head in the clouds. Could it be because of a specific boy?"

Well, she got the specific boy right. I just have no idea which one.

I was out of it the whole day. I couldn't concentrate on anything because my mind was trying to comprehend a thousand things at once.

Did I like Pat again? Was this whole time jump thing a way for us to be together again? Why was I so affected with my friends thinking that I have something going on with Leon? How come Leon knew more about what I liked than Pat did?

How the hell did I get here?

"Party at my house on Friday," one Pat's teammates excitedly announce to our whole table during lunch, "And you're all invited."

"Forgot that it's almost your birthday," Pat joked, causing the said guy to chuck a wrapper towards his way. The group fell into a round of chuckles, but all I could do was sit there as I felt my heart rate start to speed up once again.

A party. A house party. A house party of a classmate. A house party of a classmate on Friday. A house part of a classmate on Friday after I have already started dating Pat. A house party of a classmate on Friday after I have already started dating Pat and Sasha and Mia are going to be there.

Heavens above, please don't tell me.

The date and the owner of the house was different, but the circumstances were so similar.

"Restroom," I managed to croak out even if my mouth was drier than a desert. All I knew was that I had to get out of here before I cause a scene.

"Want us to come with you?" Sasha asked because she was used to all three of us going to the restroom together.

I shook my head and tried to leave as normally as I possibly could even though my knees were already trembling. I barely got out of the cafeteria before I collapsed on the floor, so many images flashing in my head.

Pat slowly led me to the staircase and sitting me down, "I'll be right back, Avery. Will you be okay?"

I was swaying because of how drunk I was but I nodded, flashing him a thumbs up, "Okay!"

He chuckled, bending down to press a kiss on the top of my head, "I'll try to find you some water. Wait right here."

He turned around and I hummed to myself to try to occupy my thoughts. I was so dizzy and everything was spinning, but I tried my best to stay upright.

That was until I felt a hand clamp tightly around my wrist and that person started to pull me with him.

"Pat?" I asked because my vision was so blurry.

It wasn't Pat.

I crouched myself into a ball right there on the floor with my hands shaking from how terrified I was. I tried to urge myself to calm down but I couldn't. My eyes started to get we with tears and no matter how much I tried to forget it, nothing could stop the memories from rushing into my mind.

So many therapy sessions, so many medications, but I couldn't forget them.

"Avery," I heard someone call out gently and I wanted to curse out loud at the thought that one of my classmates discovered me having a full-on breakdown on the floor. I tried to turn away but a gentle hand reached out and softly caressed my hair. Once I had the strength to wipe my tears, I finally got a clear view of who it was.

That look, so considerate and full of patience, watched me. He didn't pressure me to get a grip but simply kneeled on the floor in front of me, running his fingers through my hair. I was thankful that he didn't touch me anywhere else because I feel like I would get worse if he did so.

"Leon," I sobbed out his name, falling into this pit of cries.

"Can I touch you?" he questioned in such a tender tone.

I nodded numbly and he carefully took my hand in his, making sure that he never did any sudden movements.

I gripped onto his hand for my dear life, because of course, Leon would be the one find me in this predicament. Of course, he will be the one to go out the cafeteria just when I was having a breakdown. Of course, he will see the embarrassing side of Avery Barber.

Of course, Leon will be my comfort.

I brought his hand to my cheek, feeling his skin press against mine. I felt all the assurance I needed from that one gesture because I knew, this hand would never do anything wrong to me. I was so sure that all this hand will do to me was show me outmost care and respect.

Was I going to regret this once I snap back to reality?

Hopefully, no. Because as Leon Colten whispered all the gentle words underneath his breath, the only thing I could think of was that I was so thankful that he was the one with me during this.

* * *

"Avy, do you understand?" Zoey spoke while I sat next to her on her bed. She had my notebook on her lap and a pen in her hand, going through the lesson I claimed I was having problems with.

That was a lie, but I wanted an excuse to stay over. In fact, I already mastered what she was trying to teach me because this was my second time learning it. However, I wanted to spend time with her because I sincerely needed my best friend right now.

Especially after the humongous break down earlier.

Leon was a complete angel. He didn't leave me and waited until I collected myself. Throughout the proceeding class, he made sure that his phone was always in his hand just in case I texted him that I was about to have another round of panic attack.

Nobody else knew about it. Even when Pat drove me home, not one word was uttered about it.

Leon never asked for an explanation, but he was there when I needed somebody to lean on. While I was sure that Zoey would be completely the same, I don't think I should tell her about what happened.

Especially because knowing her, she will freak out with worry.

I remember when I first told her about the incident. She actually fainted, and that wasn't an exaggeration. I spared no details when I said to her the whole story and when I finished, she fell back. I was so thankful that Sasha and Mia were there because they fortunately caught her.

Overprotective Zoey was somebody you didn't want to mess with. A private schooled girl who knew anybody worth knowing and many of her friends were relatives of hotshot lawyers. She managed to get the best legal team there was in our city.

Unfortunately, I woke up in another timeline before everything could fully go down.

"Avery?" she tried calling out my name again, finally getting my attention, "Is there anything wrong?"

I opened and closed my mouth, contemplating if I should tell her in a roundabout way about what happened. But just from my mind drifting off, her face was already filled with so much worry that I decided against it.

Instead, I opened up another topic, "Why did you say that Leon was perfect for me?"

She was caught off guard by my question, especially since I tried to ignore her little statement when she said it the first time. I think I made it painfully obvious before that this topic was something I didn't like approaching.

So she sighed and placed the notebook and pen to the side so she could face me properly, "Look, I don't know Patrick and I haven't seen you interact before so I have no idea how he treats you. But I've seen Leon and I know he cares for you. When I secretly called him, all he could ask was if you were okay. I had to reassure him five times before he believed me. Not only that, he managed to get to you within minutes."

That was something I definitely didn't know. I knew she called him, but I wasn't aware about the part that he constantly asked if I was alright.

"I will never ever want you to be with someone who isn't a good person. I want you to be with somebody who will look at you like you're their whole world, like they would go to hell and back just for you," she continued on, her expression softening, "And I felt like Leon could be that for you."

I wanted to cry once again. Not because I was frustrated that she was pairing me with a guy that was supposed to be my love interest's best friend, but because of how she delivered her words.

I wasn't sure about going to hell and back, but asking multiple times if I was okay sounded something Leon would do. He truly was a caring person so I wouldn't put that past him.

But more than that, in just those few sentences that she said, I felt how much Zoey loved me. I always knew that, but for a brief moment I doubted her because of what I saw – that time when she and Pat were in his car alone.

She was first and foremost my best friend and my sister. It was so stupid of me to even think that she would go behind my back.

I threw my arms around her and embraced her, hoping to relay my apology this way. To the future her who probably couldn't sleep on that specific night because I wouldn't talk to her. To the future her who might have had her best friend disappear the morning after.

"Thank you, Zo," I muttered, closing my eyes to savor this moment.


Well, blame me for the late update because I completely lost track of time. I went on a short social media detox and it was the best decision I have ever made. I really felt calm and at ease, so I highly suggest that you guys do it too. Even if it's just a day, disconnect from the world and let your mind take a quick rest.

Question: How did Avery travel back in time?

I think that's one part of the story that we haven't really delved in too much. 

Anyways, I entered my other book, Writing's Second Taste, to the Wattys. If you haven't yet, please go and read it. It's one of the most true to life stories I have ever written.

I love you guys and I'll see you next chapter. Please vote, comment, and follow.

P.S. If you guys didn't know, I created a small group chat on instagram with my other readers. If you want to be part of it, just comment you instagram name and I'll add you.

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