4 | Like a Fish out of Water

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Huh...the headmaster really perked up for some reason.

I mean, I didn't really blame him. Ursa's been so...friendly this whole time. It's so weird! What kind of villain even was she?

Without saying anything, she went on stage.

Just like the others, the ribbons of light surrounded her body and transformed her. Her hair was now comprised of light green tentacles. Her once radiant smile was replaced by a hardened and stoic glare, with shadows under her eyes that made her look even more dangerous. The lower parts of her arms resembled those of a sea creature, scaly and with sharp blades on each one, her once soft hands were now ravenous claws.

I couldn't even tell where the dress ended, and the sea creature began. The upper half was a regular dress, but as it got to the bottom it split into several tentacles. Were those her legs...? No, wait, I could still see her feet.

In her hand was a rusty looking trident that had lost all its lustre, yet I could still feel so much power emanating from it.

Wow...she's so cool!

"This world...is polluted," she began, her voice almost echoing across the room. "Not only in the oceans, the forests, and our cities...but also in our society. Those with power feed us, but to them we are vermin...so they try to poison us. And we do nothing, because we only see the world as a calm, and gentle lake, ignoring the horrors beneath the surface. That's why I take it upon myself to reveal the truth. That's why...I am Dead Water!"

The crowd became silent after that magnificent performance. Even the rest were shocked on how different she was in this new costume.

As for me, I was completely lost for words. She was amazing. Mesmerizing. Jaw dropping. Showstopping. Spectacular. Radiant.

Dammit...she's meant to be the competition...I need to...stay strong...

Must not...show kindness!

"Woooo! That was awesome!" I cheered, clapping my hands with excitement, leading everyone to avert their eyes towards me.

"Pfft, the only thing that's better about her than me is her name...oh how I wish I could turn back time," Tempura sighed, glancing at me with a look of disapproval. I guess it made sense, he was the only other person I cheered for...

Wait, noooooo! What am I doing?! Why am I cheering for people?!

"T-Thanks..." Dead Water muttered with a slight blush on her face, smiling a little. Immediately the stoic persona she built up had been shattered, which caught me by surprise.

Wait, she didn't use my compliment to brag about how much better she was than me? That's what usually happens with people...what gives?!

Fashion Craze merely scoffed in response, once again deciding to ruin the moment.

"Ugh, of course a wet blanket like you would be into some freaky fish girl."

"I-It's nothing like that! I just think she's cool!" I insisted.

"Yeah whatevs, you wouldn't know "cool" if it hit you in the face."

Wait, I just realized something...now was my time to shine! Finally, I could get to make my entrance! Days, weeks, months of planning...it will have all been worth it!

"You want cool huh? Well, I'll show you who's the coolest around here!"

As soon as Dead Water made her leave, I made my way onto the stage. I'll show them. I'll show them all!

The spotlights were now on me, as they should be. Everyone had their eyes on me, waiting for my true form to appear.

"Oh, right, there's one more of you losers...ok fine," Felix muttered absent-mindedly as he assumed his role once more. "They may be stupid, but they're pretty adorable! They may be short, but they make up for it with their tenacity! They may be unlucky, but...oops, I forgot the rest. Give it up for Miles Way!"

Ribbons of light surrounded my entire body, as the warm glow enveloped me. Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, I felt myself releasing from my old, worthless shell. My costume was coming to me one by one. My once regular school outfit was now more fitting to that of a witch, with a purple and black tattered dress, striped knee-high socks, and even a witch's broom to add to the aesthetic.

As for my iconic witches' hat, it flopped a little to the side, revealing one of my new cat ears that was hidden underneath, which matched with my now pitch-black hair. I then noticed that the cat tail with the cute little bow I added to the costume wasn't present...hm, maybe they didn't have the budget to add that. How disappointing.

But still, I couldn't complain. My costume looked exactly how I imagined it to be, my glorious artistry had finally come to life! I have become art itself!

Now that everyone could bask in my glory, I immediately began my grandiose speech.

"From the day I was born, I already knew my purpose in life...to bring misery and misfortune to everyone else! I will share this curse bestowed upon me with the entire world! Everyone will be brought to an unspeakable despair! All those who oppose me will feel my wrath! I vow that..."

My speech continued for several minutes.

"...they may squirm and beg for mercy, but will there be mercy? No! They will regret having ever crossed me! For the odds will forever be in my favour, not theirs! I will shatter them all to their very core. They think they're so tough with their achievements...and talents...and muscles...but I'll show them how little that all matters! For I have luck on my side! They have nothing that..."

Yep, still going (flawlessly, might I add)!

"...heroes think they rule the world, they think they're soooo awesome. But they're not! Villains are so much better, for reasons I explained previously! I promise you, I will lead you all to a new age! An age of darkness! An age of impending doom! Night will fall, and evil will prosper. For I have finally discarded my mortal name, and I have been reborn...I am the Wicked Witch of the East, the Black Cat of the Night, the Unlucky Number that will cause misfortune to all..."

I was finally getting to the end...

"I am..."

Almost there...



Everyone cheered. Everyone clapped. As I unleashed by super awesome villain pose, perfectly ending my perfect speech, an evil smile made its way onto my face. It was as if the planets had aligned specifically for this moment, like the gods were finally smiling at me from above.

"Nyeheheheeeh! Wasn't that just glorious? Wasn't that amazing?!"

There was silence.

I then realized something...

...Everyone had left.

I sank onto the floor in shame. I had spent ages practicing that...

...not that I was sad or anything. My heart was made of pure malice, no way I would ever be sad!

"Hey, sorry about that..." said a familiar voice.

I looked up, and I saw Dead Water, who offered her hand to me. I took her hand back, surprised by how dry it was given her costume, and she lifted me back up.

"Where did everyone go?" I asked.

"Well since your speech was taking longer than expected, the headmaster gave them permission to look around the academy."

"Oh, I see...tch, they don't know what they're missing out on! They just don't appreciate my genius!" I boasted confidently.

"I actually sat through all of it," she said with a smile. "It was really good! Though...maybe you should shorten it a little next time."

Hnng...I guess I could have taken one or two words out of it...

"Did you design your costume yourself? It really suits you."

"Yeah, I did!" I replied, smirking with pride. "All by myself with these two hands! It took so many redraws to get it right. What about yours?"

"I'll be honest, I can't actually draw at all," Dead Water admitted, staring down at the ground in shame. "I wanted to commission a certain someone for a drawing of my outfit, but...it's not like I could tell them what it was for. 

Her face fell for a bit, but she immediately perked back up again.

"But that doesn't matter, let's talk about you. I love your design!"

"You do?"

"Sure I do! Everything kinda ties together, you know? Like the witch theme, the cat theme, the bad luck...it's nice."

Oh my goodness...my first fangirl! Play it cool Thirteen, play it cool!

"Uh, t-thanks...I mean, ha! Of course you would like it! Finally, a villain that is equal to my incredibly high standards!"

Somehow my comment seemed to have taken her by surprise.

"Y-You really think so? I mean, I don't really have much experience with this stuff," she laughed.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She was acting like a total pro back then! How could she even say something like that?

"D-Don't say that! I mean, obviously I'm still going to be the greatest supervillain who ever lived, but you were pretty great too! I don't know what I would have done without you back there!"

Especially since you were the only one who seemed to read the letter and the contract...

"Well, at the time I thought I knew everything, but there were things that even I didn't expect," she mused. "The hall monitors, the principal, you...I guess I'm just more used to following rules by the letter. When those rules are broken, it's a different story."

"Wait, me?"

She was quiet for a moment.

"...You're not like the others, Thirteen."

Dammit. I couldn't tell if that was a compliment either!

"H-Hey, what does that mean?!"

She placed her hand on her lips, smiling mischievously.

"It's a secret!"

"Awww, now I really wanna know..." I said with a pout.

"Don't worry about it, you'll find out soon enough. Anyway, would you like to look around with me? Hopefully we don't run into more hall monitors..."

"Nyeeeh...sure, I guess."

As we left, I glanced at Dead Water, who was once again walking ahead of me. For some reason, whenever I looked at her, I didn't just see her villain identity. I also saw Ursa. It was as if the two were one and the same.

I couldn't help but wonder...did she feel the same way about me?

"Coming?" she asked, noticing I was behind her.

"Y-Yeah!" I replied as I ran towards her side, starting to chat with her about random things we came across while we walked.


That was how my year at Luxuria High began.

Meeting Ursa, everyone else, and the school I never even thought was possible...

Finally, I could put the past behind me.

Or so I thought.


word count:

9006 words

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