Another set of my itty bitty pet peeves

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I only go on my laptop when I update. My screen's just loading and messages 1,2,3 pops up on my Meebo and I'm like—woah! So excited to read all the messages, but just to find out they're only people who are asking me to read their stories.

One sent me a message asking how to write her story but the thing is I was in a hurry because I had to do something so I told that person to PM me instead, but she never did.

Anyways, I think it's proper and respectful if you at least say hi to the author before sending them your requests. And it doesn't hurt to say the magic word: Please. I hate to admit it but it bums me out so much. :/ again, it's with the...

"Hey, I love your story! Read mine!"

In the last few months I had fans who talk to me for weeks and then they bring in their stories, asking me to read them because I have encouraged them to write their own stories. In my opinion, I'm okay with that and I do respect those than people following me just so I can read their stories. No, honey, that doesn't work that way. Sorry.

And what is it with people leaving reading requests on extremely popular people's walls? Don't they get it at all? Well, maybe some do—I don't know. I guess some people just like to take their chances.

"Follow me, I'll follow you back!"

Uh, no. I don't do this. I only follow people when I like their personality or I enjoy reading their works. Another thing about following. Ever since I started in the writing world, this one just ticks me off. Big time. And it's not because I'm worried about my follower list, I'm not that shallow, really. It's when people fan you right now at this very moment, and within a day or two they decided to unfollow you.

Uh, what the fuck was that?

And of course, we all know why.

He/she unfollowed because I, katiecruzdidn't follow back.

For me I unfollow people months later or years later, not... a day or two. That's just plain ridiculous. And I have good reasons why I unfollow.

Okay, now I'm off to slumberland...

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