My Wednesday rant >:)

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"If you don't update soon, people will start to lose interest."

Yeah, I've heard that before. And can I just say how I loathe people who say that? Damn, It's like a fucking bomb threat.

I was visiting one of my favorite stories on Wattpad when I came across a comment on the author's wall stating that the author hasn't updated for a month and she needs to update ASAP or else people will start to lose interest.



Well, in that case I'll truly see who my REAL FANS are. Because real fans wait. Sure, they can be impatient but an update after a long time sends fans up into cloud 9 because they were that excited.

You know I'm a real fan when I still comment on your work even after six months of no updates. Or maybe even after a year. I'm THAT devoted.

But I understand, as writers, we have lives, too. Away from the computer. Offline life is tough. We deal with a lot of things like work, school, sports activities, family... So there will be times that updates have to wait. We can't just rush into writing just for the sake of updating, you know. I only write when I have the mojo to do so. There are days that I just want to sit back and relax and read a good book. It's okay to bug me to update. I understand that. But when people start saying that readers will lose interest if I don't update quicker... Well, that's totally up to them.

I don't know about you but it just bugs me to the core whenever I come across comments like that. :/ and I have to admit it does sting because now I know you weren't a true fan after all because you were too impatient to wait for a fucking update.

Rant over and out.

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