At Our Parting

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Hiryuu (POV)
Days turned into weeks that turned into months. All of it filled with fun stuff and Yukki apart of it all. From throwing partys, to raiding bosses, school, races, and even a rematch between me and her in a duel tournament. There was also the time I took a vacation with everyone to other parts of Japan and Yukki got to see it all. It was as if nothing could go wrong. Everything was fine in the world. That is until I received a message today from Asuna saying that Yukki's condition has worsened and that I need to hurry to the hospital. I immediately drop everything I'm doing and run full sprint to the hospital without stopping. I eventually make it to the hospital and I meet up with Asuna. Together we run to Yukki's room and we see her real face for the first time as she is surrounded by doctors.

The doctors wave us in and we slow approach her. I get ever so closer and take in her small body, her pale face, and her sunken in eyes.

Kurahashi- Thank goodness you two made it. About forty minutes ago her heart stopped but only for a moment. We got it going again with defibrillation and meds. But if it has again.........
Asuna- Why now? Why is this happening? She seemed fine!
Kurahashi- I'm sorry but ever since January when you guys first came to visit her, her condition has been touch and go. For these last three months, we've all been stunned on how Yukki's been able to hang in there. She can't beat this yet she still keeps fighting. She keeps on fighting. For fifteen years, Yukki's time spent on this planet has been one long battle. The HIV is only part of it. She's also been fighting the harsh reality of her situation while in treatment. There's no doubt the clinical trials with the Medicuboid caused her an unimaginable amount of pain. Still somehow Yukki keeps hanging on. Well anyway, we should let her get some rest now.
Yukki's eyes twitch and she opens her eyes. She looks over at me specifically and slowly reaches out for me.
Kurahashi- Take her hand. Go on, it's okay. That's what she wants.
I grab hold of her hand and she interlocks our fingers. Her mouth moves like she wants to say something.
Asuna- Doctor, is there anyway she can use the Medicuboid?
Kurahashi- Well wouldn't you like to spend her last moments here?
Hiryuu- No! She wants to go back one more time. For the final time. Let her have this! This is her final wish!
He nods his head and starts up the Medicuboid.
I rush over to the next room with Asuna and log in.
Hiro (POV)
It's sunset on the floor where we first met. Asuna and I fly to the tree as fast as we could. We spot Yukki at the base of the tree. She notices us and smiles.
Yukki- Asuna, Hiro. I'm glad I got to see you two again. I have something for the both of you. I can't believe I almost forgot about it.
Hiro- Is that so? What is it that you wanted to give us?
Yukki- Oh I still have to make it. Hold on a sec.
She equips her sword and turns to the tree. She strikes the tree multiple times with mighty blows. That is until a scroll appears on the bark of the tree with a symbol.

Yukki grabs it and she drops her sword. It hits the ground with a hard thud and Yukki begins to sway.
Hiro- Yukki!
Yukki falls out but I catch her in time and her head is resting in my lap.
Start song
Yukki- That's weird. I feel so weak all of a sudden. I'm not in any pain or anything though.
Hiro- It's ok. You're just.........a little tired is all. Asuna- You'll feel better if you rest.
Yukki- Yeah maybe. Hey guys, take's my original sword skill......
Asuna- Yukki.....I couldn't.
Hiro- I'm already OP as it is. That would be overkill.
Asuna- Awh come on.......I want you guys to have it. Open the window........
We pull out our menu and scroll all the way down our skills page. Yukki inserts the scroll in both of our menus.
Yukki- I gave it a cool name.........Mother's Rosario. It'll keep you both safe when you need it.
I instinctively hold Yukki tighter as tears begin to well up in my eyes.
Hiro- Don't you worry Yukki. I promise to take good care of this sacred thing. When I end up leaving this world, I'll make sure to pass it on to someone else who is just like you. Your sword and legacy will live on until the ends of time.
Yukki- Thank you......
The rest of the Sleeping Knights come and quickly surround us.
Yukki- Awh come on guys. You goodbyes.
Jun- Nah you got it all wrong. We're here to cheer you up. When you get to the other side, wait for us Kay? We won't take too long. Promise.
Yukki- What're you talking about?........If you get there too soon, I'll be pissed.
Nori- Tsk tsk tsk. You know the deal. You're hopeless without us. So don't even try to argue. Just sit tight and wait.
Tears stream down Nori's eyes.
Siune- Please don't cry Nori. We promised to be strong.
All of the Sleeping Knights are in tears now.
Yukki- I give up. You win. I'll wait for ya. But take your time.......ya got it?
Allour friends and I mean ALL of our friends that we've made through the years come and say their goodbyes and stay in these final moments. Yukki looks over Sinon.
Yukki- Simon.....
Sinon- Yes?
Yukki- He's a once in a lifetime person. You love him more than life itself. As do I. He's not going to be okay for the longest time after this. Depressed would be an understatement. Please please use that love and care for him for the rest of his life. Do it for us.
Sinon- I will.
Yukki turns her head to look at me.
Yukki- Even though I'm gone, we'll never be apart. I'll be with you forever, for you know me by heart. At times you'll swear you've heard me or you'll sense that I'm near. Now and then, you'll get a message soul to soul and crystal clear. Im with you in so many ways, so trust the signs I send. For nothing is impossible and my love will never end.
With the last bit of her strength, she raises her head up, closes her eyes, and kisses me one last time with her final breath. She goes limp and her eyes never open again. The last act of a cursed hero. I couldn't hold on anymore and tears burst from my eyes as I cry into her chest.
Hiro- Goodbye Yukki. Until we meet again at the golden gates of His paradise.
Indigo: This is by far one of the saddest chapters I've ever done. Something I knew I had to have the proper time and mental strength to do. Now it is done. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. For me, it's bittersweet. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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