Old Memories and Broken Hearts

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Hiryuu (POV)
It's after school and I'm chilling on a bench in the courtyard with Yukki still on my shoulder.
Yukki (camera)- Now that was fun.
Hiryuu- Yeah, it really was.
Yukki (camera)- Hey Hiryuu, thanks making today happen. I really had a blast. I'm never going to forget today ever thanks to you.
Hiryuu-.......Well you're welcome back to the school anytime you want. But as for today, today isn't over. The sun may be setting sure but I'm not ready to call it a day just yet. Is there something else you would like to see?
Yukki (camera) Um let's see, there is one place I would like to go.
We take the train to Hoshikawa Station and begin headed to Yukki's destination of choice.
Yukki (camera)- Are your folks cool with you staying out so late? The last thing I'd want to do is get you in trouble.
Hiryuu- Nah you're good. I just got to let them know when I'm leaving the house and when I'm on my way back. My mom doesn't sleep till I come home. But we still got time. The sun is still setting so we got a good couple of hours. So, where to?
Yukki (camera)- Go left.
I follow Yukki's directions to her every word. By the time we reach the destination, the sun has pretty much gone away. The location we walked to is a house.

Without saying a word and without so much of a thought, I know where we are.
Hiryuu- This is your house huh Yukki.
Yukki (camera)- Yeah.........I never thought I'd get the chance to see it again. Thanks for bringing me out here. And for everything.
Hiryuu- We could go inside if you want.
Yukki (camera)- No it's ok. This was enough. Let's go get you home before it gets even more late.
Hiryuu- Nah. In this moment in time, you're more important.
Yukki (camera)-.........You need to stop Hiryuu. I don't think my cheeks can go anymore red.
Hiryuu- Oh crap. My bad Yukki heh.
Yukki (camera)-......You're so freaking adorable you know that?
Hiryuu- Hehehe. So how long have you lived here?
Yukki (camera)- Me and my family, we only got to live here for a little over a year. And the weird thing is, I can remember everyday so clear. My sister and me used to play in the yard and run around and around. We had barbecues and we even built these bookshelves with our dad. Good times.
Hiryuu- That sounds awesome.
Yukki (camera)- Yeah. They're going to tear it all down soon.
Hiryuu- What?! Why?!
Yukki (camera)- My aunt either wants to put a convenience store here or maybe sell it.
Hiryuu- That's awful.
Yukki (camera)- That's why I wanted to come here. So I could see it one more time.
Hiryuu- Well there's a way you can save it.
Yukki (camera) How?
Hiryuu- Well when go up an age, find someone you love dearly, marry them, and have them so they can't have this place ever be torn down.
Yukki (camera)- Ahahaha. Oh my gosh Hiryuu. You're so silly yet you come up with some good ideas. But, I don't think I have anyone I want to marry. Not yet at least. Not now. If anything, I would want to marry you.
Hiryuu- Me?!
Yukki (camera)- Yeah!
Hiryuu- Oh geez, I can't imagine what mom would say.
Yukki (camera)- I know. I'm kidding. Besides, as much I wanna, you're not mine to have.
Hiryuu- Oh Shino.
Yukki (camera)- I kinda had a suspicion when I first met you. But I was too blinded by my goal and for you to help me to realize that. And then everything happened so quickly and then I just fell for you. And the thing is, I still am. I missed you even though you're not mine to miss. I think about you constantly even though you're not mine to think about. I love you even though you're not mine to love.
Hiryuu- Yukki I-
Yukki (camera)- Let me finish!........The thing is, you're always going to be the most important person in my life no matter if I'm yours or not. My feelings for you aren't going to change and that's okay. I'll always care for you and love you. No matter what.
Hiryuu-...........Thanks Yukki.
Yukki (camera)- But be careful. The majority of you may be here but I get the feeling that part is still stuck in the game even after all this time.
Yukki (camera)- ........I can't thank you enough
Hiryuu. Just to see my old house again, you don't know how happy this makes me. Back when we lived here, I remember we'd go to church and pray and stuff. Mom used to say this to me and my sister. "God would never put us through all this suffering if we didn't think we could bear it". It didn't make me feel any better though. Instead of quoting the Bible, what I really wanted was for mom to talk us like......well like a mom. But you know, after seeing our old house again, I think I get it now. The words during matter but it was the feeling behind those words. She was praying for me so I wouldn't feel sorry for myself. So I could be strong till the end. And now I finally get it. I finally get. Thank you for everything......................mom.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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