In The End

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Hiryuu (POV)
This damn door wouldn't budge no matter how hard I slam on it.
Hiryuu- Just hold on Shino!
I stand and get a running start and spartan kick the door in. I find this crazed kid on top of her on the floor.

Hiryuu- Get off of my woman!
I run and bicycle knee him hard in the face instantly breaking his nose. He gets to his feet and pushes me away but I double leg him and take him to the ground.
Hiryuu- Run Shino! It's me Hiryuu Now run and don't look back!
Shino- (Gasps) Hiro.
I mount the dude and lay in some lefts and rights. His leg comes up and knees me right in my balls.
Hiryuu- (high pitched) You dick. I need those.
He escapes the full mount and gets me up by my collar. He throws some punches to my face as we stumble into Shino's bedroom. I break his grasp and give him two guy punches and a right uppercut. He spits up blood but knees me in my stomach and forces me down on the bed by my neck.
Crazed dude- This is all your fault! You took her away from me! She's mine! She's mine damn it! Stay away from her!
He throws lefts and rights repeatedly as I try my best to cover up. He takes a syringe out of his jacket pocket and smiles sinisterly.
Hiryuu- Death Gun?
Death Gun- That's right! Now die!
The syringe comes down to me but I catch is wrist.
Hiryuu- It's a shame man. You spent all that time focusing on the VR me that you forgot what the real world me can do.
I smack the syringe out of his hand and perform a triangle choke hold. He screams out in pain and immediately begins to tap but I don't let go.
Hiryuu- Nah man. You need to suffer more.
I transition into an armbar. He's still hollering in pain until I heard the satisfying sound of his arm breaking. By now he's screaming bloody murder and I let him out. He gets up holding his broken arm. I go behind him and superkick him right in the back of his left knee. He crumples to one leg and proceed to get him in the rear naked choke hold.
Hiryuu- Time for you to go night night bitch.
He struggles with his one good arm until I fully go down and wrap my legs around him and fully cut off his circulation. He's out cold within seconds. I let go and get up and dust myself off.
The pitter patter of bare feet come running to me and I'm instantly tackled hugged to the bed by none other than Shino.

She immediately plants her lips on mine and we kiss. I granted her tongue entrance to my mouth and it entered and explored. I pull Shino more closer on me to deepen the kiss. After about a minute or two, we let go of the kiss and out mouths separate leaving a trail of saliva.
Hiryuu- You okay?
Shino- I am now thanks to you.
Hiryuu- You know, you really scared the hell out of me.
Shino- I scared you?! How do think I feel?! I thought you were gonna die dumbass!
Hiryuu- Hey easy on the collar, fresh bleeding wounds on my face remember?
We both look over at the unconscious Death Gun.
Shino- He's not dead is he?
Hiryuu- Nah. I just put his bitch ass to sleep.
Shino- (Sigh) You're crazy but thank you for coming over.
Hiryuu- It was nothing and besides, I said I was coming over that we can meet in person. Sorry I didn't get here sooner.
She starts to shake as the realization of how close to death she was kicks in and she starts to shed tears.
Hiryuu- Hey no tears. I'm here now and I'll always be by your side. Let's start from the beginning. Hello I'm Hiryuu Matsukaze.
Shino- (sniffles and wipes eyes) Hi I'm Shino Asada.
Hiryuu- Shino Asada huh? Well it's finally good to see you.
I pull her into and kiss and let her cry into my chest as the sound of police sirens wailed in the distance.
As days went by Kyouji Shinkwaka and his older brother Shouichi were arrested. During the investigation, it came out that another person was involved and is on the loose.
Right now I'm in that same cafe with Shino and Kazuto talking to Seijirou. He tells all that he knows about what's going on in the investigation.
Seijirou- Ok. That's all I know. Anymore questions before I go?
Shino- Yeah. Any word on what's gonna happen to Kyouji?
Seijirou- Well based on his brother's confession and their behavior, they'll probably be taken to a medical detention center. I doubt either one of them knows what reality is anymore. Oh by the way Hiro and Kirito, Shouichi or Death Gun or ZaZa or whatever you want to call him asked me to give you guys a message.
Hiryuu- Let's hear it.
Seijirou- He wrote "If you two think that this is over, it's not. Neither of you don't have what it takes to end this. Sooner or later, y'all will realize that. See you soon Black Swordsman and you too Speed Demon. It's showtime." That's it. That's all he wrote.
I take a look to Shino then back at Seijirou.
Hiryuu- Well if he wants to end this for good, he knows where to find me. And this time, I'll be more than prepared to end this once and all. Tell him to bring it bitch.
Indigo: That's the end of this chapter. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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