New Quest

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12/28/ 2025
Hiryuu (POV)
Every since the Death Gun incident I haven't been doing much VR gaming due to school and going to see Shino every other day. I did however get her into ALO and she's low key pretty good at it. Right now I'm in my room just watching the news and enjoying the break. My phone rings and I see it's a call from Kazuto.
Hiryuu- Yo what up man.
Kazuto- Dude dude, the legendary sword Excalibur has been found in ALO!!
Hiryuu- What the fuck?!!
Kazuto- Yeah I know! And the thing is, no one's beat it yet. It's in Jötunheim. Please tell me you're free today.
Hiryuu- Do you even have to ask? I'm in. Let's do this thing. Oh and I'll bring Shino along with us.
Kazuto- Sure. We can use as much help as we can get. I text you the time and place we'll meet up.
Hiryuu- Alrighty then. Later.
Location: Hangout Spot ALO
Hiro (POV)
I was chilling with Sinon, Silica, Klein, and Liz. Klein was already drinking.
Hiro- You better be thankful that that's virtual ale or else you'd be hella drunk right now.
Klein- I know right.
Silica- So Klein, do you get to take vacation for new year's?
Klein- Been on it since yesterday. Even if I wanted to work and I don't by the way, there's no shipments this time of year. You know what my cheap ass boss said?
Hiro- Continue on.
Klein- He said "be thankful you got a job that let's you get a whole week off for new year's." He was bragging about it like he was doing us a favor. And speaking of favors, of we do manage to snag Excalibur today, how bout both you and Kirito do me a solid and help me get my hands on the soul blade Kaguzuchi.
Hiro- Now Wait just a second bud. This is Kirito's quest. You should be asking only him. Kirito- And plus that dungeon is like an oven man.
Klein- Yeah well I'm going to Jötunheim for you where it's colder than the ass end of an iceberg.
Hiro- Nah. I'd say it's colder than Esdeath's pretty bitch ass.
Indigo: (sigh) You know what, why do I even bother at this point.
Hiro: Hey look, I'm not wrong. And that woman is crazy and cold hearted but so hot.
Indigo: Just leave.
Sinon- Hey, I want something out of this too.
Indigo: Her character model 👇

Sinon- I want the Shikina Bow. You gonna help me get it right babe? (Does the pretty innocent eyes)
Hiro- Your avatar is two weeks old and you're already want a rare legendary weapon?
Sinon- I mean that bow Liz made me is great and all but I need something with a little more range.
Liz- Oh yeah, then what the heck are you using a bow in ALO for? Their range falls in between spears and magic. You're the only person who wants to use these things to snipe someone from a hundred meters.
Hiro- What can I say, she's a sniper at heart.
Sinon- Couldn't have said it better. If I had it my way, I'd have it double that range at the least.
Hiro- And while we're on the topic of rare legendary weapons, I want the katanas Hikaru and Kura.

Kirito- You gotta be kidding me. Do you know how jam packed full of monsters that dungeon is?
Hiro- Well sorry for being a samurai but those are the strongest katanas in the game, and daddy has had his eyes set on them for a long time.
Kirito- Ugh fine.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Short and sweet. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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