Ordinal Scale

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Year 2026
Kirito (POV)
It's been awhile since Yukki died but everyone seems to be doing alright now. Well, mostly everyone. We've been hearing less and less from Hiryuu. He doesn't come online as much as he used to and I don't think anyone has seen him since March. But in that span an new gadget has come out. It's called the Augma and is like a new Amusphere but it doesn't require you to fully dive. The user is completely conscious. With the Augma, it introduced a ranking system and the higher your rank goes, the more opportunities for special prizes pop up. The system even has a mascot called Yuna, a Advanced AI popstar. The Augma most popular game is called Ordinal Scale. It's not SAO or ALO or anything but it's close. Or so I've heard. I myself have one, I just don't use it as much. I think it's a waste of time and I prefer full dives. The same can't be said for Asuna, Ayano, Rika, and Blair other who are currently beating a level of Pac-Man.
Ayano- Alright we cleared!
Asuna- Good job, Silica! Nice assist Liz!
Ayano- We call got a hundred points for beating it.
Rika- Look, it says we each get a free slice of cake. Sweet.
Kazuto- You guys play games way too much these days.
Ayano- I'd never thought I'd hear that coming from you.
Rika- Heck, every time we play, we get points to shop at stores. Might as well play our butts off.
Asuna- I bet deep down you wanted to play too,  didn't you?
I just grumble as a response.
Rika- Well I love this thing. It's super convenient. It lets you watch TV anywhere, it's easier to navigate than a smartphone, and the weather report's a lifesaver. Best of all, we can talk to Yui whenever we want.
Asuna- Sounds like you're totally sold on the Augma.
Rika- I wouldn't say that.
Blair- They handed them out to everyone going to the survivor's school. I mean the least we can do is try them out.
The waitress comes with the girl's cakes.
Rika- The AI is so sharp, it even knows what kind of cake we like. It does a thing called "Deep Learning." Pretty thoughtful if you ask me. It's even more thoughtful than certain people we know.
Kazuto- I hear it can even tell you how many calories are in that cake.
After a bit, we exit the little cafe and continue with walking around the mall. Rika is power walking to work off the calories she just ate while Ayano follows closely behind her. Asuna and I are just taking our time strolling.
Ayano- I still can't believe it. All of us at the survivor's school hot free tickets to Yuna's concert.
Blair- Going to a concert for a field trip is kinda weird not going to lie.
Ayano- I know. Everything about that school is weird.
Rika- Yeah but now you get to see your girl crush.
Ayano- W-What?! I don't have a crush on her!
Blair- Then who was shouting out her songs at karaoke with Suguha? You know every word to every song and I'll prove it.
I put on my Augma in time to see Blair make Ayano do a mini concert right in the middle of this mall for everyone to see. By the time she finished, everyone gave her a round of applause.
Yui- You were great Silica!
Ayano- K-Kirito? You're going to come to the concert with us, right?
Kazuto- Uh, I wasn't planning on it. I'm not much of a fan in you want to know the truth.
Ayano- What? You should go. It'll be fun.
Kazuto- Well, I don't know. Maybe. Anyway, I gotta admit, you can do a lot of cool stuff with this gadget. Still, I think full dives are more my thing.
Rika- You're kidding?
Kazuto- No. I guess I just got used to living in different worlds.
Rika- You doofus. You sound like you want to go back.
Kazuto *mind*- It's not like I'm the only one. Before he fell off the grid, Hiryuu used to live breathe and shit the virtual world even after SAO. The dude practically lived in the virtual world. Just don't understand why he would just disappear out of the blue. He hasn't been home. His parents don't know where's at. Poor Shino is on the verge of a mental breakdown because of how long he's been missing.
Ayano- Do you think the rumor about Ordinal Scale is true? You m know the one about boss monsters from old SAO showing up in it?
Now that catches my attention.
Rika- Oh right. The mysterious event battles.
Asuna- Really? Is it like some kind of promotion?
Blair- We don't know. Haven't had the chance to check one out yet. The locations are secret until the last minute so it's hard for folks who don't have a car to get there in time. It'd be really cool to find out though.
Asuna- So all we need is a ride? Hmm.
I slowly begin walking only to get turned around by all girls.
Girls- Kirito!
Timeskip to nighttime
Asuna and I arrive to the mystery location.
Kazuto- Looks like we made it just in time.
Asuna- They released the location a half hour ago. And there's already so many people here.
Kazuto- That means there'll be even more by the time this thing starts.
Klein and his buddies show up.
Klein- It's about time you showed up. Sweet! You brought Asuna with you!
Asuna- No, I brought him! He didn't want to come, but after I beat the others in Rock Paper Scissors, he didn't have a choice.
After awhile, the time came.
AK- Ordinal Scale activate!
Kirito (POV)

The clock hit nine and the world around us turned into something completely different. The boss spawns and it's a familiar boss.

Asuna- That's.....
Kirito- The boss from floor ten in Aincrad. Kaguchi the Samurai Lord.
Asuna- He looks actually like him doesn't he?
Kirito- Too bad we can't use our sword skills here. I wonder if he's going to use the same attack patterns.
A drone comes by and spawns Yuna.

Yuna- I hope everyone's ready. It's time to battle! So start the music!!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Where could Hiryuu be? This is unusual. You guys got any guesses? Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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