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Kirito (POV)
Everyone gets pumped and starts charging at Kaguchi. They're out of their league as Kaguchi starts taking out everyone with one hit.
Klein- What do you say Kirit-Dude?
I look at my blade and look back at Kaguchi as he takes out more players. Even guns don't really affect this guy as he just sends spectral snakes to wipe out anybody. One comes our way and we're forced to move.
Klein- Don't let your HP hit zero! Your rank will get docked.
Kirito- I know that!
Klein and his squad start doing damage to the boss with teamwork. They end up knocking it into the side of one the buildings that line the street. That only seemed to piss it off.
Meanwhile overlooking the fight
??? (POV)
???- Well what do you know. Eight of them showed up including Klein, Asuna, and Kirito..........yet you refuse to show yourself. But it's only a matter of time before you do.
Kirito (POV)
I dodge yet another spectral snake but barely.
Kirito- Body feels heavy. This isn't like VR at all.
Kaguchi stares me down and rushes me.
Klein- It's coming for ya!
Asuna- Kirito.
I take off towards Kaguchi trying to achieve the speed I have in VR. Suddenly, my foot caught something causing me to trip and fall right at the feet of Kaguchi.
Kirito *mind*- Awh shit.
Kaguchi brings his sword down but I roll out the way in the nick of time. I get back up in my feet and start running in the opposite direction.
Kirito- Holy crap, it's hard to move.
Asuna runs up to next to me.
Asuna- That's ok. You're just a little out of shape is all.
Kirito- I'm not out of shape.
Kaguchi is still hot on our trail as we continue to run away from him. One of the players gets in the way and shoots a rocket launcher. It heads right towards Kaguchi until he tilts his head to the right. The shot's new direction is right towards Yuna. Right before she could get hit, the rocket gets redirected right back towards Kaguchi by someone I haven't seen in this battle yet.

As the rocket barrels down on Kaguchi, it suddenly gets split in half and explodes. Smoke fills up the area for a minute and then it starts to disperse. Out of the smoke walks a hooded figure.

Whoever it is, is all wrapped up in black and I can't see their faces. The guy who redirected the rocket looks pissed off as he stares the cloaked figure down. Kaguchi roars in annoyance and rushes the cloaked figure. The cloaked figure stands there for a second before brandishing and unique looking sword from underneath the cloak.

Kaguchi gets closer and closer to the cloaked figure before the figure yanks off his cloak and throws it at Kaguchi in one swift motion, revealing themself in the process.

Kaguchi gets blinded by the cloak thrown in his face and the mystery guy takes advantage. He movements are like something else as he moves so fast. One moment he's cutting down Kaguchi's legs which brings him to his knees, the next moment this guy is on Kaguchi's back cutting it up like he's some kind of animal.
Asuna- Are you seeing what I'm seeing Kirito?Kirito- Yeah.......It can't be.....
Kaguchi gets even more pissed and reaches for the guy. The guy front flips of Kaguchi's head and motions him to bring it. Kaguchi obliges and both of them trade sword strikes. One particular sword strike comes close to decapitating the guy.
Like this

After the duck, this guy cuts Kaguchi down the middle and Kaguchi drops his sword. The guy then proceeds to cut Kaguchi in his chest so fast that the cuts aren't even registered until after his snaps his fingers.
Like this

Kaguchi's video game blood spurts out and he falls on his back dead.
Everyone gets their ranks displayed above them and this guy is rank 3 while the other guy who redirected the rocket is Rank 2.
Asuna- Rank 3 and Rank 2?
The mystery guy puts his sweet away and has a stare down with Rank 2
Yuna- Congratulations on beating the boss. I just boosted everyone's points! And I have a special reward for the player that worked the hardest!
The crowd cheers as the Rank 2 walks off and the area starts going back to reality.
Yuna comes down from her ledge and kisses Rank 3 on his cheek.
Yuna- You were this round's MVP. See you at the next battle.
She dematerializes away and everyone goes back to doing their own thing.
We look off in the direction that Rank 2 went.
Kirito- So that guy's number two Huh? He's a powerful player that's for sure.
Asuna tugs in my shirt and points at Rank 3 still standing in the center.
Asuna opens up her menu to check out the ranking now and she gasps.
Asuna- Kirito look.
I look at her menu and sitting at number two is this guy named Eiji but the most surprising thing about all of this is that sitting at number three is a guy named Ronin.
Asuna- Kirito do you know what this name means? A Ronin is a wandering samurai with no lord or master. And this guy was moving at speeds like Hiryuu. He wasn't even breaking a sweat.
We look back to the guy and he's not there anymore.
Asuna- What? But he was just....
We both receive messages in our menus. It's from Ronin. The message is a screenshot of us just now.
We both get wide eyed and look around to see him leaning up against a railing by a motorcycle. He gives us a small wave and smile

Before we can even get a word out, we hops on the bike and begins speeding off.
Asuna- Kirito quick! We gotta catch up to him!
Kirito- Right!
We hop on my bike and speed off after Ronin. Horns blare at us and Ronin as we dip in and out of traffic. After a couple turns here and there, it's just us and Ronin speeding down an empty street. We're coming up on a little incline that leads to a train crossing. The train signs flash and the arms come down.
Asuna- He has to stop now. He has nowhere to go.
Kirito- Yeah.
Ronin revs his engine and increases his speed.
Asuna- Hiryuu stop!
Ronin pops a wheelie and increases speed more. He gets to to the top and sails over the top of the moving train. We see him make the landing on the other side through the windows of the train. He stops to to look back at us, smiles and winks, then speeds off again.
Kirito- What in the hell just happened?
Asuna- I don't know but we have to tell the others...........Hiryuu Matsukaze has been found.
Kirito- The Samurai has returned.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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