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  I realized that I mentioned Harry had hair last chapter because I forgot he didn't lol but I've changed it to make sense. Sorry for the confusion 😖

Scorpius watched from the waiting room as his dad pushed some guy out of his pa's room.

            "You shouldn't be here!" He hissed shoving the man against the wall.

            "Draco please I just want to visit him." The man tried to persuade his dad.

            "You can't!" Draco yelled.

            "I screwed up Draco."

            "How many times are you gonna do that Diggory? Huh? You came to him when my kids were home! My kids, who don't know about what you did, and I need you to leave."

            "I want to see Harry." He said and Draco sneered.

            "Draco." Harry's voice was heard. "Come here. Bring him with you." Harry called. Draco gripped the man by the collar and brought him in.  Scorpius turned to his grandad who was reading the newspaper.

            "Grandpa?" He questioned and Severus hummed in answer. "Who was that man that dad was just yelling at?" Severus looked at him sharply.

            "What man?"

            "He was tall with brownish hair. He called him Diggory." Scorpius explained and Severus paled.

            "Excuse me for a moment." He told him and then hurried off. Scorpius was sitting there and watched the door as his grandad walked into his pa's room. Arguing was heard and then Sev walked out with Diggory.

            "Fine. Fine, I'll go." He told the man.

            "You know why you can't be here Cedric. It's not good."  Severus said and Cedric nodded. He released himself from Severus' hold and then walked away. Severus walked to where Scorpius was.

            "Do not talk to that man Scorpius." He warned.

            "Why not? Who is that?" Scorpius asked.

            "Hush, don't ask questions." He told him.

            "Fine." Scorpius sighed. "I'm going on a walk." He told Sev who waved a dismissive hand.  Scorpius walked away and to his pa's room. They were talking softly so he knocked on the door.

            "Papa?" Scorpius spoke and they both looked at him. It was then when he realized that his pa's were red as if he were crying.

            "What's wrong?" His dad asked.

            "I-I just wanted to know who that man was." He asked. Harry looked at Draco who shook his head. Scorpius watched the interaction between the two curiously.  Draco looked at Scorpius,

            "He is no one you should be worrying about. Do not go near him and if he approaches you, come to me."

            "Why is he so bad? And I don't remember him coming to our home."

            "Scorpius we will explain when you're older, now stop talking about him."

            "I am 16! I'm old enough!" Scorpius protested.

            "No you're not." Draco stood up and gently grabbed his son's shoulder. "Now go wait outside."

            "No! Tell me who he is."       

            "Draco-" Harry started but he was cut off.

            "No Harry." Draco shouted. "You know we're waiting." Harry just rested against his pillows too tired to argue anymore.


            "Go Scorpius." He demanded so Scorpius did. He went downstairs into the lobby to catch the mystery man.

            Draco sighed and sat back down.

            "I'm sorry I yelled." He apologized. Harry grabbed a bucket and vomited in response. Draco groaned and rubbed his husband's back as he emptied his stomach. When he finished, he took the bucket away and blotted Harry's head with the towel.

            "S'alright." He told Draco after Draco wiped his mouth.  He let Harry drink some water from a straw before letting him lay back down.

            "I get angry when he comes around."         

            "I know." Harry assured. "He blew his last chance." Harry told him and Draco was taken back to two years after Cedric visited them after getting released.

            "Draco, do um you think you maybe come home?" Harry asked and Draco heard the concern in his husband's voice.

            "We're practicing Harry, what's up? What's wrong?"

            "Oh um well we." Harry gulped. "We have a visitor here."

            "What? Who?" Draco asked. Who could have Harry so nervous?

            "Cedric is here." Harry told him and Draco wondered why that made him nervous.  They had made up. "And he's drunk." That was it.

            "Harry has he hurt you?" Draco dreaded the answer. Any substance and Cedric was not combination.

            "N-no not really."


            "He just grabbed me. I'm okay."

            "What about the kids? Where are they?"

            "They're in the playroom." Harry assured. "I rushed them away when he walked in."

            "Where is he now?"

            "He's in the bathroom.  I need you to come home."

            "Okay, I will be there. I'll call the police."

            "No!" Harry protested. "Just you."

            "Okay Harry. Just me."

             When Draco got there, Harry had bruises on his arm in the shape of fingers. He got Cedric to leave his home without the aid of police. Charlie, Cedric's husband, was very apologetic about his behavior and assured he would not be bothering Harry any longer.

            "I know." Draco kissed Harry's head. "Don't let him bother you. Get some rest."

            "Look kid, I can't tell you anything. It's not my place." Cedric told Scorpius. He had just caught the man who was hopping in a taxi.

            "But no one is gonna tell me." Scorpius frowned. Cedric looked at the boy in front of him.

            "Well that's life kids. Suck it up and move on."

            "Well you haven't moved on." Scorpius told him. "Obviously something happened between you and my pa." Scorpius pointed out and Cedric's face hardened.  He grabbed Scorpius hard and Scorpius was too shocked to do anything.

            "Listen kid, it's not your place. Don't ask me again." He hissed.

            "Let go of him!" Another voice yelled. Cedric looked at the blonde boy who yelled. Cedric shoved Scorpius and was driven away in the taxi. Scorpius looked at the other boy. "Are you alright?" He asked embracing Scorpius who melted into the hug.

            "I am now, Sami."


            Harry was asleep in the hospital bed as Draco sat in the chair beside him. The doctors said Harry was allowed to leave the following day. There was a knock on the door so Draco looked from his husband's slumbering figure to the door.

            "You should go home and get some rest." His mother told him softly.

            "I don't want to." Draco told her.

            "I know, I'm aware of the protocol that happens when Harry is in the hospital." His mother smile softly. "We were here quite a few times when you were younger."

            "He's accident prone."

            "More like danger prone." His mother took the seat on the other side. "Go on Draco, go home. Take a shower, eat something and then rest. Harry will be here until tomorrow so you can always come back."

            "What if he needs me when I'm gone?" Draco asked looking back at Harry. His breathing was regular and he looked rather peaceful.

            "Are you afraid of him going back to Justin?" His mother asked and Draco looked at his mother sharply. "Your father told me."

            "What if he dies while I'm gone? He asked pitifully.

            "Then he does." She shrugged.


            "Draco go home and rest. You're always worried he'll die here without you. Even if he does, why do you want to be with him? Why would you want to remember his last breath when you could remember all the breaths he took with you? Or why would you want his dead body right before your eyes?"

            "That's a bit selfish don't you think?" Draco asked. "Because I don't want to watch him die, I don't have to?"
             "All I'm asking is, why would you want to remember the bad times when you could remember the good?" She asked and Draco stroked Harry's face.

            "Because I don't want him to be alone." Draco told her. His eyes filled with fresh tears that he blinked away. "He doesn't deserve to die alone."
             "And he won't but you have to stop thinking that way." She chastised. "Think more positively." She told him and he nodded.

            "You're right."

            "Of course I am." She smirked. "Now kiss Harry bye and take your kids home with you." She told him.

            "Okay." He finally agreed. He stood up and then kissed Harry's forehead. He shifted closer to Draco. Draco covered Harry up more with a blanket and then hugged his mother goodbye. He walked into the waiting room to find Lily, Sirius and Severus but no Scorpius.

            "Hey guys, I'm gonna head home. Lily, come with me." He told her. She nodded and got up. "Where's Scorpius?"

            "He went for a walk." Severus answered. "That was a little while ago."

            "Okay, I'll call him to see if he's okay." Draco told them. "See you later." 

            "Bye Draco, we'll let you know if anything happens." Sirius told him and Draco nodded. Lily walked with Draco to the elevator and got in. The pair was quiet until Draco spoke up.

            "You hungry?" He asked.

            "Yeah." She nodded.

            "Wanna get something to eat? Or do you want to go home and eat?" He asked and she smiled shyly.

            "We can go out. Is Scorpius gonna come with us?" She asked as the elevator door opened.

            "We have to find him first." Draco joked. They walked outside and were surprised to see Scorpius sitting alone outside. "Scorpius?" The boy looked up from his phone.

            "What's wrong?" Scorpius asked.

            "Nothing, we're getting a bite to eat then heading home. Come on." Draco told him. He nodded and got up.

            "Why are you by yourself?" Lily asked.

            "I haven't been by myself for long. I was finishing up my date from last night." He told her, blushing a bit.

            "Are we ever gonna meet the mystery girl?" Draco teased and Scorpius swallowed hard. He shook his head.

            "N-not yet." He admitted.

            "Alright." He took that as an answer and started towards the car. "What do you feel like eating?"

            "Can we go to the diner?" Lily asked. "That would be nice."

            "Okay." The trio got in the car, with Scorpius in the front. He was against texting away which made Draco chuckle. "Goodness Scorp, your thumbs are gonna fall off." Scorpius huffed and then put his phone down.

            "Sorry." He mumbled. "Dad?"

            "Yes Scorp?"

            "Who was that man in pa's room?" He tried again.

            "What man?" Lily asked.

            "A bad man apparently." Scorpius told her.

            "Why is he bad?" Lily asked and Draco held down his anger.

            "I told you to leave it alone." He told Scorpius. "When you're 18, I will let you know." He told him and Scorpius, having his father's temper, it flared.

            "Why do I always have to wait until I'm 18?! I am old enough to understand! I'm smart enough to understand, I'm top of my class but oh, it's not like you'd know that!" Scorpius yelled and Lily was shocked at his outburst. She had only heard her bother explode like that once when this boy was picking on her. Draco gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were turning white.

            "What do you mean by that?" Draco asked.

            "You don't know anything about me or Lily. That was clear the day you accused her of stealing which obviously was a lie because the tapes showed it was an accident. If you knew her well enough, you'd know Lils wouldn't do that." Scorpius shouted but not as loud. "You don't know anything about our lives or what we're doing with them. Answer me dad, what do I want to do as a career?" He asked and when Draco stayed quiet, Scorpius scoffed. "Thought so."

            "So you think I'm a bad dad?" He asked quietly.

            "No." Lily spoke up. "Not bad just... distant." Lily was happy to get it out.  "Papa's really the one who's always there for us. You chose your career and that makes sense, it does but we feel abandoned by you."
             "Abandoned?" Draco whimpered.

            "When we were growing up, you were either on tour or practicing. We'd come with you on tour yeah but after we were just stuck up in the hotel room without you. Now, you have the show and that's only four months a year but the rest of the year, you're either out of town doing interviews or doing some show. Hell you even did cameos in some television shows." Lily told him softly. Draco listened to his daughter with an open heart and with open ears. She was right, he didn't spend as much time as he could with his kids.

            "And I know papa feels like a single parent sometimes." Scorpius explained.

            "How?" Draco asked softly.

            "He told me he understand us." Scorpius told him. Draco nodded and then pulled over.  He looked at his kids, really looked, and swallowed hard.

            "I am so sorry that you feel the way you do. When we first had you Scorpius, I made a promise that you were gonna be treated right and not raised with nannies like I was." Draco told them softly. "You pa had a very horrible childhood. We will not discuss it now but it was pretty bad. I broke my promise to you and I am so sorry." Draco told them honestly. Lily got out of the car to hug her father. She hugged him tightly through the open window and accepted his apology. Scorpius leaned over and hugged his father as well. He accepted the apology as well. However Draco knew that it would take a while for his children to really think of him as a great parent.

I forgot to mention this but the story isn't going to be that long. Between 15-20 chapters.

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