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Fuck. Is all Draco could think. Harry was hallucinating. Not only was hallucinating but he was hallucinating dead people. Which is probably never good. When they got to the hospital, they rushed him off and Draco was left in the waiting room. He could tell that people recognized him from the stares he got but nobody made a move to come speak with him. Which he silently thanked for. He needed to focus on Harry and not the public.

Soon his family rushed in. Both sets of parents, except Narcissa who was working, and the kids. Scorpius looking flushed and Lily in tears.

"What happened?" Lily threw herself at her dad. Neither of the kids were home. Lily was gonna stay at a friend's house and Scorpius told him he was going on a date.

"He was running a fever so I had someone call an ambulance." He answered wrapped his arms around her.

"Is he okay?" She asked, face in his chest.

"I don't know. You don't have to stay if you don't want to." He gently stroked her hair.

"I want to." She told him. With one last squeeze she sat next to Scorpius. He nudged her shoulder and then pulled her into a hug.

"There's something else." Draco told the older three men.

"What happened?" Sirius asked.

"I don't remember if he's ever told you about Justin?" He told as a question but Sirius nodded.

"Yeah he was Harry's boyfriend..." Sirius said and Draco nodded. "What about him?"

"Harry told me in the ambulance that Justin misses him." Sirius paled but Lucius shook his head.

"So he's hallucinating." He told them. "He couldn't have been there."

"No dad you don't understand. Justin is dead. He killed himself when they were 16." Draco told him and he paled.

"He's seeing dead people?" Severus asked.

"I don't know." Draco shook his head. "I think it was only him."

"Well it could have just been the fever. Him seeing and hearing things." Lucius dismissed.

"Let's sit." Severus suggested and so they did. They took up a whole row of chairs and then some. Draco awaited nervously alongside his family until someone came out to tell them if Harry was okay.

"Draco?" He heard his mother's voice. His headshot up and he stood up quickly going towards him.

"Mama?" He asked and she embraced him.

"I just saw Harry. He's doing alright but the doctor wants to see you with him." She told him and he nodded.

"Okay, thank you."

"His room is to the left." She told him and he nodded. They separated and he made his way to the room. Harry was rested against the pillow looking like he was teetering on consciousness. Draco walked in and sat with him.

"Hi love." Draco kissed Harry's hand. He had IV's with fluid pumping into him.

"Hi." Harry whispered. "The doctor wants to talk to us."

"I know." Draco agreed. "Do you remember what you said to me in the ambulance?" Draco asked and Harry nodded.

"He was there." He told his husband.

"Did he ask you to come with him?" Draco asked and Harry nodded. Before Draco could say anything else, the doctor walked in. She was a tall woman with short blonde hair.

"Hello." Her voice was soft. "I'm Dr. Holland." She told them.

"Nice to meet you." Draco shook her hand. "There's something you need to tell us?" He asked and she frowned.

"We rushed Harry to a CT scan and it's not how we can a chemo patient to look." She told them and Draco's heart clenched.

"It's spread?" Harry asked and Doctor Holland nodded gravely.

"To your kidneys." She told them and Draco's grip on Harry's hand tightened.

"What are our options?" Draco asked.

"Well you can get a transplant. That'll last for about twenty years or so. Or we can change the chemotherapy medicine to a higher dose."

"If we go to through with the kidney, will the cancer go away?" Draco asked.

"He'll need a blood transfusion but I believe that after that, he'll be in remission." She explained and Draco looked at Harry then back to the doctor.

"How long is the waiting list for the kidney?"

"Well Mister Potter you have a biological son correct?" She asked Harry.

"Yes." He nodded.

"We can test him and see if he's a match."

"And if he is?"

"If he's willing to give a kidney, then we can do the procedure." She told them and before Harry could answer, Draco spoke up.

"Test me and you have permission to test Scorpius. I'm sure Harry's parents would agree too."

"They aren't biological are they?"


"They might not be a match but we can see." Dr. Holland said. "Come with me." She advised. She left and Draco went to leave but Harry grabbed him.

"Draco-" Harry started but Draco cut him off.

"I know you're gonna say you don't want to do this. We'll argue later. Sleep now." He told Harry. He kissed Harry and then left. Just as Draco thought everyone agreed to see if they were a match. As they awaited the results, Draco went to check on Harry who succumbed to sleep. Draco sat next to Harry and started to stroke his head gently as he rested his head against the bed. He was just dozing off when there was a knock at the door. He looked up and the Doctor smiled.

"Well the good news is, we have a match." She told him and he smiled.


"Yes but its Scorpius'." She told him. "We need consent from both parents."

"Harry isn't gonna agree." He told her sadly.

"When is Scorpius' birthday?"

"June 15th." Draco answered. "But he'll only be 17."

"I'm not going to be around the bush, it's going to be really hard. Harry could possibly die." She told Draco whose throat constricted. He looked at Harry and then looked back at her.

"How long does he have?" Draco asked.

"Only time can tell Mister Potter." She answered. "I'm very sorry."

"I am too." Draco told her and she left. Harry shifted in his sleep towards Draco. He kissed Harry's head. "Please listen to the doctor Harry." He whispered. He kissed Harry before leaving and walked back out. Lily was leaning against Lucius and they were both asleep. Severus and Sirius were up against each other sleeping and the only one wake was Scorpius. He was texting on his phone.

"Scorp?" Draco whispered and his son looked up.

"Did they get the results?" He asked and Draco nodded. He took a seat next to Scorpius and he looked at him. "So?"

"You're a match."

"I want to do it."

"It's not that easy."

"Why not?"

"Your papa has to agree to it. Knowing him, he won't want yours." Draco explained and Scorpius frowned.

"Why not?"

"He doesn't want to put you in danger." He answered. "We can ask him when he wakes up. But you need to go home. I'll have poppop take you home with Lily."

"I want to stay."

"You can come back tomorrow. Do you have to go into school for anything?" He asked and Scorpius shook his head. "Then you can stay the whole day. I'm sure your pa will be here for a few days."

"Okay." Scorpius agreed. Draco woke Lucius up and asked him to take the kids home. He agreed and told him he'd see him in the morning. He left and Draco walked back into the room where Harry was. Harry had left space for Draco to crawl in. When they went through that awful time, the rape, the shooting and the stabbing, Harry always wanted Draco to sleep with him. So Draco took off his shoes and slipped into bed. Harry turned over and wrapped his arm around him. In response to Draco's statement before Harry whispered, "I can't."


"No absolutely not." Harry protested. "You're too young." Harry told Scorpius. The two Potter men were trying to get Harry to let Scorpius give him his kidney. With Harry getting treatment, he was feeling a little better.

"But papa-"

"Scorpius don't question me on this." Harry cut in. "You're too young."

"You'll die!" Scorpius yelled.

"Harry he's willing to do this. He wants to do this. Let him." Draco told Harry who shook his head.

"No." Harry told them. Scorpius sat closer to Harry and made Harry look at his green eyes.

"Papa please." He pleaded. Harry looked at his son. He was visibly upset but Harry wouldn't put his child in harms way.

"Scorpius." Harry started. "When you turn 18, and if I'm still alive, I will allow you to give me your kidney." Harry told his son whose eyes filled with tears.

"Do you want to die papa?" Scorpius asked and Harry looked at him.

"Of course not."

"Then please let me do this." He begged.

"I can't." Harry swallowed hard. "That's my final offer. Take it or leave it." Harry told him and a tear slipped down Scorpius' face.

"I'll take it." Scorpius wiped his face. "I love you papa."

"And I love you too Scorpius." He hugged his son and allowed the 16 year old to leave. Draco remained quiet trying to hold it together. Greg's voice rang in his ears. "I think you need to tell him it's okay... to die." The doctors had said that the people that came over made Harry spike a fever do to infections of the outside world. Whatever that meant and why the other occupants in the house didn't do that, Draco had no clue.

"Harry?" Draco spoke up.

"Yes?" Harry asked and Draco grabbed his hand.

"It's okay you know."

"What is?" Harry asked and Draco blinked away the tears.

"To die." He looked down. "If you're tired, I get it. It's hard so if you want to stop all of this, it'll be okay." Draco told Harry. A few tears slipped down Draco's face and then he looked up when he felt Harry's hand on his chin.

"Draco." Harry spoke softly. "I'm scared." Harry admitted. "I don't want to die. I really don't."

"Then let Scorpius give you his kidney."

"No." Harry shook his head. "Please back me up on this."

"Harry." Draco started but broke. He hugged Harry so tightly and started crying. "I'm so scared Harry. I don't want you to die. I don't."

"I know. I know."

"Please take his kidney."

"I will when he's 18." Harry told Draco who cried harder. "Shh. It's gonna be okay."

"How do you know?"

"Because it always has been before." Harry pointed out. Draco's tears slowed and then he stopped crying all together.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Draco asked and Harry nodded.

"Yes." Harry nodded his head and Draco sniffled.

"Okay." Draco agreed. "Then I'll support you." Draco kissed Harry and it was met with such urgency that Draco could just barley control himself. Harry's tongue mapped out his mouth and Draco's hands made their way onto Harry's head. They pulled away slowly due to someone clearing their throat.

"Should I come back?" The person asked. The two men looked at the intruder and gaped. Tall and a little built with caramel hair. They were frozen in horror until Harry whispered,


Another cliffy lol what do you think is gonna happen?

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