Chapter 1 - Catch up

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Lucy POV

Natsu and Nashi's relationship began to flourish after Natsu pulled his head in. They ended up spending most of there time together. They are also shockingly more a like than I would like them to be. Nashi eventually moved out of Mira's and in with Natsu. Happy was pretty stocked about his because now he had someone to talk to besides Natsu who he spent allbhis time with anyway.

Only being able to spend time as a family for a month a year did take its toll but we learnt to cope. Now we act as if I had really never left and go on missions together and family outings. Whenever she can, Mavis will extend my visit and give me more time.

Fairy Tail went back to its happy chappy old self. The fights have begun to start dulling down though as the guild members start to get older and we make way for a new and improved generation. Who am I kidding, of course the fights havent dulled down. If anything they have gotten worse with all the youngsters running around.

Nashi grew up with both mine and Natsu's magic but mostly uses drahon slayer magic because of spending more time with her father and getting used to it quicker. She is now 18 and leading the younger generation as one of the strongest. Makarov has commented on maybe letting her participate in the S-class exams one of these years. This would mean if she won she would have gotten s-class at an earlier age than Natsu.

Gray and Juvia finally got to together and had a little boy named Rave. He is now 15 years old. He took on his father's magic because he too wanted to have freedom with his magic.

Gajeel and Levy ended up having a little girl named Ivy who is 16 years old. She, like Nashi, took on a bit of both parents magic's but is more fluent in script and is quite intellectual like her mother. Dresses like her father though. Black is all that child wears.

Erza ended up giving birth to a child which we all suspect is Jellal's but they both deny it even though Jellal has ended up visiting the guild more often and has a special connection with the child. It also has bright blue hair. It was a boy which Erza named Blaine. He was different and didn't take up either of the parents magic instead he learnt Earth manipulation magic.

A little girl came to the steps of the guild one day to join Fairy Tail a while back. Her name is Alexis Tenshi. She is 17 years old and has Shadow God slayer magic. Alexis and Nashi are quite close strength wise and often butt heads with each other but deep down I think they are very good friends.

The kids are incredible and they are surely never going to let us down. They all work so well together and are keeping the name of Fairy Tail alive.

There's only one thimg worrying me though. While watching over Fairy Tail, I have seen some strange happenings and have alerted Mavis to let everyone know. The only problem is though that I'm not exactly sure what is going on. Neither does Mavis.

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