Chapter 2 - Headaches

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Nashi POV

Pounding, that is what my head is doing. I've been getting pounding headaches every day for the past two weeks. Not even Wendy can help. She said they are nothing like a normal headache. I don't know and actually don't care. I just want them gone.  I still manage to turn up at the guild though. It kind of eases when I'm with those idiots. Family does wonders I guess.

I walk into the guild this morning feeling a bit better than usual and take a seat with Alexis who is talking to some of the older guild members. "Hey guys" I say sitting down with one hand to my head and leaning on it.

"Hey, you any better?" Alexis asks me with a concerned tone. 

"Nah" Is what I manage to say out of anything. "Wanna go on a mission?"

"Shouldn't you stay here and rest if you aren't 100%?"

"It's a headache not a bloody disease" I semi yell at her getting multiple stares from other guild members. "Sorry Alexis, maybe you're right"

Makarov POV

"Is Nashi ok?" First sits next to me with orange juice while swinging her legs like a little kid.

"She has been experiencing major headaches lately, they aren't usual ones though which gets my attention." I say. Looking at Nashi she doesn't look her usual self either. Something isn't right. "Why do you ask?"

"Well I was concerned and also because something doesn't seem right, have you seen Natsu today? Usually he is in here fighting with Gray already like usual but there are no fights what so ever. Gajeel is usually sitting over there with Levy while she reads, they hold hands and he stares at her endlessly and its quite sweet but he isn't with Levy today, Gajeel didn't even show up. Wendy and romeo are quite often swooning over each other in the corner or conversing with other guild members but romeo has been by himself all day. Laxus isn't even here pretending to be miserable. The only dragon slayer here today is Nashi and she isn't even feeling well" Mavis says with a hushed voice probably so the rest of the guild mates wouldn't hear and become worried after realization. 

"Laxus pretends to be miserable?" I ask in disbelief.

"That and he usually sits at the counter talking to MIra. But that isn't the point. There is something up with the dragon slayers or it is a complete coincidence that all the originals aren't here today." Mavis is right.

"Nashi, Levy, Romeo and Mira please come here." I call out across the guild. The four promptly make their way over to me and stand there with curious expressions. 

Nashi POV

"What's up gramps" I ask as all four of us go over to gramps, my head still hurting.

"Do any of you know what happened to the dragon slayers today?" He questions us.

"Dad wasn't at home when I left this morning" I say not really getting why we are being asked such a question.

"I haven't seen wendy all day" Says Romeo.

"Gajeel left the house early this morning saying he had to be somewhere and he would see me later today" Levy commented.

"Same for Laxus" Mira added.

Suddenly I have a feeling inside of my head that I can't explain. It's almost like i'm being dragged somewhere by instincts. "Nashi are you ok?" Someone says but I ignore them. I have to start moving. I sprint out of the guild unsure of where i'm going. "Follow her" I hear behind me. I run through town, through the forest and out to an opening.

I see all the dragon slayers standing there. Even ones from other guilds. I walk forward and join them all standing in a line looking up into the sky. "What's going on dad?" I ask.

"Something amazing"

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