Losing My Mind: Tyler Seguin

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A/N- I'm back! I apologize for this long overdue update, but that's because I don't have any good ideas. Requests are still open, and I want to say thanks to all of the readers out there. So, since hockey season has started, this one shot is dedicated to hockey.


(Y/N P.O.V.)

I ran for my life. It was a dark and stormy night, and I just got out of the American Airlines Center. Some idiot was chasing me, and this isn't the first time that a situation like this has happened. It wouldn't surprise me if this guy was my ex-boyfriend, Taron.

I looked behind me, and sure enough, Taron was the person who was following me. He just couldn't let me go, but I was over him. I was shocked because he followed me to the one place where I felt safe and sound. That place was among the fanatics of the Dallas Stars. I could do whatever I want, and that included keeping an eye on a certain center for the green and black.

One of the main reasons that I go to the games is to watch Tyler Seguin play, and I swear, every time that I went to a game, he would score a goal. It made me feel excited, because I always had the same seat right behind the Stars' bench.

I didn't stop running until I accidentally ran into a pole. It made me fall, and Taron caught up to me.

"Are we really playing these games again, (Y/N)?"

I shouted, "Why can't you understand that I don't want to be with you anymore! I DON'T WANT YOU ANYMORE!"

Taron just smiled at me, "I'll make you mine again, darling."
I braced myself, and he started to hit me. He called me evil things, he hit me in the head until I was almost unconscious and continued until he said, "Will you be mine once again, darling?"

Before I could reply, a truck pulled up besides the scene of the beating. A man walked out and said, "Why are you beating up my girlfriend?"

I looked at my hero, who just said I was his, and it was someone who I would never expect. It was Tyler Seguin who called me his girlfriend.

Taron was out of sight in no time, and before I knew what happened to me, Tyler picked me up and put me into his truck. I didn't know what happened next, because I blacked out.


I woke up in a hospital room and it was way too bright in there.

I exclaimed, "Why won't the sun shut up!"

The nurse must of heard the ruckus that I made, and she walked in immediately. She said something to me that must of been along the lines of not having a concussion, but I was going to have some light sensitivity.

"...and I don't know if you would be here without the man who brought you in."

I asked the nurse, "Who brought me in?"

She smiled and said, "Tyler Seguin did. He said he would find you again when we released you, which is going to happen soon. Just remember to take it easy for a while."

I signed the paperwork and started to make my way back to my apartment. I realized that I forgot my car at the Center. I just hoped that they had some form of mercy on me and left it there until I was released from the hospital. Sure enough, it was still there along with a piece of paper on my windshield. I thought it was a parking ticket for being an idiot and forgetting my car there overnight.

Nope. It was a note from the one who saved me last night. I didn't know that Tyler Seguin actually cared for me. I looked at the note, and started to read along,


You probably know who I am, and I wanted to say that I hope you're okay. I am sorry that I couldn't get there sooner, and I hope you'll forgive me. Also, I hope we'll meet again someday.

-Tyler Seguin

I was surprised at how nice he was to his fans, and I got in and started to drive back to my apartment. I pulled in the parking garage, and I immediately stopped because I saw his truck. I didn't know he had a friend or teammate that lived in my apartment complex. It wasn't the cream of the crop for apartments in Dallas, but it was one of the better places to live.

I was thinking about a song that I heard, and I swore that Tyler was going to drive me until I lost my mind. I started to park my car, and after that, I got out and walked towards the elevator. I hit the button that would be the first of many steps to take me home.

The elevator stopped at the parking garage, and Tyler Seguin stepped out. He smiled at me and said, "I'm glad you're alright. Who was that guy with you last night? Also, what's your name?"

I looked at him and began, "I'm (Y/N). I was being abused by my ex-boyfriend Taron. We broke up last week because he was never around. If he did show his face...."

I broke down in tears. It made me sick to think about what Taron did to me.

I stopped and I spoke, "Sorry about that. I'm not comfortable at all talking about it. I didn't mean to cry either."

Tyler looked at me, "I understand, but I like your name. It's perfect to describe such a beautiful girl."

I blushed, "Thank you."

Tyler asked me, "Are you going to the game against the Predators tonight?"

"Once I grab my sunglasses, then I'll eventually make my way over there."

Tyler said, "I hope to see you there, (Y/N)."

He walked off and made it to his truck. I got on the elevator and made it to my apartment.

For some unknown reason, the door was unlocked. I was terrified that Taron was there, just waiting for me. He probably wanted to continue what happened yesterday.

Nope. Instead, there was a bouquet of flowers with a Dallas Stars logo on the vase. They were beautiful, and I knew why he was here. Right next to the vase was the apartment key that Taron used to have when we were together. The only change was that my spare key had the Stars' logo on it.

Tyler must of found it last night when Taron took off. At least he returned it to me. The flowers, on the other hand, were unexpected. There was a note with the flowers, and it said

One day, I hope to give you these in person.


Tyler Seguin liked me? He cared for me ever though we weren't together. He still though of me as his girl though.

I grabbed my sunglasses, and decided to rest for a while. I started to doze off, and before I fell asleep, I set the alarm so I wouldn't forget.


I woke up to the alarm, which was the song that I was describing my feelings with Tyler.

You make me crazy, and I kinda like it.

I smiled and got ready to go back to the scene of the crime. I put on my favorite Dallas Stars sweatshirt, which had number 91 on the back. I started to walk towards the American Airlines Center with my sunglasses. I hoped the game wasn't sold out, and I could get a seat that was somewhat close to where I normally would watch the Stars.

I made it to the ticket window, and the worker handed me a ticket with my exact seat. I started to pay for it, and he refused my credit card.

"Somebody already paid the price. Enjoy the game," he said as he handed me the ticket.

I smiled and walked towards the entrance. I was at home, but I was in for the worst surprise.

"Well, aren't you looking fine, (Y/N)?"

I looked, and saw Taron with some of his friends. I hoped we weren't near each other. I didn't want to deal with him the whole game.

I ignored him, and once I was inside, I made a beeline for my seat. I was terrified because he was here tonight.

I tried to focus on warmups, but his presence made me uneasy about coming tonight.

The arena was bright, so I kept my sunglasses on. At last, the Stars skated out onto the ice. I saw Tyler, and he smiled at me. I was a little bit more relaxed knowing that Tyler was playing.

The game began, and it didn't take long for Tyler to take a shot.

Goal! 1-0 Stars!

The crowd was going insane. It only took a few seconds to get the puck past the Nashville defense. I cheered for Tyler and the team. I knew it was going to be a long night for the Nashville goalies.


It ended up resembling a low scoring lacrosse game, and the final was 6-1 Stars. Tyler had two goals and an assist.

A security guard came behind me quietly, and he spooked me. I thought it was Taron, but then he started to speak, "Come with me. A player has requested your presence."

I nodded. I followed him towards the locker room. Before we got past the sea of fans, Taron found me.

"Why are you taking my girlfriend away?" He asked the guard.

The guard radioed some other guards and continue to lead me towards the locker room. I was scared because of what Taron would do to me when he escaped.

"Here we are, Miss. Have a nice night."

He walked off, and I was in a group that I didn't know. I just wanted to know why I was here.

The players started walking out, and I knew immediately that I was with the WAGS of the Dallas Stars. I was in shock, because I wasn't with any of them, not yet.

I thought about the note Tyler left me the other day. Maybe we were something, except I didn't know about it yet.

The note that he gave me yesterday would prove my thoughts correct.

He walked out as my thoughts were being twisted in my head.

"Would you like to go out with me, (Y/N)?"

Tyler had a single rose, and I knew he would never hurt me like Taron did.

I replied, "Yes."

We walked to his car, and I got into the truck. This time, I was conscious of where I was and who I was with.

The radio turned on as soon as the car started.

You, got me perfectly confused.

Always find a way to mess me up and drive me wild.

I love the way you make me lose my mind.


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