The Universe is a Hologram

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Hi! So this is a tag that AShruinger and divergent_spn61 tagged me in. The rules are below, and also I need to do this before I leave on vacation.

1. I love Anatomy and Physiology! It was my favorite class in high school, and I eventually want a career in medicine.

2. Acting is something I wished I would have found earlier. I love it, except I'm shy around new people.

3. I actually like two hockey teams. I like the Nashville Predators and the Dallas Stars.

4. I am the Junior Varsity captain for my high school lacrosse team. It's amazing, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

5. I want to go to Wrestlemania one day. Maybe it will come to Nashville, and then I could go.

6. Currently, I am typing this in an airport. About to head to Nashville for a college visit.

7. I have never had soda or coffee. People think it is pretty bizarre that I haven't had either of them, but I prefer water or juice over that.

8. In the airport, they just sang Happy Birthday to one of their employees. Weird, but I participated in it.

9. I love Kingdom Hearts! It is my favorite game to play, and I still have it on the PlayStation 2.

10. I also play Disney Infinity on the Xbox. It's so much fun!!

11. I want to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow. That probably came from watching The Hunger Games a little too much.

12. I want to also learn how to be a goalie in either hockey or lacrosse.

13. My favorite weather is when it is cloudy. I don't like it when it is too bright.

I don't know who to tag, but if anyone wants to do it, go for it!

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