Chapter 3

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SIGHTZZZZZ's army was immediately pummeled by dozens of explosive and electric arrows. Some of them died instantly. Many others lay on the ground, moaning in pain. Then my army rushed out to meet the remainder. I summoned ice spikes up from the ground, skewering a handful of them. I jumped down from the wall and into the battle. Twirling my magical scimitars, I cut through my opponents left and right, the swords' sunfire blades burning through armor and shields to kill the invaders. Suddenly, our dead enemies stood up like nothing had happened, and kept fighting. The Staff! I thought, remembering its power to bring dead entities back to life. The Staff of War was SIGHT's Capital Weapon, and he was using it to its full potential. Along with the resurrected players rose many strange metal monsters. "Separate him from the staff!" I yelled, blasting another warrior with fire. They put up their shield just in time, blocking the blaze. They then thrust their spear at me. I barely deflected it with a dagger, and at that instant, their head got lopped off. The body fell away to reveal Scimitar, bashing heads all over the place with the Mourner's Axe. As an enemy knight jumped at him with a greatsword, he whirled around and exhaled shadowy acid right into their face. The flesh covering their skull melted away to reveal white bone underneath. Even with all this death on SIGHT's side, we were slowly getting pushed back. I kept backing up, and when my back pressed against obsidian, I gave the order to retreat. We opened the gates, and as a small force covered us so that our opponents couldn't get through, we activated the outer mines.

The attacking force was blown apart and separated, splitting a significant chunk of the army from their commander. The two groups continued to fight us, attacking from the front and back at the same time. We wiped out the leaderless force with my flame abilities, lighting arrows, and finally a poison gas trap. The people who could use magic shot antimatter spells underneath the spots where they died so that SIGHT could not reach them with the Staff of War. Coming back to SIGHT's squad, I could see that they were slowly but surely pushing back my troops with trebuchets in the distance. We needed to do something about that. 

So, with all the power granted by the fire spirit essence inside me, I summoned a massive fireball, sending up into the sky, where it hurtled down onto the enemy siege weapons outside the city. Suddenly, the barrage stopped. But our victory was short lived, for it turned out that the attack on the gates was just a diversion. Another battalion of SIGHTZZZZZ's army had tunneled under the wall. luckily, the techs in the control room had placed mines and a layer of lava there, so most of them died before they could get through. Even still, a few made it with ender pearls and blast prot on their armor. They burst into our town, behind the front lines, and shot our guards off the wall. They then mined their way through, letting everyone else in. The battle was turning against us. With the walls falling around me, several houses burning, and almost no chance to recapturing the city, we retreated again, into the mountain. Sealing the doors, we hoped that the special in-combat block breaking rules would apply and it would take the invading hoard a while to get in, for they had only pickaxes. We ran through the bunker tunnels, winding our way up to the top of the mountain, where our castle was. Hiding beside the entrance, everyone assembled to defend against the players we had failed to keep out last time. I had all the mines in the town and tunnels armed, ready to be activated at a moment's notice. They broke through the doors, and were gassed, fried with electricity, blasted with fire, and crushed by cave-ins all at the same time, killing almost all of them. Huge boulders fell in front of the entrance, blocking SIGHT off from his dead minions. Of course, though, we couldn't kill all of them. More and more enemy fighters flooded the catacombs, getting blown up by mines all the way. Metal creatures were summoned outside, limbs morphed into iron pickaxes, and started to mine away the boulders. Then the invaders were at the castle, hacking at our shields with axes and swords. I used the Arctic Glaive to block the entrance with a sheet of ice. With that stalling them, we prepared for our last stand. Some of us piled remote-detonated bombs onto the tunnel entrance, so that when they broke through, all the explosives would fall on top of them. People with high level shields formed a circle around the hole to keep them at bay, while all our archers aimed their bows to shoot anyone who came through. Me, Br0wnie, Cited, and Scimitar discussed how to use our God Weapon's abilities to our advantage. I would make barricades out of ice to give us more time, and also kill them with ice spikes. Scim would summon hidden spirits on the lip of the tunnel entrance, which would attack and steal the souls of enemy players. Many of us desperately needed food, so Br0wnie used her God Weapon, the Bow of Sustenance, to grow wheat and spawn cows, sheep, and pigs. Finally, Cite and I would use the acidic powers of the Deep Spear and my fire powers to form a wall of flaming acid around the inner keep, which our forces could retreat through if we were overrun. All of us hoped that these last lines of defense could hold SIGHT and his army back until our backup arrived; Lone and her entire nation, armed with something no one but she had yet:


One of the mods on the server was Ice and Fire, which adds fire, lightning, and ice dragons that come in five stages; if you kill a female dragon of fifth tier, it drops a dragon egg, which you can construct a special shrine for. After placing the egg on the shrine, you have to wait a couple of days, then it hatches as a tamed stage one dragon. You can feed it dragon meal, which is crafted with bones and fire charges for fire dragons, bones and lightning in a bottle for lightning dragons, and bones and ice dust for ice dragons to speed its growth. Each dragon meal increases its age by one day, and when it reaches day one hundred, it is a stage five dragon. There is also one more stage: Greatwyrm. These dragons are one hundred and fifty days old.

Lone was coming with several stage two and three fire dragons, because they were the most common type in the desert where Lone lived. And dying from a dragon's breath weapon is the one type of death the Staff of War couldn't reverse. With these beasts on our side, we could drive SIGHT out and focus on other things once again.

It was then that we heard the first sounds of battle coming from outside. There was a massive explosion, probably from the bombs, detonated, followed by the strangled yells of players as their souls were stolen. Then came the clashing of swords and the dusty growls of the husks created by the Mournland spirits. Once the soul-less slaves had been killed, the survivors progressed on to the ice barriers, where they were shot from every direction at once, even by dispensers hidden under the floor. After that, we unleashed another secret weapon; cages on elevators rose up through the floor, where they released stymphalian birds, trolls, as well as a hydra. All of these served to create chaos among the enemy, while our troops were safe behind a wall of ice. The stymphalian birds shot the hydra in the heads, giving it more, and the trolls were immune to the hydra's poison. We were succeeding in pushing them back, driving them away, when the first of the cyclops appeared.

Cyclops are some of the most deadly mobs on the entire server if they are able to get in close to you. They will pick you up and literally eat you whole, killing you instantly if you have anything worse than full enchanted diamond plate armor. SIGHT must have had his soldiers kill them from a distance, than resurrected them to fight on his side.

The cyclops got right to munching on us. Most of us only had steel plate with chain mail, so we were easy targets for the lumbering one-eyed monsters. luckily, one bit off more than it could chew-literally. It picked up Dom, who possessed titanium with steel chain mail, and swallowed him. After a few seconds, it grimaced, and a diamond battle axe blade burst out of its neck in a shower of blood and gristel. It slumped to the ground, dead. Dom clambered out of the wound and back into battle. I watched all of this in stunned silence. The last cyclops fell soon after. We had lost many players to them. With our numbers severely reduced, we had to fall back. Running into the inner keep, trying hold the hoard back for a few more minutes. We could hear wing beats in the distance, getting closer by the second. I gave the order, and we retreated again, behind the acid wall. There we formed a ring around the titan's heart.

All of us were prepared to die to protect it.

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